If you were me, what would you read next?

If you were me, what would you read next?

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If I were you I'd stop looking at those stupid charts.


Faulkner. April is Faulkner season.


good enough.
If you're into actual masterpieces, Proust, Anna Karenina
If it's for the book count, Roadside Picnic, La Chute
Decent compromise: Dubliners, Dune

because they're memes made by people who don't read
April is for Chaucer

Not anymore.

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>because they're memes made by people who don't read
This. Also, by people who don't know anything about the history of literature.

How about you point out exactly what's wrong with that chart.

they are still good books though, I've read at least half of them and enjoyed the majority

portrait of the artist as a young man is kino and my fav book cause i read it junior yr of HS

>spoonfeed me daddy
Daddy is tired right now son, maybe after you take a nap.

Choosing one from each row:
Blood Meridian
White Noise
A Farewell to Arms
Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep
A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man
East of Eden
The Count of Monte Cristo

Moby Dick


>explain yourself

The Old Man and the Sea is really short and really good imo

You guys are welcome to recommend something that is not on the list

Journey to the end of the night

and May. I'm saving Light in August for August though.


my essential picks

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And also why would anyone let Yea Forums decide what they read. Just read what interests you I don't understand how that's so hard.

How can I know that a book interests me before reading it?

Read Ficciones!

Moby Dick

OP, the utter badassness of Moby Dick cannot be overstressed.

Anglos leave please.

Monte Cristo

>Nobody in France asks people to explain what they mean
>French academia is plagued with verbose charlatans

Moby Dick is amazing if u take it slow enough


>if you can't explain it to a ten your old don't waste my time or your breath
wow, truly astounding insight noam. So this is the power of american intellectuals...

The French are bullshit artists

>I can't understand so it must be bullshit

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No, it's bullshit because it's bullshit. You don't actually think that you're smarter than Chomsky, right?

>hasn't read the meme trilogy yet
read Ulysses, Gravity's Rainbow, and Infinite Jest, in that order. make sure the edition you get of Ulysses is either the 1961 or the Gabler edition; for the other two, get the edition with the cover you like the most

you don't actually think Chomsky is smart right? he's seen as something of a joke everywhere but america
you're embarrassing yourself kid.

>he's seen as something of a joke
source: your anus

Ok whatever kid.

Lets say I'm lying to you, do you think he seen as such a genius that he invalidates Derrida, Foucault (who btfo him in a debate) Lyotard, Baudrillard and Deleuze? is this what you expect me to believe right now, all these guys are hacks because chomsky says "I don't like theory"



>philosopher John Searle of the University of California, Berkeley, describing how Michel Foucault and Pierre Bourdieu--two eminent French thinkers whose abilities Searle obviously respected--told him that if they wrote clearly they wouldn't be taken seriously in France.


moby dick

Attached: french bullshit.jpg (806x481, 530K)

>another american
they were probably just fucking with him or trying to make him feel better.

chart friends

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>He didn't fall for a single meme
None, you've read all that needed to be read. Now, go forth and multiply.

>He didn't fall for a single meme
user, he read several memes:
>Illiad and Odyssey
>American Psycho
>Animal Farm
>Hitchhiker's Guide
and your implication that Tolstoy and Borges are memes is absurd

White Noise, Androids, and Suttree are your best bet.

keeping with the theme of narrowing down each other's recs, OP, read White Noise

I'm not OP, but that was a suggestion that I made on OP's behalf.

I already knew that you're not OP. assuming the person you replied to is not also you, it looked like you were narrowing down someone else's recs, so I did that to you in turn


>If you were me


