literally "We live in a society..." the book.
Is this what you teenage cringelords are into these days?
Nah, most cringelord zoomers are more into pic related today; erudite and non-memetic as he is, Uncle Ted is too much of a boomer for contemporary youth.
I wish he didn't destroy the original one.
Could you post a link, so I can know to avoid it?
I don't understand the "We live in a society" meme. Is it supposed to imply we don't? If so that's a stupid meme.
Its supposed to imply that somebody else's attempts at social commentary are shallow and juvenile.
Don't overthink it kek, it's just a post-ironic means of meming about the insanity of the stupidass clown world in which we live.
Oh, that makes sense. In that case OP (you?) is right.
It just means that the society is shit. A truism, but memes aren't deep.
It's honestly pretty convincing for me as to why tech and the industrial world is no bueno. Are there any works I can read to dismantle the ideas in the manifesto?
Stephen pinker and the other jesters of the court of neoliberal capitalism or whores of davos as I like to call them.
Dogs don't delegitimize wolves. Yes, we live in a society. Wolves degenerate into their lower, domesticated form. Agricultural society is dysgenic. The weak and frail urbanize, further pushing the deterioration of their genotype. Dogs institutionalize. That's all there is to it. There can be no dialogue between dogs and wolves. Fundamentally opposite. Two directions, one vector. In french, "meaning" (sens) has in fact two meanings. It can be understood as 'meaning' (signification,définition) or 'direction' (direction, sens). So 'meaning' has a spacial quality to it. It is, if not of metaphysical predisposition, at least bidimensional. 'Meaning' as it is meant and understood by anglos is eventually empty, neutered. It is devoid of any non-temporal meaning.
The word meaning itself posits a metaphysical grounding to the entire language, which the english language lacks - they do not even differentiate genders.
based schizo
he was right to delete it seeing how shit tier TGR is
>he word meaning itself posits a metaphysical grounding to the entire language
Please expand on this sentence, or point me some resources on it, if you could. I have been struggling with this question for some time now.
>how shit tier TGR is
It's different enough for the normalfags to start looking into THE BIRTHRATES
sic ad hom bro
you're also overthinking it lmao
Teds in this thread, say hello.
regurgitating retarded demagoguery gives out the same retarded demagoguery. Of course retards will buy it, that's no merit.
>I hate myself and my dad ;_;
have sex