Tfw im god and i cant wake up, dont reply to this thread you archetypes of my dreams

>tfw im god and i cant wake up, dont reply to this thread you archetypes of my dreams

Attached: scEgOMZ.png (200x170, 35K)

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We're all NPCs. The Player has gone AFK and he's not coming back.

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Why would a Solipsist ever feel the need to engage with his NPC imaginations?
>inb4 for fun (that makes absolutely zero sense btw)

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>tfw other people think they are actually real
>they don’t know I’m actually the only real person
I am and you are not

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kek npc's are getting funnier

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are you the same milky milky warm and tasty and the one calling out fat people and cucks on fit?

Lmao what kind of god can't do something as simple as wake up, you delusional retard? Some godly being you are loool.

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one who doesn’t want to go to god school because he knows he’ll get god bullied by the other gods

>other gods

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Obviously you dont want to wake up. You're God, if you wanted to do something it would be done. For some reason you have decided to partition your consciousness into a human ego on Earth. It's probably better than whatever you were doing before. Might as well make the best of it for now.

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>implying God is omnipotent

god is all powerful so you should be able to wake up as you please, therefore you are just a bored neet or a psichotic neet.

Butterfly/:3/Zhuangzi a cute.

is god not powerful enough to make other gods? other gods of equal if not greater power?

Same question of
Can god create a rock he cant lift?, careful while posting that question here it triggers christcucks they will call you brainlet while not giving a logical objective answer.
Theres not real an answer for that but it all comes down to why would god do that in a way that your human brain is capable of understanding

yes... and. what. if... ....that delights me??

Are you italian-americano?

Why does it make zero sense? It's fun, what more do you need?

>is god not powerful enough to make other gods
He can, it's that they're all part of him, so there's still only one God because God is everything, including other Gods. They can even be more powerful than him, but at the end of the day he's still going to come out on top because he's God and that's his thing.

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You sound fuck yourself.

What in the name of Odin, there's plenty of gods that ain't omnipotent.


Based as usual