Is it possible to be a good writer and right wing? Alt-right? Isn't fascism anti-intellectual?
Is it possible to be a good writer and right wing? Alt-right? Isn't fascism anti-intellectual?
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What's the point of being an intellectual?
*in todays age.
No there has never been a single right wing author.
Asking on this board?
No, it's impossible to be a good writer in general during the cringe era.
Maybe in the past. But they were also unconventional. And some were aesthetes. Like T.S. Eliot
No one is good?
Being bound to any ideology tends to hinder writing (fiction at least)
>Is it possible to be a good writer and right wing?
Just off the top of my head:
>W. B. Yeats (nationalist who hated democracy)
>Yukio Mishima (nationalist who wanted to give all of Japan's power back to the Emperor)
>Ezra Pound (fascist who supported Hitler)
>Knut Hamsun (fascist who supported Hitler)
>T. S. Eliot (Christian conservative)
>Rudyard Kipling (imperialist)
>Michel Houellebecq (nationalist who thinks Trump is a good president)
Shit bait.
>Maybe in the past.
Who besides wellbeck is good and right wing in the current era?
Who gives a fuck about the current era? Literature is at an all time low. You can count on two hands the amount of modern writers who have a shot at being canonized.
Welp youre not wrong there.
David Mamet. Although he hasn't written a good play in over a decade.
>two hands
That's a lot
If by "good" you mean someone who has incisive insight into politics or society, then no. The modern Right is split into two very broad groups. The first are the capitalist apologists. These are subdivided into those who serve their self-interest - in which case they have no interest in critically thinking about the world, and definitely no interest in writing about it. The second subdivision are the useful idiots types who defend the current arrangement because they're ideologues or because they've fallen for the deception. You've got nothing worthwhile to say either way. Now, the second group of right-wingers are the "Alt Right" in the broadest sense, that is, people who are right wing and don't fit into the first group I described. These include the Bannons of the world and their lackeys. The Bannons peddle their half-assed ideology with the aim of cynically exploiting people for personal gain. The lackeys are just dolts who fall for it. Again, you've got nothing worthwhile to write if we're going by my earlier definition of worthwhile as a sincere attempt to understand the world.
I misspoke. I should've said one hand. If you take a look at post-1980 authors, you find that there are only a few who have any staying power. Wallace might be canonized, Bolaño might be canonized, there are probably a couple of others, and that's about it.
>Just off the top of my head:
>>W. B. Yeats (nationalist who hated democracy)
>>Yukio Mishima (nationalist who wanted to give all of Japan's power back to the Emperor)
>>Ezra Pound (fascist who supported Hitler)
>>Knut Hamsun (fascist who supported Hitler)
>>T. S. Eliot (Christian conservative)
>>Rudyard Kipling (imperialist)
>>Michel Houellebecq (nationalist who thinks Trump is a good president)
Why would I care what a frog thinks of Trump? Just one right wing author.
He's just a contrarian.
He's meme as fuck but he has left an impact. Although none of us know if that impact will still be felt a few decades from now. We'll just have to wait and see if Infinite Meme is being read 50 years from now.
>Why would I care what a frog thinks of Trump?
You shouldn't. I'm just showing he's right-wing.
>Just one right wing author.
Mamet too. Anyway, it's not as if there's a massive amount of great left-wing authors in today's world, so I don't know why you're acting like it's embarrassing that the right doesn't have more great authors.
Fascism isn't totally anti-intellectual, but they only care about intellectualism insofar as it can be framed as a national achievement. Umberto Eco's essay on ur-Fascism talks about how Mussolini's regime would imprison or censor some dissident poets, but bankrolled others just so the regime could have the appearance of supporting the arts. Under fascism all culture is part of a culture war with everyone else.
I think that fascism is extremely wrong, but faith in an immaterial thing, that is right. Just don’t lump things together, on either side of the spectrum pls
Shut the fuck up you imbecile
Most self-identifying leftists in this site seem to be anti-liberal as well, so that would make the conflating of fascism and right-wing a very poor choice.
Erasmus, Hobbes, Voltaire, Maquiavel, Montesquieu, Voltaire, Locke, Mill, Tocqueville, Bastiat, Burke, Kant - are all good reads, sometimes very whitty. Classical liberals and early humanists lean right wing in the context of current European politics since they were for the rights of individual persons and for limiting the state - yes, even Hobbes, he was revolutionary in claiming that each person's selfish need to protect itself superceded that person's duty to his or her sovereign.
As for fascist fellow-travelers, you have Schmit. He makes some really gutchurning review of the limitations of liberal democracy and, deeper than that, of the nature of the state and politics and the impossibility of peace through politics. At very least, I'd recommend reading him to read his best critics (like Agamben) as he packs a big stinger.
I don't think I've ever heard of an alt-right novelist or philosopher - mostly they seem to communicate through internet memes and poorly sourced infographics.
Intellectualism today is a homogenizing force that has allowed this era to produce few writers of note. I’m not sure if I can name any great leftist writers at the moment, especially since their cultural output has been subsumed by poptimism.
If one finds his way out of this woodwork, he will be consciously anti-intellectual.
Holy shit I know that dude from my alt right days, wonder what he's up to now
You can be right wing and not be a fascist. Hell, I don't even know what constitutes as "right-wing" nowadays. It seems anything right of deep left is considered "right-wing"
I would frame that differently. I think that homogenizing force is anti-intellectualism, the emotionalism that dominates both left and right discourse. A return to intellectualism is the way out.
yes, take me for example
It's anachronistic to peg Kipling as conservative or right wing for being an imperialist. The white man's burden was a progressive view.
Yes. Surprisingly, not everyone who disagrees with you is a brainlet by default. People across the political spectrum can have varying intellectual abilities. Go figure.
Must pain leftists that their ideology actually has to be at least somewhat anti-intellectual if theyre serious about hating neolibs and progressives. Writing these types off as not intellectuals is super dishonest.
In a real revolution–not a simple dynastic change or a mere reform of institutions–in a real revolution the best characters do not come to the front. A violent revolution falls into the hands of narrow-minded fanatics and of tyrannical hypocrites at first. Afterwards comes the turn of all the pretentious intellectual failures of the time. Such are the chiefs and the leaders. You will notice I have left out the mere rogues. The scrupulous and the just, the noble, humane and devoted natures, the unselfish and the intelligent may begin a movement–but it passes away from them. They are not the leaders of a revolution. They are its victims–the victims of disgust, disenchantment–often of remorse. Hopes grotesquely betrayed, ideals caricatured – that is the definition of revolutionary success.
--Jospeh Conrad
Yes, it's possible.
t. certified mysogynist and published writer
neolibs are the archetypical midwits, they're not complete morons but they're also not smart enough to think about society, the economy, etc, in critical ways. you can see this any time an anti-communist bait thread comes up, the neolib response is always to smugly demand their opponent read an economics text while in reality a well educated marxist will be able to run circles around a neolib both in discussing intra-capitalist economic theories and political economy in general (the latter of which the neolib is unable to even consider due to his indoctrination). now that's not to say there are not tons of dumbass leftists, there certainly are especially online, but there are NO neolibs who are not dumbasses at the end of the day
to your point specifically, most modern public-facing intellectuals are also midwits, there is no contradiction
Bill Hopkins was pretty much a fascist
I've only read The Divine & The Decay (aka The Leap). It was alright.
>Under fascism all culture is part of a culture war with everyone else.
Just like in any other regime.
Right wingers for the most part are morons who dont understand that art should be subtle and indirect and not a skinhead yelling about white power.
Good art has nothing to do with ideology and more with an attack on bourgeois normality. And an evolian, black sun, worshiping fascist, is definitely counter to some petite bourgeois soccer mom from the suburbs or a fox news commentator
The real problem is when people put politics before art. Something both the left and right do.
>who is Ezra Pound
Can you give me examples of some neolib figures?
>Nothing worthwhile to write if you're not open-minded and spreading love
Yes because Celine was a great person right? Hobbes wanted a monarchy as the ideal government. But nothing to say, because they dont agree with public perception and random user. Furthermore, if you're anti-capitalist you're a coward or a moron
are you fucking retarded
nick land, evola and yockey are far right and good authors
What is "Alt-Right"?
best post in this thread
I used to be a Leninist, but I started reading more and eventually became a Neoreactionary after realising it was the left, philosophically, politically, materially, that was illogical and protestant.
Who is good and left wing in the current era?
The first 5 are good writers. Kipling was not a conservative by the standards of the day and Houellebecq is absolute shite.
dude cool thread idea lmao, we talkin POLITiCs on Yea Forums.
Cultural Marxist subjectivity.
Donald Trump.
Need I say more?
this is so fucking based, user. i love it . imm gonna skull fuck this quote while camping with my asian gf later tonight.
>reddit spacing
>replying to the tripfag
Please leave.
The ironing.
Our boy Nassim Nicholas Taleb is right wing.
Forget the anti-IQ stuff. He dedicated skin in the game to Ron Paul, has spoken at Ron Paul events and has expressed a general opposition to immigration (coloured by his experiences with Palestinian refugees causing havoc in Lebanon)
He's probably the most influential intellectual the right have ATM.