Ah hahaha he's a NEET right

>Ah hahaha he's a NEET right
>Meanwhile I like Alexandra Cortez because she worked at Taco Bell, she knows a lot about life

Attached: neech.jpg (199x254, 8K)

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Be honest, is this thread about him or is it actually about you?

be honest, it's about discord leftists

For a guy who doesn't believe in God he sure as hell spent a lot of time trying to prove he doesn't exist, eh?

your brain must have been replaced by a toilet

I dont think he did that at all.

He did believe in God, you 45 IQ cretin.

He wasnt an athiest

>Ahahaha nobody still understands what he wrote! it's so vague and confusing! Is it because he secretly supports Nazi?


more interestingly, the two have an affinity
she and Trump are both Nietzschean


Trump and Cortez are Nietzschean only in the sense that they both are characters in the world-historical setting envisioned by the insightful Nietzsche

whatever they’re doing, it works
their will to power is scary even if it’s not Nietzschean

You mutts don’t have leftists

I know this is bait, but I see this point of view on here pretty often, so it at least represents a genuine attitude.

It's funny how everyone calls Nietzsche an atheist when the line he is most famous for is "God is dead." Tell me, exactly HOW is a God, that does not exist and never existed, supposed to decompose, which he says God is currently in the process of doing? Existence is a prerequisite for decomposition; what the fuck is decomposing otherwise? The line is not "God does not exist," but "God is dead." Learn the difference.

Nietzsche's point of view was entirely a metaphysical one (so much so that it was no longer a metaphysical one, but an absolute one, one that made no distinctions between the metaphysical and the physical, viewing it all at once as a complex, multi-faceted, multi-directional and multi-layered spectrum of finite energy), therefore, God certainly did exist to him. The atheist views God entirely from the physical standpoint, and of course God doesn't appear to exist then. But in the world of the philosopher, where distinctions established by a shortsightedness no longer reign supreme over thought, God and ideas are as real as physical pain is to the one who feels it.

the labels don't fucking matter you know who I mean.
They dominate Europe too, I studied there they the exact fucking same.

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 70K)

Nietzsche's thought is like a color that some can see and some can't

video of her dancing really backfired—she’s underestimated, obviously
she advocates for the poor but dresses like a model (like Trump’s wife)

Him saying God is dead is because he spent his life trying to disprove God's existence to himself

A lot of good Nietzsche bait on this board lately. One even caught me the other day. Have my upvote!

Go back to /pol/.
This board isn't for you.

>she advocates for the poor but dresses like a model
she represents the confused and paradoxical values of the middle class

which is why they love her

I have been here since before /pol/ was a board. Stop repeating buzzwords and use your brain for a second. Get hit by a bus

Youth is idolizing Neechee
Adulthood is realizing Schopenhauer makes more sense

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except Nietzsche is part 2 of reading schoppy, not the other way around

Schopie is cool until he starts talking about women and gets all incel. It's like dude we get it you're the joker

God is dead because we killed him. We ventured so high into the metaphysical, which gave birth to God in the first place, that we arrived in deep space, in the midst of a vast darkness where up and down and left and right are no longer definable. The highest climbers found themselves no longer held by anything, just floating in this space, while everyone else not strong enough to reach the top, without the best climbers above them to keep their suspension, fell from the tower and landed back on the ground in the dirt, like Babel, now lost in the sauce of modernity. The floaters in space, meanwhile, are either perishing, or becoming astronauts, seeking to "discover" (read: create) new planets, where they can start all over again.

I chucked

I'm still waiting for the part 3

Butterfly is protecting her pussy for me! I told her to, and she did the same thing she did with her age, just to mess around and get a rise from me, but she immediately signed on to the idea! :3

Thanks butterfly


ok, if you wrote that, you’re good

Attached: nihilist bio-ontology.png (1366x768, 913K)

t. wymyn