What is the best book from your country?

What is the best book from your country?
If you are from the US, what state?

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not counting poetry - Krleža - Return of Filip Latinovicz

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>New Jersey
The Collected Poems of William Carlos Williams.

Huck Finn

the big meme

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This, I guess

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Pan, Growth of the soil and Mysteries are all better in my honest imho.

Yeah, pretty much.

What's this about? Forgive my ignorance, looks very interesting.

Undeniably the greatest

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Very hard to get in my country. Is there an ebook format translation?


Probably this, Pennsylvania is mostly deer and potholes.

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PA has Updike and John O’Hara

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>What's this about? Forgive my ignorance, looks very interesting.
Ah, I chose a good cover, so it looks better.
It's an existentialist novel about a painter returning to his rural homeland, contemplating how everything is horrible, mommy/daddy problems, questioning the techniques and purpose of art, etc. A bit Dostoyevskyan. Today it's probably not the most original premise, but the selling point for me is the style, very ornate, bombastic and intense, I found it very entertaining. Sartre regarded it highly too, as a sort of a precursor to his own Nausea.

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For me it's the Poly-Olbion

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from sweden

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Ehle - Land Breakers

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