>Was a Jewish woman
>Criticized Jews in her writing and was not a feminist
Why was Arendt so based?
Was a Jewish woman
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You gave your narrow criteria. Now go read something of hers already
I've actually read two of her books already, Eichmann in Jerusalem and The Origins of Totalitarianism. She shits on Jews in both.
Here’s your clap on the back, Pedro. Good job, buddy!
The only woman I actually intelectually respect. She was a true philosopher and independent thinker.
the Origins of Totalitarianism gives a brilliant account of the rise of anti-Semitism in Europe. how exactly did you come to the conclusion that it was anti-Semitic?
Simone Weil was Jewish and shat on Jews in her writing too. Susan Sontag even called Weil an anti-semite.
>Why was Arendt so based?
Heidegger taught her.
Here's a tl;dr of the shitstorm Arendt caused among her fellow semites:
This in particular was the paragraph that blew them the fuck out forever:
Wherever Jews lived, there were recognized Jewish leaders, and this leadership, almost without exception, cooperated in one way or another, for one reason or another, with the Nazis. The whole truth was that if the Jewish people had been really unorganized and leaderless, there would have been chaos and plenty of misery but the total number of victims would hardly have been between four and half and six million people.
For the record this is a position that is not too far off Heidegger's own (see the Black Notebooks), where the Jews are the creator of their own destruction. Since reminding a Jew of that is the second worst insult imaginable you can give one, read the paper for direct answers to your question.
Just to give you a sample of how butthurt they were:
>[Arendt’s antagonists] in private ‘expose’ her as an anti-Semite, and a newspaper story speaks of the wife of an Israeli official who kept calling her ‘Hannah Eichmann’ – by a slip of the tongue of course.
Heidegger gave her a good dicking that set her straight.
she didn’t shit on the semites as a race tho, but on the filthy leaders of the jewish community that ultimately played a part in the death toll. ‘course zionists don’t like that stuff.
it's still a refreshing deviation from the usual "jews do no wrong" narrative.
>the filthy leaders of the jewish community that ultimately played a part in the death toll
The thing is, who put the leaders of the Jews in charge of the Jews? Who exactly forced the Jews to accept those tribal leaders as their own? Because it wasn't the nazis to nominate rabbis or shit like that: the nazis didn't invent this political structure, they found it, and used it.
Now, is it any wonder Arendt wrote so much on political philosophy and democracy?
I'm positive Arendt managed to survive WW2 because she knew better than defending millennia old savage practices, so she could ultimately receive/give help from/to the right people.
There's only one based Jewish woman.
She wasn’t shutting on (((teh jews))), she was criticizing their passivity and the pathetic trust in the cultural organization that led jewish leaders to cooperate because it was easier to do that than dispense entirely with their home culture and believe wholesale destruction was around the corner. She pointed to traitors with a sense of understanding rather than blame, and undertook an excellent critique of Jewish society in Germany pre- and during WWII and Israeli society after. She was able to accomplish this because (1) she’s a genius (2) she is culturally German (3) she is culturally Jewish to the bone and states so. It is certainly refreshing to read an accurate, clear-eyed account of the Jews’ troubles, but she was more interested in these issues by default, given culture and associates (Zionists and academics), and a strong academic ought not be taken in by establishment principles. She wasn’t just shitting on Jews, my excitable friend.
...and thus Hanna "Eichmann" Arendt is rewarded with getting called a nazi and anti-semite like anyone who happen to shit on the Jews and their retarded cultural practices and feelings. This isn't just a Derrida getting called an apologist by some NYT journal-ist named Jonathan Kandell because the Algerian-born French went looking for the good in Paul De Man's stuff.
I wonder if Arendt's books would have ended up like The Culture of Critique on Amazon, had they been written a sufficient amount of years later.
Self hating jew is the most based stereotype desu
Arendt was something of a right-libertarian. She despised the French revolution, opposed forced de-segregation, and was generally loathed by feminists.
This is Yea Forums, you don't have to pretend to hate Jews here
Based and redpilled. Faggy leftists and butterfly trannies unequivably and utterly btfo
This. Just like bobby fischer.
It takes bravery to do that.
Any logical and well cultured individual eventually comes to resent jews, and also negros, transsexual artifical hermaphrodites and janniesarries.
well fischer was half german so he chose his good half