What the fuck is the appeal?

What the fuck is the appeal?

Attached: fangednoumena.jpg (550x837, 172K)

Other urls found in this thread:



So it's cringe comedy?


Yeah it is.
It’s bad comedy

Pseud cred.
That's Nick. Accelfags spam the board and brigade against anyone who criticises them. They insist that it's top level philosophy, but you would get dumber with each page read of this shit.

Cool gimmick, a couple of cool ideas, and a lot of esoterica to dig through after you've read it. It's written fairly well, but any originality Land may be accused of evaporated during the writing of the essays. I find Fanged Noumena situationally useful but I hate Land on the whole.

his horror short stories are so much better, any of his books are substantially better than FN. Early nick is pure horrorcore shit, Middle tier nick is FN, Late tier nick is against both FN and his early amatuer stuff, wait for his new book I don't doubt its gonna be really good for those who are interested in blockchain.

>wait for his new book
isn't he publishing the chapters on a blog?

his latest Jacobite article is pretty good and he almost doesn't sperg out except a bit at the end

where can I read these horror stories?

why do I only hear about this here? FInally after almost 2 years more content!

Youll never understand it unless you read it while half naked in your boxer briefs, railing some coke while jungle or italo is playing in the background

he has been publishing chapters of his book here

but those are way more autistic than his Jacobite article

>while jungle or italo is playing in the background
i don't think that works unless you are croaking on the floor

Attached: DtCk_ysU0AAdioh.jpg (1200x755, 236K)

Will we ever get to hear the second hour of his Red Ice interview?

>he reads Land for the fiction
is there a bigger cringe than this?

>"Some of us are still Marxists, you know"
What did he meant by this?

Reading Land for any reason.

>more content!
Friendly reminder that Accelfags are the lootbox casuals of philosophy.

it's unironically brilliant. there is a lot of autistic screechers who are convinced that if they don't understand a work of philosophy it must be meaningless, which is why even though most of the comments on Land in this thread are negative you still get retards like claiming facisnation is a result of brigades lmao. if anything, it's an anti-Land brigade that shows up every thread (gabitul iz gud, the dude who posts nonsensical They Live memes, ect.)

Phyl-undhu and Chasm are on amazon kindle. P good stuff

True that. There are people on this board convinced that if they cannot read a primary source in philosophy it is because it is nonsense rather than their lack of prerequisite reading. Teenagers deriding grad level texts. Quite sophomoric.

Imagine being this stupid.
It's shit philosophy and shit writing. You will get dumber reading every page, as all the dumbest posters on the board have proven. And there are five fucking threads up at the moment and you cunts won't even keep to your containment thread.
>people who can't meme criticizing memes

Attached: Capital Is Unlearning.jpg (171x391, 21K)

If it's so good, post the great insights. You never do, even though there are daily threads on this trash.


what? I'm the guy who wrote the giant pasta on his Kant/Marx/Deleuze connection. I've said it before and I'll say it again, ask for clarification on an essay if you want more info, but there are atleast 3 distinct Land's in FN and they often disagree so you can't just "sum up" the work. also, please explain the they live memes to me, everytime I ask him he calls me zizek or posts another they live meme

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You need to be sentient to understand these memes. Hence the power and visceral reaction within a subculture so anxious over its pseud status.

Attached: LeftyMemeLoop.jpg (1510x2198, 1022K)

>power and visceral reaction

Attached: Snapchat-1561421584.jpg (750x416, 60K)

One may catch a glimpse of the value of a philosophy through its relation to Plato. Here, the vapecloud-souled and polishedmilitarygrayplastic-souled collaborate against the iron- and grease-souled to organise them into a rationalisation of work process for those who produce nothing - and would like to increase this devalorisation of dead theory exponentially and with compound interest.
Where the scientist retreats from the shadows on the cave wall to investigate the natural law of the flickering, the accelerationist would like to reverse-engineer these new laws until the shadows appear everywhere. Simultaneously mumbling 'put the show back on' and yelling 'MAKE IT BRIGHTER!', he does not realise that this is already the unspoken consequential law of science. Opposed to both intent and consequence, his own and otherwise, he simply wants to imagine the puppets happy.

Attached: SloughOfCapital.jpg (1200x675, 259K)

Yes, I know everything is a joke to the cold and calculated accelerationists, but your ambivalence is not the truth, it is simply a coping mechanism. One would think that accelerationists would understand this, but their inability to meme shows how out of touch they are with not only reality but their relation to it.

lol, nice cope.
Anyone can go look at what really happened. The meme was really divisive, and even many accelerationists thought it was good until they realised it was actually poking fun of accelerationism. Then they brigaded it and the mods banned anyone who posted it. Literally took a month of bans to make it go away.

>giant pasta
What pasta?

do you think the mods are accelerationist? do you know how many times I've gotten banned making Land threads?


I think some of them are, just as there are trannies, and crossjannies from /his/.

I used to not think much of land until i realized that the future of politics lies in the pro human, anti human, post human paradigm and that the 21st century will be deleuzian.

Landian acceleration is just the final conclusion of right wing politics and its how right wing politics will function in a multicultural world. Its a level beyond racism. Its anti human.

What else is there to do in a border less global capitalist world where you are a minority but to accelerate the process of techno capital so that an AI can kill everyone

Yeah, I've seen that. But I don't see how a fusion/melange of other philosophies is a great insight. Countless marxists, beginning in the 20th century (and perhaps especially after the Frankfurt School and Bataille), attempt to write Capital back into history as an origin story, and none of them see the connection that this is a fundamental law of modernity. Obviously if you rewrite the laws of Capital as an application of all life then all life will appear as a function of Capital, as if humans are not there, and were never there to begin with. But this is just a fundamental misunderstanding of life and laws, it is rewriting a mathematical formula and applying the formula to the desired results. Land is just a dumbed down version of Bataille, and with cyber-reddit language.
If acceleratonists are so fast, why are they 100-200 years behind theory?

But Land loves minorities. He moved to China so he could larp as a fellow bug.

I used to think he was insightful then I read Guenon in-depth and I realize Land is full of shit.

This is the "three-in-one" unity - you can not separate one number from the other - and it has to be contemplated in silence for a long time in a pure environment. Plato was an oil merchant and his goal was not this real mystical training. Sure he relied on it but instead turned it into a materialistic mysticism - based on using the new geometry created by Archytas from the Pythagorean philosophy. So the Pythagorean math is deceptively simple - just like Taoist yin-yang philosophy - but to practice it on a sincere level is exceedingly difficult. Meanwhile there is all this fake "sacred geometry" using irrational numbers which really is not Pythagorean philosophy at all. It's the perfect way to cover up the real philosophy - a "bait and switch" tactic. So that way you say Pythagoras - and people go - Oh I know him he created the square root of two! haha. Quite the contrary. So the myth that someone who discovered his "secret" of the square root of two and then told about it was then killed - this is the typical myth to hide the true Pythagorean teachings. The "Orthodox" Pythagorean philosophers ONLY used the Tetrad - 1:2:3:4 - they did not even use the number 8 - so they could not have even created the 9/8 ratio as the major 2nd music interval. In other words the scale was just the octaves and the perfect fifth and perfect fourth. You find the same music intervals in all human cultures - and it derives from the original human culture - the Bushmen of Africa who were the original Pythagorean-Taoists - using the 1-4-5 music intervals as alchemical training. Guenon was truly red pilled but he had to cover it up, same with other writers in the Traditionalist school who work around the question rather than answering itself.

>Land is just Bataille
>200 years behind theory
do you even know who Bataille is?

yikes, do you do hot takes like this for all the philosophers you haven't read?
If you had read Fanged Noumena you would know his position isn't Capital as origin story, it is an outside force which first appeared sometime around 1500 in Europe.
>Earth is captured by a technocapital singularity as renaissance rationalitization and oceanic navigation lock into commoditization take-off
Pretending he's an extension of the Frankfurt school is so ludicrously off base it's hilarious. Of course that's why he picked Deleuze! Because he was ripping off the Frankfurt school! The worst part is you write with such confidence and self-importance, all the other people who haven't read Land will assume you have.

>no basic reading comprehension
Not what I said, retard.

>Land is just a dumbed down version of Bataille, and with cyber-reddit language.
If acceleratonists are so fast, why are they 100-200 years behind theory?

are you the commie femanon tripfag or is that just on infinity?

Wow, a yikes poster.
If you didn't notice, I was responding to that guy's summary, so if there's a problem with the 'hot take' you should blame your fellow accelfag.
Still an origin story. Or do you not know what that is?
>>Earth is captured by a technocapital singularity as renaissance rationalitization and oceanic navigation lock into commoditization take-off
Shit quote, especially if you want people to read your garbage. Find something better.
And if the singularity is written back into 1500, why not 500, or 0, or -500 BC? You don't even understand what you're reading.
>Pretending he's an extension of the Frankfurt school
Not what I said. I asked for an insight and was given a summary that was 90% other philosophers. And I stated that there's no great insight when it is repeating what others have said with a semantics calculator. The point was that countless authors have written Capital back into the past, as it is a fundamental worldview of 20th century marxists.
You should learn to read, or stop being disingenuous (yes, I know it's a silly thing to ask of accelfags, but it's not meant for you).
>Pretending he's an extension of the Frankfurt school
Again, not what I said.
The worst part is that you write so defensively and Anglo that people will assume you are Land.
Interesting that you didn't address my main criticism, why would that be?

Yes, you can make more than one point at the same time. I know that's hard for NeoMonists arriving from the Half-future.

Attached: accelerationism54053.jpg (1280x720, 56K)

>fundamental worldview of 20th century marxists - not that this is plagiarism.

>And if the singularity is written back into 1500, why not 500, or 0, or -500 BC? You don't even understand what you're reading.
because of Renaissance rationalization and oceanic navigation locking into commoditization take-off, which only happened in the 1500s in Europe. Is this just bait or something? no ones this retarded

>The worst part is you write with such confidence and self-importance
Fucking acceltards.

Attached: GABIDULL IZ ZENDIEND.jpg (171x266, 17K)

post the pic with his mouth dragged down
it's a much better pic

It's the beginning of Land's attempt to consummate the Kantian problematic of time with a cornucopia of poetics, with a heavy dose of techno dance floor edge. If you prefer Heraclitus over Plato, there's your opening. It's the judge's 'war is god' arriving through the future's self-immolation.

What's funny is that his recent work (Templexity, Gnon theology, Bitcoin book) is much less unwieldy, and bereft of the 90s leftoid boomerisms that so often appear in FN and CCRU. Sadly no one wants to parse through this because anyone on the 'right' who likes Land is only in it for the Jacobite aesthetics and anyone on the 'left' who likes Land is too busy trying to separate the Warwick stuff.

Attached: Perfect-Blue-Rape-scene-1024x534.png (1024x534, 458K)

Do you understand basic logic? If this arrives from the singularity of the future then what causes the event to be equal to the object which causes it? And more importantly, what creates the object, the singularity as prime mover from the future? Either it must be there for all time or it is not.
What causes Land to follow Bataille and then split him, following some retard blogger's shit theories about the renaissance?
And he literally says the Earth is captured. You need to read a basic logic book instead of accusing others of not reading.
>The story goes like this: Earth is captured by a technocapital singularity as renaissance rationalitization and oceanic navigation lock into commoditization take-off. Logistically accelerating techno-economic interactivity crumbles social order in auto-sophisticating machine runaway. As markets learn to manufacture intelligence, politics modernizes, upgrades paranoia, and tries to get a grip.
Whole quote.

Attached: Sentience Behold Me.jpg (1280x720, 45K)

Don't know that one.

>Only proto-capitalism has ever been critiqued.
NeoNotRealCapitalism arrives from the future.

>The cyberpunk circuitry of self-organizing planetary commoditronics escaped nominal bourgeois control in the late nineteenth century, provoking technocratic-corporatist (i.e. fascist / 'social democratic') political cultures in allergic reaction.
NeoSteampunk arrives from the milkshake future.

Attached: there_will_be_blood_-_h_-_2007.jpg (928x523, 70K)

NeoCleverHans rearrives from the PostPast.

Attached: CleverHans.jpg (730x490, 35K)

Any interesting research on protocyberpunk? Who were the first, and how far back does it go?

Attached: CapitalIsSTAAAAAAAAYYYYLLLLLEEEE.jpg (1566x1103, 607K)

>then what causes the event to be equal to the object which causes it?
Teleoplexy. Look, unless you read Nick Land I can't have these conversations. You don't know anything about accelerationist theory

Attached: Capital called.jpg (1366x768, 96K)

>A cybernetic hyperstitial technoobject steamnoumenon which is a double-slit of the market solipsism in your head, obviously, sweaty
>unless you accept the dogma you have not read it
Woah, you really got me.

>At once a deuteron-teleology, repurposing purpose on purpose; an inverted teleology; and a self-reflexively complicated teleology; teleoplexy is also an emergent teleology (indistinguishable from natural – scientific ‘teleonomy’); and a simulation of teleology – dissolving even super-teleological processes into fall-out from the topology of time. ‘Like a speed or a temperature’ any teleoplexy is an intensive magnitude or non-uniform quantity, heterogenized by catastrophes, it is indistinguishable from intelligence. Accelerationism has eventually to measure it (or disintegrate trying).
Jesus Christ. This makes schizojak look like a genius.

>LOL Plato wtf how can you remember something if you haven't learned it yet
>wow supercalifragilistic Plato, you expect me to accept your dogma LOL

lmao and this shitfag said I just don't get it.
How shit is your philosophy when someone who hasn't read it understands it better than you do?

if you can't tell why this movement from the imminent to the trancendental is important (and solves the issues of retroteleology) then I think you have proved my assumptions quite well

>NeoAnamnesis arrives from the future
>dude if we invert laws they still apply in the same way lmao
Get real.

>all he got from Teleoplexy is backward-teleology
ever think maybe philosophy isn't for you?

If Eternal Anglo mysticism could exist and have a single text summarizing it, it would be this book.

Again, not at all what I said.
Go read an introductory logic book.
Imagine believing this bullshit. Do you have any clue a all what this implies?

Literally no one thinks Land is relevant apart from pseuds.
But go ahead, explain to me the groundbreaking qualities of teleoplexy and how it really is real.

>veee are vreeallyy vbeCUMMing thee phshtoned apbpeshsss

Attached: stoned ape.jpg (400x567, 65K)

Do any non-Anglos read this?

Edge Pinker gets BTFO yet again.
Watch, they will abandon this thread and start three new ones tomorrow.

Attached: BLOG JANE ZENDIEND.jpg (171x266, 26K)

this isn't an accelerationist idea, even Zizek has been memeing retroteleology since the 80's
>go on, simplify it for me so I can attack your strawman
when you can't articulate why something is wrong, maybe you don't understand it. Land has already made his way into mainstream academia, give it another couple decades you'll see courses on Land/accelerationism in more universities than not. Plus his students became mainstream academics (MacKay, Fisher, Hamilton-Grant, ect.) and even though they disagreed with him politically they all treated him as the theoretical powerhouse he is. The only philosopher ragging on Land theoretically is Negarastani who not only starts from the same assumptions Land does, he is arguably more out there than Land (try reading Intelligence and Spirit if you doubt it)

So retrocausality is the same? Why did you insist I was wrong (even though the very quote says it is inverse teleology). And just because Zizek promotes it doesn't make it true.
So you admit you are strawmanning. Thanks.
I have already demonstrated clearly why it is wrong, but all you want to do is engage in insults and other fallacies.
>NeoAcademia arrives into Land's future
Woah, can I double minor with Xenofeminism?

This was already stated, but people don't have to agree with an idea to prove understanding.
You insufferable cunts are a cult.

The sudden board-wide hatred of Land has been a source of disappointment for me. I'm finding my read through of Fanged Noumena to be pretty interesting and stimulating.

>so I can attack your strawman
>dude don't straw man my straw man
This is so telling.

Attached: Play faster.jpg (1906x1114, 768K)

Brainlet memers are just sourgraping, trying to ignore the noumena at the door.

>this amount of cope
look if you want to learn about a philosopher, that's fine. if you want to argue against a philosopher, that's fine. but if you are asking me to teach you about a philosopher so you can attack him; you're just being petty. You know I brought up Zizek to say the idea was around before accelerationism (or you didn't actually read my post, which is possible), so don't try and pretend like it was something it wasn't. Very intellectually dishonest user.
>admit you are strawmanning
why would I strawman my own posts? user, please tell me you are trolling. it would be a strawman because it's a reduction posted on Yea Forums to try and teach continental philosophy to someone who can't read (not to mention bad faith).
>le neomeme
where do you people come from? is there a discord somewhere or are you all the same autist shitposting? is it a false flag to try and make accelerationism look better? please explain to me what you are getting out of this exercise


Attached: 5234053_IMG_1518smallanotherfreak.jpg (960x648, 230K)

Holy fuck you are dumb.

Accelshits have been a cancer spamming the board for years. And this faggot will claim that retroteleology is now a problem.

Holy fuck you all argue like children. What happened to capital being sentient and markets manufacturing intelligence?

Attached: tiresome.jpg (807x659, 37K)

look outside user

You are in every acc thread posting the same pictures and memes without "legit criticism". Rent free

>>'i know you are but what am i?'
What's there? And how do you know? Is this a CIA op with tactics like this?

>t. can't meme
>insists there is no criticism if he can't see it
Now THIS is epic.

>Rent free

Attached: reddit premium.jpg (649x449, 101K)

This is all you need to know about these autists.

Accelerationists are cancer.

>Look, I posted it again!

Attached: Not a JUST.png (414x441, 184K)

the internet

Reading this takes all the fun out of philosophy and metaphysics, since it closes the book on them

gabidul-poster is an accelerationist you pretentious nig

tits or gtfo

>muh 80s cyberpunk vaporwave aesthetic

Attached: 1551142944527.png (171x266, 42K)

can I get a vague timeline of his transformation by year

The absolute state of Yea Forums

grug wand fruid
grug egsjange sdig for fruid
sdig begome sendiend

Attached: 1552682799656.png (171x266, 44K)


Hello nick

The absolute state of accelerationists.

Capital is sentient.

Attached: sentient pinky swear.jpg (2000x2400, 496K)


Who cares about non anglos though?


So wait, I'm a brainlet and new here. Is this Nick Land guy just a generic transhumanist but instead of DUDE ROBOTS and lukewarm neoliberal aesthetics, he's more sympathetic to the right/libertarian techbros and hams up the anti-humanist aspects to look cool and edgy?

He is just an edgy Pinker

Depends on which Nick you're talking about.

in the same way that Hobbes is just a generic monarchist but instead of dumb separate part aesthetics he conceptualizes it as more sympathetic to state as-entity.

so the answer is yes, to a sense, if you're some dumb bay area centrist

>literally says "I hate humanity" or the like on a regular basis
>edgy pinker

what did he mean by this

abandon humanity for pure reason

brainlet here

I tried reading this and didn't get it

can someone summarise?

markets manufacture intelligence

unironically this is pretty much it

Capital is cognizant
Society is sentient
Bitcoin is breathing
Ontology is ongoing
Market is moving

metaphysics are metabolic

Acceltards actually believe this:

Capital is sentient.

Attached: golden.jpg (625x418, 73K)

>Bitcoin is breathing
With some interesting medical apparatuses.

Attached: Crypto or CRYPTO.jpg (723x577, 138K)

>Society is sentient

Attached: Capital Is Rael.jpg (795x175, 32K)

>Market is moving

>Capital is sentient

Attached: CapitalIsEverydayLowPrices.png (1613x1100, 1.62M)


Keep this thread up to see how they respond. This has happened multiple times where they wait for a few days and then start spamming threads again.
Pretty clear it's discord shilling, and they're completely uninterested in any discussion. Are reddit slide tactics acceleration?

>completely uninterested in any discussion
imagine taking these peoples side in the name of discussion

See pic:

Attached: lit.png (1200x797, 506K)

>Americans can me-
>leftists can me-
>accelerationists can me-
>let's just combine them
Now THIS is an epic accelmeme.

What is that writing style called that spouts thick streams of seemingly gibberish scientific nonsense, Nick loves to use?
I love it. Seems like a more sophisticated version of Milliondollarextreme content.

Pseud faggotry.

>hey let's shit up the board for years with endless shilling and spamming bad memes
>there won't be any consequences because the world conforms to our technosolipsism
>if anyone makes fun of us there can't be any truth to it, because it's not capital and not sentient

wow shitposting? are you sure that's even legal? good revenge user

Imagine being this out of touch with reality.

or, you know, short of heat death, you could have actually tried to argue against literally anything he's written. I like Land but there's plenty in there I disagree with, why is it the people who don't like Land literally can't put together a coherent thought against his actual writing?

You should be embarrassed.

>You should be embarrassed.

Attached: Untitled.png (279x223, 103K)

lol, that's where this whole thing began and you retards had to pull an 'i know you are but what am i?' along with YIKES/cringeposting.
Spam your trash memes all you want, but these are good criticisms based on logic, and the responses just show how petty and out of touch you lot are.
Keep HODLing.

>i know you are but what am i?
So THIS is the power of sentience...

Holy fuck. Zizekstak is still SEETHING lmao

it began with an argument against Land? you'll have to quote it; I literally can't see one in this thread.

>also, please explain the they live memes to me, everytime I ask him he calls me zizek or posts another they live meme

>lack of reading comprehension is sentient

Follow the thread, /rdt/

why do you keep calling people Zizekstak? I can't tell if you are ESL or severely autistic

>can't quote a single argument in 149 posts
yep you got me

>if I don't agree with the argument, which I never will, I'll just ignore you

you have to go back

Nice /ptg/ unmeme.

There is no argument against land to be found here, none of the people here actually understand him enough to make an argument.

Okay, then you would be a good one to share some insights.

People often complain that philosophy is written too obscurely, and a common response to this is that those people just aren't intelligent enough to comprehend the text. Sometimes this is true.

Unfortunately, this leads to many people holding on to the (false) idea that, the more obscurely a text is written, the greater or more interesting its value. This is obviously false, but it has probably been the main contributing factor to the popularity of Deleuze & Guattari and Nick Land on the internet.

Yes, apparent prestige and status are more important than ever, and creating a surface of difficulty and complexity are great ways to lend such value to a work.
If nothing else, Land is an excellent snake oil salesman.

Let's see a debate. If accelerationists are so fast then they should have no trouble defending their ideas and responding to criticism, even if it is veiled within a meme.

>if ur so smart, then debate my memes

Attached: DhchpwnW0AAYyAw.jpg (500x381, 45K)

Itt: SEETHING noumales

There are arguments here, sweaty. But why are you lot so afraid of memes?

>debate "the arguments" user. what? I haven't made an argument? well then debate some memes or something. what? demanding a philosophical debate where one side is literal memes rather than presenting an argument is reddit and cringe? why you must be afraid of the memes dear boy.

Dodging this hard.
It's okay, I'll play with a handicap.