I don't get it

I don't get it.

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Neither did I desu

Just have sex

I chalked up to translation though, so I got a new one with commentaries

Guns Germs and Steel better (and whitely written)

It's kind of straight forward what did not you get?

The """""Art""""" of war
>Know more info than your enemy
>Don't let the enemy know more info than you
>Insert outdated undetailed advice about ancient troop management like don't let them be angry, don't let them be lazy, use flags and shit
>insert completely wrong assumptions about the mystic nature of the skies, the sun, the moon, which in reality have no influence on battles
>Repeat the first two sentences over and over again, which is the only advice useful for a modern reader, but is obvious anyway

woow, Sun Tzu, great thinker and strategist, I'll use this for my business

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How can you not get it though?

It's the most basic bitch tier knowledge of warfare the fact normalfags hype it up so much fucking astounds me

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This or the Art of War? Which is better for someone who wants to join the military?

you forgot
>don't lose, try your best to win
>a strong defense is good, also a good offence is good, both are necessary
>have more soldiers than the other team
>make a smart strategy plan

Yeah I just thought it was so frivolous. IDK why anyone would read it

it's basically considered mandatory reading in the american corporate world

And the continuous repetition of:
>If you do as I say, I predict you will SURELY WIN.

This or On War?

I thought i was the only one.
Listened to the first audiobook chapter to see what all the hype was about. After about 5 vague metaphors that apply to basically every competitive situation
>hurr durr you need a plan
>hurr durr analyze your opponent
>hurr durr dont show your weaknesses
>hurr durr be a strong leader
>hurr durr dont give up
Turned it off and never touched it again.

The part about not letting army get angry isn't outdated at all, militaries still can and do overthrow governments.

The supreme art of shitposting is to get many (You)s with little effort. In order to attain supreme mastery in the art of shitposting it is necessary to have heaven and earth on your side.

To have the support of heaven, in the art of shitposting, is to not have jannies delete your post or ban you.

The support of the earth, which is vital to the mastery of the art of shitposting is to have young women in surreal artforms alongside one's shitpost.

Applies to business. So many managers don't understand that understanding the task, having a smart strategy or enough well trained and equipped staff is important to 'winning' the task at hand.

not in parts of the world that matter

>falling for chink shit

Because military in the developed countries is kept in line better AND doesn't hate the government with enough passion. Military coup could theoretically happen.

Have asians ever been capable of writing anything worth a damn? Same for the French and Spanish.

It's like Asians are naturally autistic manchildren who find the most obvious and basic shit as sudden epic realizations. They also have a problem with talking more than explaining and providing more fluff than substance.

Same with the French and Spanish, nothing but immaturity and degeneracy on top of degeneracy and le emotional relationship bullshit without any morality, ideals, maturity. Might as well be "My first relationshit book, by a 15 year old"

It got hyped back in the day because just like now a lot of people were retards. It gets hyped today by faggots who never read it.
The American military seriously considered a coup in the twentieth century. It could definitely happen.

Pic related is in the same tier. I was expecting some actionable insight instead it's literally just a sword fighting manual with a couple of platitudes at the end like 'never start a fight you can't win!'.

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Basically, just be yourself


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>the weather has no influence on the battle
are you fucking retarded? something as simple as having the sun to your back, facing your enemies, can mean the difference between victory and defeat. i.e., your archers completely BTFOing your enemy while your enemy's archers coming up short.

E.g. developed countries heed Sun Tzu (or just common sense) here. If everybody follows something then it's not outdated at all.

based. It's scientifically proven that Chinese people have no souls.

Why do people think this is supposed to be some mystical tome containing powerful ancient knowledge about winning wars. It's literally an introduction into warfare and nothing else.