Is this any good? I have really been craving some "Axis wins WWII" fiction lately, but I've heard mixed things about this particular novel.
The Man in the High Castle
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I also want to know this lol
doesn't it have some alternative dimension shit that the nazis try to conquer, pretty gay desu
No, they figure out they are in an alternative timeline and the Axis lost in the "real world" (ours).
Bit of a spoiler, but OK
Read Fatherland instead
It's not really about the setting, that's just a framework to hang a spiritual journey on.
Oh it's good op but it's more of a foray into the kinds of characters living and dealing in a nazi dominated world
Does it adequately portray the horrors of such a world or is it glamorized?
I have asserted my opinion that, if Nazi Germany were victorious, it is more likely that Europe would have devolved into a nightmare landscape. Nazi ideology was insane, and if they had won, there is no reason to pull back to keep the population fat, happy and loyal. Nazism is not vanilla fascism, or even fascism with abuse and genocide against a select list of the "other". It is a total rearrangement and upheaval of everything. Every terrible, demented, evil idea about what the world should look like would become policy. It is a vague concept of pure blooded Nordics existing in a Germany of rolling hills and farms, where troops go to no specific place in trucks, while Germania sits as the throne of power. In my opinion, it would become like the Khmer Rouge or Mao's China in the maddest throws of the Cultural Revolution; a fantastical, unbelievable hellscape that can only be imagined if someone has seen a Heavy Metal album cover, and has the imagination and tolerance to think that deeply about human evil, depravity and suffering in all the multitude of ways it could be arranged, and as far as it can go.
Yeah maybe but it takes place in San Francisco
Read this like 18 years ago on the bus back and forth from school. Remember liking it. The Japanese controlled West Coast, and the eventual power struggle between former allies was interesting.
It's a fun read but it's more about a kind of Buddhist-esque trip than just a straight alt-history plot. Still it's fun, just don't expect turtledove.
>does it accurately portray the horrors of such a world
It is mentioned in the book
>does it glamorize?
Sort of, the kind of world the Nazis wanted was total control, starting with race, you were either German or inferior. (not a spoiler)
neurotic jew fantasizing
It leans on the "Nazis were super technologically advanced" cliche, but it definitely doesn't glorify them, at least not in a positive light.
That was the first thing in the book to throw me off when I first read it. I remember thinking, so if the Nazi's had won, we would have Super Trains and Vidphones?
It's somewhat like you're imagining inasmuch as the Nazis were able to carry out their genocidal policies on a massive scale. Africa gets the worst of it. Can't remember what method they used, but they pretty much wiped out the native population. I think it's largely left up to the imagination. But the book mostly takes place in territory occupied by the Japanese, who are portrayed as the lesser of two evils, whether or not you buy that notion.
Don't forget the Mars colony.
>Can't remember what method they used,
IIRC they used chemical weapons and then burned the bodies as fuel or something.
There's not really much to it. Fun little idea and ending, but doesn't have the scope you're looking for.
The ending fucked me up
it's a fine book. the ending is cool enough but its more like WHOOAAAA DUDE THE GOVERNMENT DOESNT WANT YOU TO KNOW ABOUT THE HEALING EFFECTS OF MARIJUANA cool rather than like cool cool .
as a book for reading it's not the best by PKD, there is one cool mechanic about how the novel itself was written (not gonna spoil obviously) but it's not the very best read. I would rank it somewhere above mid-tier
The Nazis WERE technologically advanced. Damn USA and USSR had to kidnap their fucking scientists and their dog so humanity could go into outer space
Just because their are strong traits about your enemy doesn't make them false. In fact why don't you love having strong enemies? They make you better. You are such a slave
what no it isn't
settle down there nazi
the irony is that I'm a communist
I hope you choke on vomit
wow even dumber than I thought lol
>the ideology that first brought humans into space are dumb
It's excellent. Although it's more about the characters than the world.
no, you're dumb
>the space race proves communism is good!
Lmao, capitalism got the first man on the moon and won the space race. I guess this proves capitalists are smarter than communists.
whatever. Americans or Soviets, they needed the eternal German scientist to build their rockets
Damn, I guess that proves fascists are the smartest.
okay comrade
I still have trouble referring to the Nazis as fascist. They seem like their own thing rather than the facism that sprung up in Italy or the socialism that came from Russia.
yeah man, like, what the fuck?
This architecture seems somehow modern and 1000 years old at the same time.
I guess it's kinda like that phenomenon where the biggest Misogynists are the loudest ones crying for socjus, just like scientists make careers out of learning to cover up that they don't know nothing (Socrates, anyone?) whereas it's the unctuous backwards angry farmers, with their knowledge of sustenance and perseverance who are the true philosopher kings after all.
>I have asserted my opinion that, if Nazi Germany were victorious, it is more likely that Europe would have devolved into a nightmare landscape.
Totally unlike the culturally enriched utopia we have today, right?
>These 12 ugly pictures are proof that I'm right
Fuck off
I don't think that user got the point of the book. It's not much of a spoiler
>The Japanese controlled West Coast
Do they have a californian shinkansen? Are there dank trai/n/s? idgaf about nazis I just want fucking trains.
Germans =/= fascist
you racist
even more "meta" than that for me was the fact that the novel was written using the I Ching
are you ok, trannies?
It's like you have no clue about modernity at all
Why are you even on this board?
have sex
There weren't fat people, religious wars, and penis worship before modernity or in Nazi Germany for that matter? Its like you don't know anything about The Past. What are you doing on this planet
Yea Forums isn't an alt-right weenie enclave, sweetie.
>a leftist is alt-right
ok bigot
Wow you're dumb as shit
it's also not your tranny mudperson safe space
Pokemon Go back to the /pol/, faggot
>This picture of a fat kid in a McDonald's hat is proof that the Nazis were right
No, I admit it. You're right about everything
I'm not the one gatekeeping, sugar. :)
these are all posts that wouldn't seem out of place on reddit lmao
Why did I even click on this thread, I knew the comments would be like this. Why do I even visit this board, this site? I am a shell
I have never been on that stupid board
Derailing and straw manning, such honorable tactics, gotta love lies! Fuck the truth right!
What do you mean strawman? Your argument that Hitler was right consists of a few pictures of fat people and BDSM fetishists, and its fucking dumb and you're fucking dumb.
can't tell if retarded or just shitposting
>Your argument that Hitler was right consists of a few pictures of fat people and BDSM fetishists
I have never said such a thing, I am a different user from the one you were arguing with an hour ago.
Hitler wasn't the only critic of modernity, there is at least one from all sides of the spectrum, Adorno, Nietzsche, fucking liberals even understand modernity. Get your head out of your ass
>Don't listen to what I'm arguing listen to what I could be arguing!!!
lmao brainlet.
I was only arguing with the guy who used various images of trashy niche cultures as justifications for Nazism, which has very little to do with the existence or phenomenon of modernity as a whole.
you are stuck in such a narrow space that you want to contain everything you encounter within that angle. you would do well in a career in journalism
which is why a literature board would be better off without you.
that's a slightly better response than
Im not the one who gave up on society after seeing a few pictures from Folsom, talk about close minded.
Thanks? why would you treat a bunch of ugly de-contextualized pictures and a vague endorsement of Hitler as a critique of modernity?
that picture is just a caricature but I essentially agree with that critique of modernity. Not everyone who hates modernity is a damn fascist/Nazi
a couple of pictures is hardly a critique. If you want to jokerpost do it on
It's alright. More of a proof-of-concept than an actual novel. The level of detail Dick goes into with certain sections, especially describing the fictional bureaucracy of both Japan and Germany's colonial empires in the States and around the world, is pretty cool. It reads like a first novel for sure, but it's still fun. I'd give it a read if you've got some time to kill delving into a smartly, but not carefully, constructed sci-fi alternate universe study.
Different user, it's a meme being used as shorthand for a particular set of ideas. if you frequented this website you'd understand that.
No, I know how retarded pol is.
what he wants to say is memes are ironic
I'm sure you know that but you're too biased to pick on one image and take it seriously
>le board of piece
lol fuck off
holy shit i actually forgot the mars colony
no trains but japs are nice masters and even legalize marijuana
germans dried up the mediterranean for agriculture and there´s mention of "something terrible" that happened in Africa
>germans dried up the mediterranean for agriculture
I could see that. There's nothing in this world I hate more than g*rmans, they destroy all that is beautiful in the name of efficiency. Truly a blight on existence.
I found it incredibly drab and a tremendous let down.
Nazis were only clearly more technologically advanced in their rocket and plane technology because the germans had a massive autism boner for flying shit, in many other fields the allies had the edge.
read a book and fuck off to /pol/ retard
That’s the drama, the book has less of the gay
Not really, it’s just gook philosophy over and over.
even worse
How can you honestly tell what timeline is "alternate" and what is the "real world" wouldn't it be subjective.
Why was this made?
It's not that simple. The other "reality" isn't just like ours either. It's a third timeline where the U.S. and the British Empire win WWII but end up as antagonists in their own Cold War scenario in the following decades. One of the book's guiding principles is that each moment has the potential for an infinite number of actions and each action can lead to an infinite number of outcomes. The book is as much a meditation on the I Ching as it is a true alternate history novel.
If the Nazis won we would have a Mars colony by now, it wouldn't be like Pol Pot.