Why is this literature board filled with bugmen with no literary soul...

Why is this literature board filled with bugmen with no literary soul? People here refer great literature that ruminate on the human condition like the book of discomfy as "LOL just an edgy 13 year old phase." It is also filled with people who have been poisoned by contemporary memes loke MUH LEFT VS RIGHT and people who think people like Peterson and Rogan are deep thinkers and who have not read one word of literary theory and filled with capitalist bootlickers and apologists, a system that produces the shittiest culture and is ruining the possibility for novelty and new aesthetics to arise. So why is this board filled with bugmen with no literary soul?

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you're getting lost in the wrong crowds, apu. there are good people on Yea Forums. it's a matter of finding them.

You yourself have no soul, for you refuse to get down and dirty with those invested in this earth. Let he who is without sin cast the first stone. Are you not consumed by devillish ideology yourself?
Do you not hate and consume your own aesthetic with that hate? Have you not broken every rule you ever thought to dedign yourself?

that's not even true. there's me and maybe 2-3 other anons that aren't absolutely retarded and that's about it.

and you're not one of them

Because tranny discord commies are shitting up Yea Forums and Yea Forums in coordinated effort with offtopic marxist spam and jannies don't do anything about it like ban their IPs.

>/pol/ for smart people

Am I among those 2-3?

im good night frens poster am i one of these 2-3?

Very few people on this board think that the Book of Disquiet is an edgy 13 year old phase. In fact, it is quite the opposite; there is an obsession with being the most pessimistic, defeatist, beta-male you can be. Have you not seen the incessant, "black-pilled literature" threads. This board needs literary soul I will agree on that, and certainly there are higher things in life to ponder than economics. However, this does not necessitate hopping on the bandwagon towards some foolish notion of aesthetic "progress." Quite the opposite.

This has to be bait. No one could be so naive as to exalt themselves so highly.

you're the worst desu

Attached: apu sad.jpg (1024x962, 67K)

I've been through actual shit I don't need some whiney bloke to tell me about pain. oh and its called the book of disquiet.

It's because the Yea Forums message board format is not conducive to studying works of authorship.
t. 230 IQ

>a system that produces the shittiest culture and is ruining the possibility for novelty and new aesthetics to arise
a system that created the medium you're communicating with. the most astonishing cultural innovation since Gutenberg.

i don't feel this way, because when i find them i don't wish to possess them. i just appreciate our interaction, and i walk away.

yes a medium of communication that has put more control on us and has failed to create any artistic aesthetic

It may be possible that people have different opinions and disagree on image boards.

hedonistic book consumerism fueled by wagecucking. we are one step away from booktubers with their overhauls, just look at stack threads. it's a new era my guy

>It is also filled with people who have been poisoned by contemporary memes loke MUH LEFT VS RIGHT
>and filled with capitalist bootlickers and apologists, a

You should get head pats, you are very good.
Don't be mean to apu, see what happens

you can be both left or right and be critical of capitalism

What did bugs ever do to offend you?

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The left and right have extremely differing definitions of capitalism. You're right that they can both be critical, but what exactly they are being critical of differs.

>Why is this literature board filled with bugmen with no literary soul
Dude, do you even know how many forms you have to fill in before Kafka week will let you shit on Kafka week at your own show trial? The week will be over before you get to the Nabokov lecture questionnaire; just give up on getting to talk to the bugmen.

>tranny discord
How do you find them?

I'm the faggot that leaves a song and an accompanying image when I see your threads.

Only truth will survive the chaos.

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Yes, fren.

Attached: IMG_7645.jpg (668x483, 37K)

how do I subscribe to you user

Appreciate the shoutout, user.

can i save this image fren?

Yea Forums is not a literary site, and even though Yea Forums "tries" to distance itself from Yea Forums or /pol/, the Yea Forums resentment mentality is inseparable from all of its boards

Depends on the day and time, honestly. 0, 0, 1.5, 0, 3, 1, 2, 0

Did you actually mean "resentment", or did you mean "ressentiment"?

French is for fags

That sounds like a new ad campaign.

>Why is this literature board filled with bugmen with no literary soul?
They are called americans, senpai.

>the default obvious intuition of wrong/bad is capitalism-rightists-peterson-rogan

Fish in the water.
You're literally ledit.