Anna Karenina

Before i start it, what can i expect from this?

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the greatest novel of all time


Hopefully Anna Karenina

May I tell you a tell about three brothers, brother?

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Is it okay to start with Tolstoy's shorter works before moving on to W&P and AK?

You can give it a go to Ivan Ilyich before but if you're familiar already with the writers of the Russia of the Tsars, i don't see why you can't.

Read two books by Dosto (The Idiot and C&P) but didn't really like them to be completely honest. Made me wary regarding long Russian novels but whenever I saw a snippet of Tolstoy's writing, I liked it immensely more than Dostoevsky's. Was thinking of reading The Kreutzer Sonata, Hadji Murat and Ivan Ilych and then moving on to one of the big two

not today fyodor

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I think you should just jump in and read War and Peace. It's too bad that you didn't care for Dostoyevsky—he's one of my favorite writers—but Tolstoy is very different and War and Peace in particular is easy to get swept up in. It's totally fine to read Tolstoy (or Dostoyevsky) in any order you like, though. I hope you enjoy him

If you did found your taste in Tolstoy then def. that sounds like the best way.

The works of Tolstoy are distinguished by their more defined sociological values and their determined realism. Even tho i prefer Dostoevsky.

idk, haven't read it

Alright, thanks my dudes

Good luck

Just read it. Tolstoy is not difficult to understand. As long as you read the footnotes, know a bit about Russia and aren't afraid to look up anything if you don't know it, you'll be just fine.

Hated it. It just reminded me I'll never live the whimsical life of a royal.

It's like reading a biography of some rich people

A manual on how to be a christian

I put off reading Anna Karenina for a long time because I was reluctant to read a book about a woman.
I’m glad I finally read it though. The parts with Levin hunting with his dog or even just mowing grain on his farm were so damn comfy.
Plus Vronsky was alpha as fuck, racing horses, plowing married sloots and finally going off to Serbia to remove kebab or die trying.
I thoroughly enjoyed reading Anna Karenina. I just skipped over the chapters that were predominantly about non male characters.

enjoy not being able to find anything as good after you read this and TBK.

Almost like Tolstoy was a count, or something.
Did you just resume all of XIX c. russian novels, user?

t. brainlet
First of all, they're not royals. Second, you don't need to be an aristocrat to understand the processes the characters are going through. Yeah, you won't be invited to any fancy election proceedings where your buddies will try to distract you from the teenage piece of ass waiting for you at home with boring politics, but pretty much any major conflict the characters experience can apply to a modern human.

You're joking right?

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Pinpoint what exactly makes this so

based retard

Overrated trash.

the author's immense talent for all aspects of writing

the true patrician choice

War & Peace was far better

Farm kino.

Started it a few days ago. The prose isnt as challenging to read as Moby Dick, for example. Tolstoy does a great job at intertwining the various threads in the book and his writing is top notch if not a bit melodramatic (it is a bit of melodram though). You'll enjoy it I'm sure just keep an open mind and hang out with the über rich for a spell.

No need, but all his short stories are a joy. Even when he’s proselytizing, it’s endearing or grandfather-like.