Anyone gonna stream it?

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Let's hope not.

If we could stream Butterfly's thoughts, you would see my member every ten min or so I guarantee it :3

She won't admit it, and what I'm doing is kind of fucked up, but ITS TRUE NOW

I'm happy it's an Oxford style debate.

American style debates are cringe and go for weak rhetorical devices which plebs are unaware of.

is this today?

it was pretty based when Zizek acknowledged to being afraid of Peterson and only agreeing to debate if they never directly interact with each other

but yeah, debates are a pleb medium either way just for amusement and not to solve anything intellectually

when is this happening? can it be watched without financing Peterson's insta-thot daugher lifestyle?

I don't get what he's scared of. Peterson isn't really a that good debater and If he was pushed a bit harder he wouldn't act so smug. But what I've noticed is that Zizek doesn't really want conflict, he might act edgy but it's all a facade. Kind of a shame really.

JP doesn't seem to care about being 'a good debater' he just says what he thinks is true and a lot of it resonates with a lot of people. Zizek on the other hand, I think he's basically a hack but I could be wrong. It will be great to see them clash. Not because of who will emerge as the victor, likely no one, but to see the synthesis their contradicting views will produce

he didn't mean he was afraid of being out-smarted, only out-rhetoric'd. Peterson is able to enchant brainlets, Zizek scares them

I'm sure someone will.

>Peterson's insta-thot daugher
[Desire to know more intensifies]

just google her, i feel bad posting people's photos even if they whore themselves on the internet,

Nothing truly striking, but she's got a good body.

Attached: dozo.jpg (381x264, 45K)

>posts bikini shots online to shill her dumb diet
>automatically a whore

you unironically believe she gains more money from diet advice than from thirsty guys?

Peterson uses sophist tricks which his fans lap up. Zizek knows this so avoids it entirely

Precisely this, zizek is aware of Jordan Peterson's rhetorical skills. A back and forth would be bad for zizek, its not ideas that will win this debate.

oh no no no!

Zizek has tricks of his own, at the end of this interviews he admits to talking all the time and going on tangents so that people won't push back on his points and make him look like a fraud

True, but at least zizek admits it and doesnt have the prophetic posturing about him

The sophists were based and Socrates was wrong with almost every thing

Fuck off sophist