Post your novel ideas. It's not like they're going anywhere

Post your novel ideas. It's not like they're going anywhere.

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I-it's actually a screenplay.

A man drives his ex 2 hours to an airport and during the trip, he learns to love her again.

the learning journey of a murderous feral kid destined to be the successor of the current philosopher-king/super-warrior in charge of protecting a generation ship
the society therein is sexually segregated:
the males are violent tribesmen roaming the wasteland and fighting for status according to barebones prison rules
the women are in charge of non-manual activities and live in a coastal city
everything take place inside a hollow sphere featuring a color coded chakra system
the kid goes from infrared (propulsion) to ultraviolet (navigation)
there is a lot of casual hardcore sex along the way

Sounds cute. Like the movie Buried in terms of the story taking place in one setting. Should make the trip a little longer though. 2 hours flies when you’re reflecting/having conversation.

First and foremost, I establish that the book is entirely in black and white. It starts with our protagonist, a good-looking French college student that wakes up with a cigarette in his mouth (he will always have a cigarette in his mouth) in 1970s Paris. He checks his voicemail and finds 50 unanswered calls, he listens to 2, one from his parents telling him his uni called and said he has been skipping classes and the other is of his girlfriend, complaining that he is neglecting her. He gets out of his apartment and heads for the banlieu on the train. There he wanders the streets, quoting Nietzsche and musing on his existential angst, when he stops and witnesses some racailles beating up and throwing ethnic slurs at a North African immigrant, the MC keeps walking while we see some graffiti that says "NIQUE LES JUIFS" on the rundown city streets while our MC sarcastically thinks "Liberté, égalité, fraternité". Then we switch to an empty church where our MC is sitting, then a random montage of WWII Nazi marches, video of dead soldiers and pictures of the Holocaust appear, and our MC asks a statue of Jesus why suffering and injustice exists, we get a close-up of Jesus' pained expression on the cross and a minute of silence. Then our protagonist sighs and quotes "God is dead" and leaves. Next scene, our MC approaches a brothel where some streetwalkers seduce him into coming inside. The we see our MC have unsatisfying sex with an anorexic prostitute with a black eye from being beaten by her pimp, and we get some voice over where the MC laments that even the short-lived pleasure of an orgasm can't counterbalance a lifetime of pain and how melancholic he feels that so many men are willing to seek and pay for the companionship of working girls to soothe their crushing loneliness. It's nighttime , there's lights everywhere and we see the MC has made his way out of the banlieue and is on the roof of a tall building, about to commit suicide, until he decides to postpone it and visit his parents before killing himself. He walks into his parent's house and immediately color returns to the world, we see the MC's parents and girlfriend getting ready to have dinner because SURPRISE, this isn't an arthouse film but a PARODY of an arthouse film. His parents chastise him for his angsty attitude, even though he has two loving parents, a loving gf, a nice apartment and a promising career as a lawyer. The final scene is our MC throwing away his cigarette, which symbolizes him dispelling his fartcloud of pretension and pesudointellectualism.

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sounds like a Kiarostami movie

Not really a novel idea but more of a manga/light novel idea and it's really just a very rough draft. You have your average MC who one day meets the 3 daughters of friends of his parents. They drop them off and tell the MC that he has to take care of them for a few hours. The 3 girls are your typical hot anime babes and the MC thinks he'll get to do your typical harem comedy hijinks but he soon finds out that the 3 are severely mentally retarded, being biologically in their late teens but being closer mentally to 5 year-olds. They proceed to drive the MC insane by drawing all over his walls in crayon and permanent marker, eating up everything in his fridge, throwing temper tantrums whenever they don't get their way, playing with their stuffed animals and crying and whining incessantly. At one point one of them will ask him to accompany her to the bathroom since she isn't yet potty trained. The MC is so mad and frustrated that he decides to rape her in the bathroom and attempts to do so until the girl pisses herself in fear and he gets grossed out. The parents then come back at this moment, find out that the MC tried to rape one of their daughters and the scene changes to a courtroom where the MC gets sentenced to prison for trying to rape a mentally disabled person. The manga/light novel is supposed to be a deconstruction of the tendency of anime and manga to feature female characters that are physically developed but exhibit childish mannerisms/intelligence so the reader finds them "cute", and what would actually happen in real life if you had a bunch of physically developed girls who behaved like actual children.

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Yeah I know I have to extend the time, but for now, I like the limitation. It is forcing me to think of key events. I want it to be heavy on dialogue with a lot of flashbacks to more detailed events that would be strange to talk about in full.

A man has a crush on his neighbor that he's lived next to for 10 years. He's an average guy who does some menial desk job at a medium-ish firm. He spends so much time worrying about petty things. Most of his time is spent thinking about this girl and working up the courage to just go talk to her. He spends so much time flip flopping between giving up and growing a pair.
He's so in love he gets physically ill when he sees another man go into her apartment. She seems to get a new boyfriend every 2 or 3 weeks, so maybe he could sneak in and be "the one." He works up the courage and goes to ask her for a cup of coffee. She says yes.
They get a cuppa and afterwards they go back to her apartment. They chat and chat and eventually decide to go on another date.
This goes on for a year. He's so madly in love but due to his faith he hasn't fucked her yet. He wants to marry her so he pops the question and she says yes. After the wedding on their honeymoon they decide to, you know, do it. He's getting undressed and the girl walks in, with a massive 8 inch penis between her legs.
I call it "the pagliacci"

Wait ok here's what you do: there are these great videos where this japanese guy drives cars across japan and records them the entire time
they're actually car reviews and the intent is that people see what it's like to drive in the cars before they buy them, but they're honestly, unironically super compelling. All you have to do is write the script and layer some voices on top of this video and cut around until hitting the part at 11:53:30 where they stop for the night at a hotel.

I was browsing Literotica and came across a cuckold story that inspired me. This cuck mentioned on multiple occasions how he felt uncomfortable that his girlfriend was sucking off another dude but in the end he enjoyed. The reader is supposed to cum and feel accomplished. But the story needs to be expanded. We need to see the protagonist days later when the regret starts to hit in a very real way. The rush of the moment gone, his masculinity slaughtered at the feet of a man he knows in real life. We need to see the protagonist seek to repair his masculinity with desperate intention, only to fail once again in favor of the cuck rush. And so when the regret kicks in he develops some delusional inflated concepts of manhood, has violent outbursts. Hits his girlfriend and ends up alone. Cusses out his boss and loses his job. Sees the guy who first cucked him with another pretty girl on his lunch brake. Meticulously plans his murder in between increasingly degenerate cuckporn masturbation sessions. Finally he kills the guy. But he's addicted. Not to the killing, but to the humiliation from his degenerate fetish. But the only way to rid himself from the regret is acts of extreme violence. Pure mental illness. I'd read it.

Wow thanks, user. I can definitely use this as inspiration.

nobody had a telephone with an answering machine in 70's paris

You posted this like two threads ago and everyone told you to shut the fuck up
As was said, the genre has been irrelevant for decades and parodied for decades by people much funnier than you

Rachel Maddow reads the script to Donnie Darko while farting and taking shits into a contraption connected to her anus that extracts methane from waste products. She eats snickers bars and whatever the hell else she's given. There's no inner monologue or dialogue.

Sounds absolutely miserable to read and "real life isn't actually a Chinese cartoon" is not a life-shattering revelation to anybody who would read this

Angels and demons fighting eachother. Aliens and humans get caught in the crossfire. Very epical.
Also, the pige fags are kind of late today. What gives?

man bites dog

by fuck that's hot

I'm ~82,000 words in. I'll post it here when it's done.

I have no story. I have characters. I have bloodlines. The characters have secrets, motivations, idiosyncrasies of speech, and familial histories. I have locations and names and tribes and cultures and artifacts and myths and legends. I have royal families with hidden bastard heirs, I have catacombs beneath a palace where martyrs hid during perscution, I have a secret order of all-female assassins/religious zealots posing as concubines and nursemaids and hiding daggers in their vaginas, I have land disputes and histories of war and relationships with surrounding nobles and dozens and dozens of side characters,
and I have no story.
These characters have no reason to meet except through contrivance.

Tristram Shandy but its set within the early 2000s pop punk/skateboarding scene

Holy shit that's good. So everyone's wearing vans and checking myspace as Yorick dies or Tristram gets his dick smashed in a window?

you fell for the lore meme. meanwhile shakwanda is out there writing a character driven piece about a girl who meets a boy but their jobs get in the way and the series has a readership easily in the hundred thousands and growing. lmaoing my ass off at your life.

Its about young people in New York who join a secret society that plans "terrorist" acts on famous paintings and sculptures, etc., defacing them as a form of performative art or "anti-art." The main characters have a love triangle between two good friends, one of which is an artist and the other is more of a people person, and a rich girl who hates her dad (who is a famous abstract painter). They idolize their leader who writes a manifesto on how all art is mimesis and therefore destructive to humanity's quality of life, but later find out that he is simply a failed artist who is buttmad. Lots of scenes in the New York art world and around NYC.

Posted this before but I'll post it again as it's gone through some change.

Death squad troop members of a fictional facist countries are forced to flee to avoid being tried and interrogated after a decisive battle leads to the loss of most of country A's territory. One of the troopers, our main character ends up in nearby country B, the bulk of the story is how he perceives the people around him that under different circumstances, he would probably be ordered to kill.

It's not like a one-to-one story but almost, a couple of the major beats of the book appear in evolved forms, and there is a conversation between characters about how to choose the perfect footwear for your "image." There is also a cock accident but it is in a car window, so really yeah all that stuff does kinda happen

A tale of sorrow and grandeur from the perspective of my penis. It will narrated in the third person omniscient.

Sounds like high quality writing

Aliens establish contact with humanity and soon send some kind of spacecraft to the solar system. Everyone is hyped as fuck as scientists try to establish communications with the aliens. However, after the few initial exchanges there is no progress at all, none of the messages sent by the aliens can be deciphered.

The main character is a scientist that says publicly that meaningful communication might be impossible between the two specieses: both parties know that the other is intelligent but we probably have such different mentalities that we will probably never be able to exchange information. He gets publicly shamed in the media for this because the public is still hyped about first contact.

Eventually after more failed exchanges the alien craft just leaves. The scientist gets blamed for this, even though he was basically proven right and and in the end someone murders him.

Also my working title is "The Destructors" but I found out that that is a title for a Graham Greene story, unsure if I should keep it or not

I wouldn't enjoy it one bit but I would read it just to trick my Freinds into doing it in order to horrify them

The name sounds awful definitely don't use "the destructors"

>laughing my ass off-ing my ass off at your life

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Really? I didn't think it was so bad.

>The scientist gets blamed for this, even though he was basically proven right and and in the end someone murders him.

which continent?

Nah it's bad. The story seems neat but that name is awful.

well thank you for the vote of confidence on the general plot, I'll keep brainstorming titles then

Fictional continent or, maybe I'll just use real countries but in future time period, but I said fictional because I want to steer it clear of people thinking it is relevant to WW2 or associating it with science fiction.

Because he was the only person who expresses negativity about the effort and people think that he caused it to fail (like, it damaged the morale of the team or offended the aliens or something).

Really though it's because there would be a huge hype about first contact, everyone would think that now that the aliens are here they will teach us new stuff and will show us how to deal with our problems etc. And when this does not happen (which also implies that we might not be important or advanced enough to really try to talk to) people will want to blame someone.

no, that's shit
set it somewhere irl in the 80's or something
like in africa, south asia or central america

A tale about a boy and his pige

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i'd really like some feedback about it's also made exclusively of other texts which are cut, copied and pasted


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Please do this.

Parboiled fiction. Hardboiled fiction but it's a Reddit detective and it ends in them killing themselves.

Exploring the implications of a world where the percentages of people who do and don't experience ASMR was reversed from what it irl.

A pige receives a mysterious cellphone number that can contact another world and does nothing with it because he is but a simple little pige.

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William Shakespeare's The History of OLIVER CROMWELL

A Most Delectable Closet Play


Parallel Lives, or The Modern Atlantic Plutarch
Comparing and Contrasting the Lives of The Heroes of The UNITED STATES OF AMERICA and The KINGDOM OF GREAT BRITAIN

History as Told In Rich Blank Verse

You know how Shakespeare's gravestone has a curse on it directed towards anyone who moves his bones? I'm writing a comedy about a pseud who accidentally resurrects shakespeare and is cursed to have him chained to him at all times for an indeterminate period. Shakespeare follows him around exploring modern England and roasting people and modern civilization

idk where to go after that

Awful ideas, pige would be ashamed

Blessed and pigepilled

Magic realism novel about a guy who tricks Death into thinking they are actually dead, troupe member putting on a theatrical performance, Death is pissed he was so easily confused and instructs the actor to capture souls in similar circumstances but the actor plans on usurping Death's position for himself with the main end goal being reaping God's soul.

a guy who literally has no ideas.

A world in which there exist a guild of humans called "Knockers". Doors in this world open both like regular doors and also to another secondary location, but the other location of each door can only be accessed when the door is opened by a Knocker. They train for years and build networks of door routes in their head to move from place to place. Most doors secondary location is in the same world, but rare highly guarded doors lead to other realities and worlds. Story revolves around a Knocker who left the guild and is hunted as a weapon, as they are the only known person who can make any door lead to anywhere, and for them every door leads to every other door.

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