>woke up >read a chapter of the history book (not as good as I initially thought; it covers 3000 years and it's just one damn thing after another) >drink crappy coffee, browse internet, eat food >drive outside, feel really aimless >sit in car and browse internet on phone and drink Starboocks >plan to binge, go back home, go to gym later, and watch qt with pol
I'm so aimless and all aims and life rules or heuristics feel like spooks.
I'm wallowing in my own aimlessness. I'm such a consumercuck. I'm so demoralised by my own ugly beta meek charismaless loserdom.
I'm getting bored of londonfrog. A whole year has passed and still zer growth.
Isaac Murphy
unbelievably based and redpilled cringe an bluepilled. KYS zoomer
Kevin Campbell
>I'm so demoralised by my own ugly beta meek charismaless loserdom. You forgot to mention that you're extremely boring and a paki.
Bentley Wood
You should never expect growth from Londonfrog
Matthew White
Why don’t you take up some sort of craft or art that you can invest your time in? I hear that is good for people with autism. Start making pottery or nice wooden furniture or some shit.
Matthew Young
never change Yea Forums loves you
Jonathan Young
If you were expecting any positive personal development by Londonfrog over the year that is on you.
Juan White
Can you please fucking die already Londonfrog. Your binges are pathetic and your life is a waste. You repulse me on an animalistic level.
Julian Torres
based londonfrog
Michael Sanders
>woke up >went to get muh blood tests done >played some vidya >went to see muh therapist, read during commute (attention seeking etc.) >hangout with a friend (female) >listened to some ambient >plan to eat some yoghurt, watch a movie (triplets of belville) and read to sleep today was a good day, beautiful weather too
So who's in charge of compiling LondonFrog's blogposts into a novella?
This character is actually really intriguing me. He is like the non-bitter yet less lucky (in the birth lottery) Eliot Roger. There should be an "Underground Man" genre which will characterize specifically the conditions of 21st century basement dwellers and cyberstruck losers, I mean, this shit is so common in real life, it will be the male YA equivalent of depressed female protagonist.
Cameron Ramirez
Isaac Ramirez
What book? I'm reading Susan Wise Bauer's History of the Medieval World and it's pretty good so far. The fall of the Roman empire was so similar to what's happening today it's insane.
When they develop more in the public consciousness. Right now they're only just starting to emerge, in the form of Elliot Rogers, Dylan Roofs and Adam Lanzas. Wait til they start carrying out real terrorist attacks, like bombing dams and taking out the energy grid.
Adam Sullivan
I never paid much attention to his posts. When I did take a look he seemed like just a sad fellow, but not bitter about the world. Is there a quick rundown?
Not necessarily violent acts, just losers that found their relief on the internet.