Is Fahrenheit 451 early alt-right literature?
Is Fahrenheit 451 early alt-right literature?
Is it logical?
I hate to say it but the discord tranny is right on this one, reading books is a meme
He's mentioned books by Marxist authors as well
>making the act of reading books a alt-right trend
>Fah451 and Huxley are also typical alt-right books
Any pre-1960s literature is retrograde and thus alt-right. Welcome to the progressivism.
it was written by a white man so yes
I know this is retarded, but I like this future
>reading books is alt right behavior
The left is eating its own again I see
based and pol potpilled
When you kill the kulaks and hand the discord trannys their free rice paddies and they're all like
>EUGH! can't someone else work the fields I have some nerds on the internet to indoctrinate
same desu
Coloured people don't like Little Black Sambo. Burn it. White people don't feel good about Uncle Tom's Cabin. Burn it. Someone's written a book on tobacco and cancer of the lungs? The cigarette people are weeping? Burn the book.
I'm more surprised to see Aldous Huxley considered alt-right. Clearly she hasn't read Island.
No, the society of Fahrenheit is comsumerist, socially and correct politically. The book itself clearly states the both were the result of the free market. Challanging or offending a group, no matter its size, meant loosing potential customers thus limiting ones share in the market and the ability to compete. It also features a distand war that the vast mayority of the population is ignorant of, which is usually a somewhat leftist theme and makes an ending thats a real banger.
marxism can be alt right too like lasch
The alt-right are the forefront of art, so by proxy all art that has come before is open to influence it.
Its pretty interesting watching things come apart. We may very well get to witness another global war in our lifetimes
are you retarded? lole
spottet the nigger
pew die pie is clueless, as are the twits and nitwits that follow his memes (as he has become a meme himself) he's just another useful idiot, spreading fake news and propaganda. he was compromised by the jooz long ago.
remember, if you believe it, it's not true!
The right has inherited Postmodernism.
No. The book is still terrible though.