If you could fight any author who would you fight?

If you could fight any author who would you fight?

me? I'd fight corncob

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The Grimm Bros. I'd take on both of their kraut asses at once.

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Laurie Penny

I would kick Margaret Atwood right in the pussy.

Wrestle with Plato or kick Lao tze in the balls

Nice choice. I'd like to have a fight with this corncobber too. Really activates my almonds.

Gass. I would really enjoy using the fat belly of (former) America's foremost prose stylist as a punching bag.

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you know you can still fight corncob yecarthy, just find where he lives and beat that ass

Arthur Cravan, would be a great fight

His santa fe institute cronies wouldn't let me anywhere near him.

Rich piece of shit.
Dude authentic! Let's see how authentic you really are.

on the one hand, dfw was a big kid in an adult's body. on the other hand you're a Yea Forumsizen going toe to toe with a former athlete with mental illness and, depending at what time in his life you fight him, alcoholism. i think dfw would put you in a body bag and then take himself out a second time for good measure.

he works out at Gold’s Gym and his ex pulls guns out of her vagina

I'd fuckin deck Pope and Kant.

not with that attitude they won’t. walk the walk fagt

Kant carried a derringer and once fired it in the middle of a dinner party.

Ok I'll stick to Pope then, that rhyming manlet. It is clear that Kant knows his shortcomings, and how to compensate for them.


>le amerifat power fantasy

I would beat up your faggot commie ass too but I doubt you would ever get published. You're probably dyel as well. It would be pretty easy.

I enjoy a challenge.

I’d knock the smug look right off her face and wrestle her to the ground.

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