>durrr the problem is all inside you bro just keep sucking corporate cock and be happy :)
how do people actually eat up this bootlicking logic
Durrr the problem is all inside you bro just keep sucking corporate cock and be happy :)
Other urls found in this thread:
How do you plan on rising up against big government in your basement with no money and no education? Clean your room shill
if you were raised by a single mom, you'd understand. people make fun of us JP fans for treating him like a father figure, but there's nothing wrong in using that image if it helps us in our lives.
>don't criticize my daddy, he's perfect in every way
quiet parts loudly etc
What is this even supposed to mean?
Are you trying to fight the oppressive capitalist system? And replace it with what, exactly?
(Also this site is 18+ if you didn't know.)
t. messy room
A system that preserves and enhances the democratic elements of the current arrangement while curtailing the power of capitalists and using their wealth and resources to improve the lives of those who suffer under capitalism through government regulation and spending. Make society more equitable, sustainable and environmentally friendly.
JP would agree with that, though.
a system that actually does something
Can someone give me a quick rundown on this guy?
alt right figure, philosophical lightweight, complains about postmodern neomarxists while not actually reading any postmodernists and marxists, complains about universities being infiltrated by said postmodern neomarxists (a stupid term by the way) while actually being hardcore infiltrated by neoliberal ideology.
Quick rundown on JBP:
>marxist professors bow to the JBP
>in contact with top cultural marxists
>rumoured to possess psychic abilities
>controls canada with an iron fist
>owns therapy clinics and offices all over the world
>direct descendants of the ancient priest class blood line
>will bankroll the first cities for lobster-man hybrids
>in the process of terraforming Jupiter for his personal planet
>own basically every DNA editing research facility on Earth
>first designer babies will be Peterson babies
>said to have a 400+ IQ
>owns nanobot R&D labs around the world
>You likely have Petersonbots inside you right now
>Every child has the mark of the Bernt inside them right now
>In regular communications with the Archangels Michael and Gabriel
>Discovered the ark of the covenant
>Learned fluent English in less than a week
>Wrote each of his books in a matter of days
>JBP is 56 years old, from the space-time reference point of the base human
>In reality, he is a timeless being existing in all points of time and space from the big bang
>Has been able to access the Akashic records since birth, and has spoken about what he saw while he was a newborn
>Jordan Bernt Peterson will guide humanity into a new age of wisdom, peace and love
>democratic elements of the current arrangement
>democratic elements of the current arrangement
>democratic elements of the current arrangement
My sides.
>biological difference between race
He no such thing kido only pathetic whites believe that
>What Jew are in positions of power
He kido you are just dumb everybody know that Jews have big IQ and you are just jealous
Is this normal?
Okay now can you explain to me the statement expressed in OP's greentext?
Based hysterical woman
>alt right figure
Why couldn’t she simply stock them and laugh at the incels who purchase them?
People eat it up as a reaction to our degenerate culture which enshrines victimhood, minimizes agency, regards morality as subjective and not altogether trustworthy, etc, etc, he's basically giving 50s grandpa advice to millenials and zoomers raised by single moms and narcissistic boomers
itt: butthurt traps
Literally everything he says is pretty reasonable.
Only some SJWs get triggered, because he doesn't want to suck tranny dick.
What's the problem? That someone out there has more money than you? That somebody out there has more authority? That there's no such thing as a free lunch? Work gives you purpose in life and is good for your mental health. Communism is an ideology for the weak. Look at who fills your ranks: a bunch of trannies with blue hair. Is this what you look up to?
That everyone is getting fucked in the ass and there is no semblance of culture.
>Work gives life meaning
Let's say this is case. Most people hate their jobs and don't want to spend half of their life in an office.
>Most people hate their jobs and don't want to spend half of their life in an office.
It's easy to say stuff like this, but if you don't provide an alternative what's the point.
I like my job. Why dont they grt jobs they like?
Kek irl Jews are dumb as shit and they've only ever been able to accomplish anything historically because of charity from white Christcucks.
Do you think that there is no democracy in modern Liberal Democracies at all? I agree that the system is very flawed, but it is there. That's why I said "preserve AND ENHANCE".
Desk jockeying is not a job, perhaps an occupation but never a vocation. The work that gives life meaning is one that gives man actual control over things and allows him to see and possibly reap the fruits of his labor.
>alt right figure
yeah, that's why he's popular
>alt right = popular
really made me think
Most people are doing desk jobs it is what is valued
Doubtful, that's not even what I said.
They need a system to help them lead their lives
Don't commies lick the boots of the politburo?
Read the Gita
>doesn't know what bootlicking is
>calls someone else underaged
And OP is right. Bootlickers can get fucked and JP right along with them. Fuck boomers.
you aren't outside your political system(?)
A decent paying office job would be nice right now, desu.
Happiness is giving money to my patreon and paying to watch my debates live.
>Bootlickers can get fucked and JP right along with them. Fuck boomers.
That's antisemitic.
Why are you so racist?
Now I know her name, place of business and what she did to deserve being fired.
Men are confused in the west
So charlatans can come and sweep them. So this whiny psychologist who's known for crying, gets young men - who've been heavily effeminized - to follow him. He's also a surrogate father. When a guy tells me he likes Peterson, it means I can take advantage of him.
How do we clean the Pinker Discord out of this place?
I remember Yea Forums was the first to like Peterson but then Reddit latched onto him and then the normies. Yea Forums hates anything that is popular with normies except when it is so popular is becomes niche again. Anons seethe over things they used to love because the thought of someone perceived as "normie" liking it is too difficult to bare. Truly a conundrum.
You are asking for a political system to cure all in-equity and iniquity. This is not humanly possible; no government of any stripe has managed this.
The best scorer is still capitalism. Yeah its still a failing grade, but still better.
Until there's a new political theory that can order a society so that it trumps capitalism with hard numbers, we may as well stick to what semi-works.
>Take advantage of peterson fans
How exactly? What is their common vulnerability?
>alt right
He's a lousy de-radicalizer indeed
Look up the JBP dismantled documentary, his cause is to funnel European males into ineffectual individualism. Get them playing checkers in a game of chess (identity politics for every other group but them).
> You are asking for a political system to cure all in-equity and iniquity
That's clearly not what I'm doing. I said "more equitable...". What you're doing is drawing a false dichotomy between the status quo and portray alternatives as radical to the point of impracticality. That's absolutely false. No matter where you live, there is a way to make things better. I can't speak for the entirety of the Western world, but in America, the Right has essentially been reduced to playing "spook the whites and boomers with niggers and illegals" in order to win because their policy prescriptions are unpopular:
> healthcare
> Gun control
> income and wealth inequality
Voters still have power to make things better, and I think that it's incredibly defeatist to say that because we can't storm the bastille so to speak we should just give up.
capitalism has caused the climate crisis and has literally no remedy for it, hurtling us towards our mortal terminus, yet people like you still defend it because muh quality of life
Um ackshually sweaty, brown people and their incurable stupidity have caused the climate crisis, and a lot of other additional problems too.
This is absolutely true, but many here simply lost faith in him when he commited too many blunders and realized he was never going to expand his message beyond what we have already heard a thousand times.
>i can't do it
Because browns are necessary for the endless growth agenda of neolibs. With respect to population, resource extraction and consumption. techno-capital is employing the brown, you fault pawns for the handler.
He couldn't remark about Solzenithyn and is antiwhite in own words, those are not firing offense?
bad bait
capitalism made comfortable living possible leading to explosive population growth. climate change is a result of that
electionfags with muh trad life fetish are the ones who latched onto Peterson, not Yea Forums(nel) proper.
>you fault pawns for the handler.
Kek no I really don't.
/fit/ was (and still is) all over JBP
Good answer.
I do applaud it; i apologize for my own post.
Am not saying rollover and die; just saying i'm out of ideas and i need smarter people to come up with them; i haven't been persuaded that i'm doing anything other than pick between different rapists to fuck me. So i vote for the one with the latest STI negative result, and the smallest penis. I'm a working plud, tell me my other options.
Also, the US government is slow, the legal system is more tedious and full of exploitable holes than common law. Successful capitalists OTOH are reasonably quick on the uptake, and the way campaigning is done there's no way an honest joe can compete with someone who has lobby money.
I (and my small household) can boycott firms that i dont like, and i do. Cocacola and Nestle are not dead yet (Coke is def sweating though) . Nor "toobigtofail" types like HSBC.
Again the burden of enabling change falls on someone else: an insider has to risk their continued welfare to wikileaks their ratbusiness, or else not enough NPCs will come in to help stone them.
Fair enough. I admit i do like getting a whole roast chicken at 1hr minimum wage, 1 month of internet broadband for a day's wage, and a new secondhand motor with 2weeks wage. i cannot find or make such things in the wild outside capitalism or capitalism 1.1 "Communism with Chinese characteristics". I am perfectly willing to give up the bike and the broadband, but this lowers my own competitiveness to the point where i am not assured of having a living, nevermind a comfy one. I'm not slitting me own throat if no one else is.
I'll join in the grand hypocrisy of Earth Hour if you like. I've never seen it help anything except corporations pretend they give a shit.
>he has never heard of social democracy
I STILL don't understand what exactly in Peterson makes lefties so incredibly enraged, and I'm increasingly having a feeling that neither do lefties.
Who the hell says this? Even Jordan Peterson doesn't think he should be above criticism
His dietary stance, for example, is retarded (though desu hes probably only doing it to support his daughter).
It is equally irresponsible and idiotic for us JP fans to look upon him as infallible as it is for you, his critics, to dismiss him entirely
That's your fault. And mine. Don't buy products from companies that don't make any environmental effort
Why you depressed fucks don't like Peterson is beyond me. Maybe you don't want to admin that you are mentally ill.
I think it's some sort of teenage tribal thing, I remember in my days for no reason there were two gangs based on jean label. Nobody knows where it started. Modern leftist is a soulless automaton way beneath development of human teenager, so I believe they simply act according to stimuli of their immediate surroundings. Like sea cucumber.
chapo started talking about him. that's literally it.
well that and the trans thing.
U know all jews didnt kill jesus, just a few.
Because he is a philosophical lightweight who constantly talks about things that are out of his grasp and does not understand poisoning the minds of people who do not know any better (DUDE muh postmodern neomarxist boogeymen). he says that he is not into politics and is foremost a psychologist yet he constantly involves himself in it. if he stuck to trying to help troubled young men no one would have a problem with him.
not a peterson fan, but you're never going to change the world. this doesn't mean that there's nothing you can do to improve it, but most of those improvements are going to happen with or without you and are largely determined by forces beyond your control. better to focus on changing your own life. ironically, if you did that, you'd actually be in a better position to make some sort of impact, however marginal.
people focus on this stuff as a form of higher procrastination, as cope for not being able to do anything about their own situation. in many cases, it's a means of pursuing their own sublimated desire for power and revenge, hence why so many political obsessives are such neurotic, vindictive people.
peterson isn't the only person who says this. nietzsche says it. stirner says it. tolstoy says it, too. so does jesus, buddha, etc.
And what's the real reason behind your hatred? That tired claim is equal to "becus he dumb nigga" but I don't see you fucking lunatics hounding obsessively any other idiots.
That is the real reason(?) I dont hate him just needs to stop talkimg about things he doesnot knoe about. Who else is as popular as him and is spreading his anti-intellectual rhetoric?
Are you really that fucking stupid you don't understand your entire "criticism" is 1:1 equal to "becus he dumb nigga"? I know you are fucking stupid actually, but I don't buy that reason, because I don't see you fucking lunatics hounding obsessively any other idiots. Explain why.
Im not saying he is dumb? Maybe you are though get better reading comprehension or dont go on a literature board.
>rising up against big govt.
Whatre you 16?
Yes you are. Do you understand that you are an idiot? Now the latter part: I don't see you fucking lunatics hounding obsessively any other idiots. Explain why.
Communism nigger
No im not, I am saying he talks about things he does not know about he presents himself as a political figure and talks about philosopherd hr has not read in depth. His field is psychology, I am not denying his knowledge on his field or his skill as a counseler, I am not saying he is dumb.
Nobody is hounding on him he is being memed everywhere and it is annoying. I answered this question with another question:"who else is as popular as him who his spreading his brand of anti-intellectualism?"
if you are going to reply to me with insults and your bad reading comprehension and not say anything dont bother replying to me.
Yes you are you fucking illterate leftist moron. Your "criticism" has equal depth as saying "he dumb nigga". Be honest. What is real reason for your anger. Or do you blurrily recognize yourself as this kind of sea cucumber automaton?
>corporate cock
Capitalism may not be perfect, but it is the best system we have. And in contrast to socialism, which brutally murdered hundreds of millions of people, capitalism has lifted billions out of poverty, saving their lives.
It is projected that within ten years none of the 8 billion people living on this planet will be living in poverty. It doesn't get any better than that.
unrealistic. no utopia model of society should be taken seriously. capitalism is fine if we can go back to the 50s style
>What is this even supposed to mean?
see post below for prime example
ITT: Absolutely SEETHING reddit commies and discord trannies with filthy rooms.
>but I don't see you fucking lunatics hounding obsessively any other idiots.
The answer to this is obvious. Peterson has the most influence, so it follows that he is the biggest target. It is the same reason anti-capitalists go after rich capitalists instead of any idiot who happens to own an iphone.
You are the reason people hate Peterson.
Claim of that leftist moron was that they obsessively hound Peterson solely because "he is dumb", but I'm not seeing them hounding dumb celebrities with such passion. Increasingly, I don't believe lefties themself can actually even formulate why they hate him so much.
>Modern leftist is a soulless automaton way beneath development of human teenager, so I believe they simply act according to stimuli of their immediate surroundings. Like sea cucumber.
>the problem is all inside you
Great spiritual advice. If you weren't flawed at a genetic level, your population wouldn't be either. Assuming you are relatively close to them.
Good goyim; you have nothing to gain by embracing nationalism and socialism simultaneously. All that matters in this world are (((profits))), even at the cost of ones own health and the health of ones people.
>And in contrast to socialism, which brutally murdered hundreds of millions of people
The absolute level of discourse on this board. This would be too low even for /pol/. I blame Americans. As for actual refutation, I'll say two things. First, if we approach the world with this mind-set, then shouldn't we consider the "crimes of capitalism" as well? What about the million or so people that Bush and other neocons killed in Iraq? The various military juntas and CIA funded death squads in Latin America? The Cold-War era proxy wars? The people dying from poverty today? What about Fascism? Under a fascist system, the public and private sector are deeply intertwined, so there is a business elite of some sort. Can we lump them in there too? Do we If we measure death toll in terms of percentage of the population (China and the USSR are MASSIVE so it's natural for more people to die) in any given country, I think we'll come up with a comparable figure. But it's all nonsense anyway, because thinking about violence as a product of the broad ideology is absolutely stupid. Tearing down a society and rebuilding it is incredibly difficult, and it doesn't happen in a vacuum, or on a blank canvas. There are domestic realities to think of, international relations factors, considerations regarding the individual leaders who played a role in these regimes, and so on. People like pointing to the Holodomor and Mao's autism spree as examples of "socialist violence". Let's consider these two things. The Holodomor was as far as I know was a man-made famine. Stalin orchestrated the famine as part of his own agenda. Are murderous dictators a natural consequence of socialist governments? Obviously not, since we have murderous dictators of all ideological stripes - see the military juntas of Latin America and so on. As for Mao's string of disastrous policies, those as I understand them are a result of the anti-intellectual bent of Mao's take on Marxism. They kicked out the vast majority of technocrats to the rice fields. And so policy became informed by ideology without practical folk to mold it into something reasonable. And that's how you get peasants who get told to start making iron in their backyard and run around chasing sparrows. Again, this is not something inherent to socialist thinking, and you don't have to go any further than the USSR, where, as the people of /pol/and like to point out, was led by a bunch of (((intellectuals))).
>but I'm not seeing them hounding dumb celebrities with such passion.
Firstly, Peterson is one of those dumb celebrities they hound with such passion. Secondly, rich celebrities are very often criticized by leftists as the bourgeoisie they are, especially when they do something like complain about making 2 million dollars instead of 10 million on a movie deal or whatever bullshit it may be. Peterson is a bigger target in this case because he constantly preaches a dogma that many people find, among other issues, unethical or untrue to his over-zealous and often too-young/vulnerable-to-know-better followers.
God, you are worse than a boomer. At least they think this way due to nostalgia
I've actually sat with some Heidegger readers and people qho knpw Nietzsche and Kierkegaard really well, and made them watch Petersons lectures on those philosophers. None of them had any substantive criticism. Peterson may not be a great philosopher but he's no lightweight either. Leftists hate Peterson because he poses an existential threat to their way of thought. That is the sole and only reason. There are counterarguments to be made to Peterson's statements, but these carry a heavy price. In fact one might say that Peterson has pushed the left even further left by giving such a reasonable rightwing conservative argument.
> what is climate change
I know this is just a joke but some people actually believe this. How can they balance 'everyone is equal, whites have no distinguishing features' with 'Jews have a higher average IQ'. People really do hold these paradoxical views, they accept certain African groups are better adapted to sprinting though natural and unnatural selection (just look at the 100m), but cannot accept Europeans are better adapted to certian tasks due to natural selection.
>I've actually sat with some Heidegger readers and people qho knpw Nietzsche and Kierkegaard really well, and made them watch Petersons lectures on those philosophers. None of them had any substantive criticism.
Amazing. So Peterson is best known for his lectures on particular philosophers, right? This is where "leftists" find issue? Obviously not you imbecile. His following began when he owned some random tranny epic style off the street and then launched an internet campaign against an insignificant Canadian bill which everyone of his zealous followers seems to blow way out of proportion. He now, since gaining such an enormous amount of wealth, has simply become a capitalist apologist, self-help guru, and experimental diet proponent roaming around the world with fence-sitting conservative political pundits like Dave Rubin.
Nice non-argument.
He is taking advice from a guy that promotes self-reliance.
"At a boy! You really showed me. All those moly meme videos have paid off, you are an argument genius!
I don't see anything wrong with any of that though.
See . It's because they're christcuck retards and they simply *want* to be subservient to fundamentally jewish narratives and interests. This drive is deeply embedded in white collective consciousness, probably the result of literally worshipping a kike as some offspring of the divine for thousands of years.
You gotta do what ya gotta do, with what you got to do it with.
Looking up to someone, as a mentor is one thing.
Idolizing a person, and creating a weird political/social movement from it is another thin altogether. A weird, twisted, co-dependent, mentally unhealthy, thing to do.
Grow up, become an individual, not a clone.
Who gives a shit about all that. If you want to disprove him you have to dive into his metaphysics, ethics, religious views and anthropology. Show me where he's wrong there and then maybe we can talk about the symptoms of these philosophical currents moving through his mind. You're attacking the psychological effect and ignoring its cause.
Then, when you do dive into his metaphysics especially, you start to see that he has rrally managed to create an interesting system, deeply rooted in religion but fundamentally supported by science. It's harder to refute than you might think. It is possible, but you'll probably end up taking some fairly controversial stances along the way.
Rabban Gamaliel wasn't even Christian though.
baited, and triggered, mission accomplished.
You DO know what bait is, don't you?
Grifting is a bad thing user, especially when the victims are vulnerable people.
You're slave morality!
>creating a weird political/social movement
What is this movement?
I didn't care for Peterson until I've found /pol/ and /leftypol/ rallying against him.
Still haven't read or heard anything from him. I think I've pieced together the main points by him from the criticism of him, which makes him seem more and more reasonable in comparisson.
90% of Peterson's appeal to people is his Jungianism. He is simply the Joseph Campbell of our time, a man who eloquently dumbs down Jung for the normies + a few scattered original thoughts. He protested that bill in 2015 or something, no one survives off of political outrage for 4 years. People hunger for some sort of spiritual path. People hunger for the archetypes.
>especially when the victims are vulnerable people.
Who is to tell them what they need? This Peterson or his critics, both want these audiences. The difference between them? These masses chose Peterson and so his critics resent his success.
Compared to other youth influencers like Chapotraphouse that revel in the failure of their followers ("failsons" as they call them), Peterson at least seems marginally more interested in people as ends onto themselves - in people bettering themselves, rather than means to achieve some grand design.
t. dad who wants kids to clean their own rooms
If this post is satire, then amazing post, very funny. If sincere... I don't have much to tell you. Like I said, his psychological, metaphysical, religious, anthropological perspectives are not where most people find issue. His ethical positions, especially those which justify capitalistic exploitation seem pretty untenable, and thus open to being criticized and very often are. Following from this, his political positions are in the same boat. He is basically a boomer conservative who invokes free speech to justify hating whichever minority group is trendy to hate in that moment. He himself is probably not even a bad faith actor, but is definitely the most useful idiot for neoliberal and fascist types.
Not exactly fair to Campbell; he was never wildly successful and popular the way Peterson has become. Outside of a few mentions by George Lucas, most normies still have no idea who he is or what he contributed to our shared understanding of art, literature, storytelling, mythology, etc.
> He is basically a boomer conservative who invokes free speech to justify hating whichever minority group is trendy to hate in that moment.
are you using this as a shitty analogy or are you seriously saying peterson has said anything remotely edgy about various minority groups?
Read the sentence after that one
Yet you can't formulate thought beyond "me think he dumb", don't act as obsessively against those other celebrities, so again what's the real reason? It seems like not even you have thought this thing any further than this so asking it is futile, like you are completely oblicious and incapable of taking one more step in thinking process let alone two. Fucking sea cucumbers. user was right on. You "people" have zero self-awareness.
>Modern leftist is a soulless automaton way beneath development of human teenager, so I believe they simply act according to stimuli of their immediate surroundings. Like sea cucumber.
Not dissing Campbell here, just so you know, I enjoy him very much. I thought Campbell was wildly popular with the 60's counter-cultural movement, but I may of course be wrong. Not a phenomenon like Peterson (which is mostly due to edgy politics and the internet), but still wildly popular?
Neolibs and fascists both hate Peterson.
What specifically has he said about capitalism that drove you so far up the wall against him? Is that your only concern or are there others? Let's analyse this and try to find some truth.
Random leftist influencers aren't the only ones who criticize Peterson. I myself am a critic of Peterson. Which audience exactly am I after?
>Peterson at least seems marginally more interested in people as ends onto themselves
Yes I agree he is very good at giving lip-service for valuing people as ends, but all that rhetoric is flushed down the drain with his capitalist apologia, dog whistling, grifting, etc.
europeans being better at anything is literally colonialism, sweaty, and only reactionary nazi fascist incels think like that
He can't answer. Leftists don't really have any criticism in this case either. They are sea cucumbers motioning like their surrounding peers do for sake of motioning, they don't understand why. They lack the cognition and self-awareness of higher animals completely.
>Dog whistling
Anons pay attention: anyone that uses this word is trying to hide the fact that they're strawmanning their opponent.
>capitalist apologia
And so the communist rat comes out of hiding. Capitalism is a moral good, a metaphysical inevitability and you should be more fucking grateful.
What? Who has been swindled by Peterson? This is an ad-hominem fallacy, even if it were true, which it isn't.
I refuse to believe that is the case. There must be some hidden psychological drive, or some.reason that for some reason i am too blind to see. I wamt to understand this fervent hate for Peterson, because it makes no sense at all to me, and mysteries are attractive.
>being triggered by memerson
>Anons pay attention: anyone that uses this word is trying to hide the fact that they're strawmanning their opponent.
>And so the communist rat comes out of hiding. Capitalism is a moral good
kek. The system in which people are a merely a means to generating the maximal amount of profit is morally good.
>you should be more fucking grateful.
Double kek. Bootlicking on another level. The millionaires like Peterson who tell you this BS are more grateful than anyone else considering how efficiently people like you fill their pockets.
>implying capitalism is something you choose
I've tried asking before many times also to get to root of that, and their level of cognition stops always at this level (vague claims equivalent to sayin "he dumb nigga") , any further inquiry into that or pointing out contradictions simply does not communicate, they go in circle "he dumb becus he dumb". Thus I have come up with that hypothesis after lots of observatón that typical leftist is like a sea cucumber: an automaton that acts only on impulses it acquires from its surroundings without even any self understanding that it is doing so.
Reality is racist lmao. Sorry, not sorry shitskins.
get your head out of your ass the fact that you can only talk in memes is pathetic your mind is poisoned
lmao christcucks literally want to be slaves to the jews
I didn't say only leftists criticize him. I referred to the failsons because they are the most caricaturesque.
/pol/ frequenters seem to be also very critical of him, as this threat reminds us.
>Neolibs and fascists both hate Peterson.
Simply false. Peterson preaches a very strictly individualistic dogma, and obviously neoliberals eat that up since it bolsters capitalism. Internet fascists use Peterson's arguments for free speech to justify them influencing others to support ethnostates and the "ironic" extermination of whatever minorities they don't like, as well as the subjugation of women. In both the case of the neoliberal and fascist Peterson is the most useful idiot there is, especially considering his huge influence over young people (mostly men).
>kek. The system in which people are a merely a means to generating the maximal amount of profit is morally good.
That is because you arw wrongly assuming that capitalism is ethical. It isn't. It's descriptive not prescriptive and any capitalist owes to himself to knowas much about ethics as possible, and to never break the ethical rules that they hold. This idea does not exclude capitalism, in fact, it is what makes capitalism possible. Only moral degenerates hate capitalism because they are not able to even think seriously of self-sacrifice.
>Double kek. Bootlicking on another level. The millionaires like Peterson who tell you this BS are more grateful than anyone else considering how efficiently people like you fill their pockets.
You should be grateful for all the material goods capitalism has given you. No other system in history has managed that, at least.
>I don't know why I'm too stupid to see why Peterson's a hack
lol okay
Neolibs and fascists both hate Peterson.
>Simply false.
They do hate Peterson. At least Trudeau-style neolibs hate Peterson. So do american neoliberals. For his conservative stance on sexuality/trasngenderism (he's wholly right and you know it) and for his religious views.
Fascists hate Peterson because he is too moderate. He supports Jews and he supports homosexual rights. He's against white idpol (as you said, radical individualism) and they hate him for it. They didn't nickname him Peterstein for no reason.
You're simply wrong about all sides of this issue.
>The system in which people are a merely a means to generating the maximal amount of profit is morally good.
Nah, people spend much of their capital on non-productive assets like yachts, videogames, movie tickets, etc. It isn't about accruing capital, that is just what people do because they want status and security and other stuff, but your rights to allocate your capital as you see fit, rather than having someone else do it for you, wether that is a dictator or a democratic commitee.
That said there are only mixed economies because no social theories survive meeting reality unscathed.
>The millionaires like Peterson who tell you this BS are more grateful than anyone else considering how efficiently people like you fill their pockets.
As opposed to millionaires like Chomsky, Chavez, Castro & Co.
pol / alt-right criticism is straightforward: Peterson speaks against group identity and believes in almighty individual heroism like any boomer liberal, which is accurate representation of what Peterson says, and then they give reasons why they disagree - civilized, to the point, and honest.
Leftist criticism is whole other thing, it's completely detached from what Peterson actually says or non-consequential like crying that he has "plagiarized" notion of hero's journey and thus everything else he says is pseud bullshit. It's like hysterical mass schitzophrenia without any actual content.
These two types of criticism of Peterson give very interesting window into how mind of left and right operates.
The left criticism is also againt his individualism. They just frame it as class war instead of race war.
How can capitalism not relate to ethics and also be a "moral good"? That's a contradiction.
>It's descriptive not prescriptive
Are economists akin to sociologists in that their task is describing the current state of things within a society? Not really. Economists including those who support capitalism argue that a society *should* follow whichever system they see as most ideal by whatever standard they choose. They make prescriptive/ normative claims, not descriptive. If you truly believe that capitalism is just an assessment of how things are now, and is neither morally good nor bad (since according to you it does not relate to moral claims), then you should have no problem with introducing a system which in fact would be morally good.
>You should be grateful for all the material goods capitalism has given you
What has it given to those with no money? The answer is nothing.
Are you gonna act on that or just telling us?
I haven't ever seen any criticism like that from left directed at an actual specific point of what Peterson says.
>then you should have no problem with introducing a system which in fact would be morally good.
I agree and have no problem however my morally good system has step 1 which states "morally good system has not a single leftist, their friends to second circle or family left alive" so tough luck kid I guess haha
That's because you get all your information from /pol/. This is pretty apparent considering your analysis that /pol/ has produced some sort of coherent point against Peterson or anyone (which it hasn't, that board is a clusterfuck every third post is a rant about niggers or jews).
>boo boo doesn't know the difference between morality and ethics.
Look. Capitalism is a moral good because it is good for people. However ir does not pertain to the study of what actions should be forbidden in a certain context, nor does capitalism ever impose moral obligations. As such it is non-ethical.
However, a capitalist society without any ethics at all would be monstruous indeed, but no one is actually arguing for that. You'll find that most ultracapitalist types tend to have a very rigid ethical code. There will always be a small sample of parasites but capitalism actually does a fairly good job of filtering those out, no one wants to work with a thief, when one is looking to benefit.
Capitalism does encourage certain types of actions, some of them bad, yes. That doesn't mean capitalism is bad, it just means we have to have an ethical code that supercedes capitalism. Which we do. This ethical code should not try to play the markets however, because then we don't have capitalism anymore and we lose a great moral good.
What a coincidence, a capitalist apologist thinks its morally righteous to kill people. (I know you are just LARPing, but the point still stands as capitalists do in fact seem to carry around this sort of sentiment)
>point out I haven't ever seen any criticism like that from left directed at an actual specific point of what Peterson says
>immediately get typical schitzo leftie sliding and crying about /pol/ instead of addressing point
Like pottery. Also no, I also habit other places like this shithole, you schitzoid leftie fuck.
>>boo boo doesn't know the difference between morality and ethics.
>there is a difference between morality and ethics
kek. Take an ethics class. I won't bother reading the rest of your post.
Rofl, I have actually taken ethics classes. Ethics concerns the study of morality. They can not be mapped onto each other 1:1. If you had paid attention when reading Kant you would know this too.
You could just read the posts ITT for some leftist criticisms against Peterson which already touched on his boomer conservationism/ neoliberalism and his individualistic attitudes. Like most /pol/tards, you will only see what you want to, so it is no surprise that you "haven't ever seen any criticism like that from left".
Stop talking out of your ass. Campbell was enormously popular, and is still widely read. There was even a 6 part TV show with him in the 80s.
Nope, not LARPing, I do think no1 prerequisite to morally good society is slaughtering every single leftist, their friends and families (because I believe you have genetic disease and social justice is incompatible with your sickness, btw my hatred of you only exists after prolonged interaction with your incredible hostility, idiocy and dishonesty). And you can't argue against that at all, after all you want morally good system. I just happen to describe morally good as such. But because you are a leftist, thus by definition a diseased retard, you of course missed that obvious point.
But there are no such arguments ITT, just vague diseased "he dumb" rambling
>it is morally good to slaughter people en masse
>capitalism is good btw
like clockwork
Hey man, I agree that every single ledtist ITT is a retard. Doesn't mean we should kill them. Education and argument are the pharmakon. It's the way I left my leftist ideology behind and ever since I have been trying to free myself from any thought that I can not understand. Most of these people are slaves to calculations they have not made themselves. You may think yourself free but murderousness just makes you an equal slave of your vengefulness, you should transcend that.
The absolute state of drumpfies
>still missing the obvious point
>also seeing text that doesn't exist
Leftism truly is disease where schitzoid and brain damage tier stupidness combines. Which has got me thinking. Remember mass slaughter and burning of cows in Britain because they had disease with same symptoms leftists have? That was justified for protection of humans, so as a vegan I fail to see why mass slaughter and burning leftists for exact same reason is not justified.
Fuck you too, my path is set and it's glistening with their blood.
>There was even a 6 part TV show with him in the 80s.
If it's so famous, how come I've never heard of it?
That's a pity man, there are a lot more beautiful things than blood out there.
Don't embarrass yourself in front of your classes by trying to make this point. Your professors and peers will cringe. These terms are completely interchangeable.
You have. It's called Joseph Campbell and the Power of Myth.
The right eating their own. I thought only leftists did this
Sending bombs in the mail
Pynchon's better
You are embarrassing yourself right now. Ethics is the philosophy of morality. Keyword is philosophy. It concerns itself with knowledge of morality and therefore the study of morality. These terms are not at all interchangeable and only an idiot would think for even a second that they are.
Possibly the most pathetic larp I've ever seen
But what do you think about my reasoning? We can clearly see lefties behaving exactly like diseased cows that had prions destroying their brains. I truly think leftism is a literal disease akin to mad cow. Yet for some reason those diseased leftists with rotten brains are allowed to live among healthy humans who are well, while cows with exact same condition had to be quarantined and exterminated asap.
leftists aren't people retard
See, would you cure a sick child by cutting off its head? This is not the right way. The right way is to change opinions through arguments, and if you do not have the stomach to muddle through their diseased minds, then change them by showing the right example. Both of these are much harder than simply destroying, but in the end they will bring you much greater joy because they force you to improve yourself.
Neither are anons lol
The right was eating their own since the 1940s. There are fundamentally incompatible groups in the right, and its only now with current events that a lot of them were put in close proximity to each other. Now that the "hype" or whatever you want to call it has died down, a lot of those incompatibilities are starting to surface more and more as different ideological tendencies brush up against each other and find that they aren't really the best bedfellows in regards to their personal goals.
Ur so right wing you're left wing lmao
>disregards the fact that he himself is user
see tranny discord mob self-expose here, tickets for free!
witness mental retardation and diseased freak!
Have sex
you will never be a real woman, eunuch freak.
Fag I like jp and had a lackluster father but I don't see him like my dad lmao. To me, he instills things in me I feel I should've learned long ago
This is the response every time someone refers to tranny discord. Coincidence?
t. butthurt neomarxist student who doesn’t like when moderates call their stupid anti-democratic ideology out, so they call them *gushing* ALT-RIGHT.
theres a difference between lackluster father and no father. when you don't have an actual father relationship established in your mind your brain literally perceives anything it can look up to as a father figure.
>durr instead of sucking corporate cock suck government cock instead :)
Why are marxshits so retarded?
this dude is basically a cult leader at this point, that video where the autist runs on stage to ask for his help was like watching one of those shitty miracle charlatan videos
>definitely the most useful idiot for neoliberal and fascist types
How fucking schizo do you have to be to genuinely believe the "Peterstein is creating a fascist death squad" meme based on him criticizing communist regimes?
>invokes free speech to justify hating whichever minority group is trendy to hate
The man reviled by the """alt-right""" for constantly denouncing prejudice and refusing to touch on racial/Jewish/demographic issues?
Chapo has really given you people brain damage, fucking hell man.
>the neoliberal and fascist Peterson is the most useful idiot there is, especially considering his huge influence over young people
So I'm confused, is Peterson a retarded con-man targeting beta losers, or a fascist supergenius scheming to indoctrinate every young man in America?
>killing is wrong guise
Don't know if he's a communist, but if he is it's a pretty shitty radlib take. Using moralisms as an arguement for communism is unmarxist.
t. Communist
You realise capitalists like regulation, don’t you? This is more prevalent in the EU than US but as regulation is expensive to implement and maintain it favours big companies and makes it harder for smaller ones to compete.
Is the book even inherently capitalist? I thought it was just helpful life advice, why do women/Marxists have a problem with men trying to better themselves.
>Capitalism may not be perfect, but it is the best system we have. And in contrast to socialism, which brutally murdered hundreds of millions of people, capitalism has lifted billions out of poverty, saving their lives.
Nigger tier npc response
Hundred of millions thing included the deaths that was caused by famine that wasnt inteded. Sure holodomor happened and that was terrible, no one denied that. But to parrot muh 100 gorillion talking point is just pure dishonesty. Capitalism killed way more if we also count it the same way, not to mention the many atrocities capitalist countries does.
Really hate the fuck that pointing out Juden Peterstein's sloppy inquiries into the areas outside of his experties became something associated with the discord trannies
It doesn't matter either way in all honesty. Companies will always have an interest in being involved in the government (federal or local) because its in their self-interest to do so. Even if the government was small and no such regulations were in place, companies would still insert themselves as to pass legislation favorable to them. Not doing so would be losing out to those who did. Why would any company deny themselves that amount of power ever? In a market, that would be illogical.
I'm all for protecting the environment, but if you fuck with my gun rights then you're going to find me leaving your ranks real quick.
Good post, good pic, i like you user
>holodomor happened
So a people adapting in a colder environment where planning is paramount (winter) has no noticeable effect? Why were Europeans in a position to colonise? It's absurd that African tribes fighting and enslaving for resources is less morally reprehensible due to scale.
t. liberal in denial
I want to put an end to crony capitalism not capitalism as a whole.
True, we need guns for the revolution against the biggest military power in the world. I'm sure us rednecks will fight off the bomber jets with our AR-15s. 'Muhrica!
See Don't go making stupid arguments on purpose. Just because firearms may be possibly inconsequential (they probably won't be given the record of insurgencies literally everywhere who utlized convential firearms), it isn't an argument to not have them at all.
Why do people insist on this kind of tribalism? its absurd, you can simultaneously support unlimited gun rights, universal healthcare, very strong borders and strict environmental laws but instead you get pigeon-holed into these arbitrary monolithic blocks.
Even people online choose to slot themselves into pre-existing 'left and 'right' positions instead of taking each issue as it stands.
gun nuts already think their right to a gun outweighs others right to not be shot to death...
the slope isn't very steep to: my right to a gun outweighs everyone's right to a habitable planet
You are just trolling. I think you will find lots of gun owners think the right to life is very important, hence their support for the right to protect oneself.
Plus lots of hunters are great supporters of conservation and the environment. Straw manning from weak urban progressives who know jack shit about nature aside.
>gun nuts already think their right to a gun outweighs others right to not be shot to death...
This is coming from a leftist, please stop making retarded arguments. Most homicides don't even come from firearms, or legally owned ones at that, and removing firearms doesn't really do very much to the total homicide rate.
That's the conservative talking point; "we need guns to resist the government". As if a bunch of hillbillies with pistols could resist the US army.
It is merely one of many arguments. Using it to discredit gun rights is a fallacy. Nothing to do with the army, the point is that one hick with a hunting rifle can tie up all the cops in a county or two for several days, destroy power lines or kill local officials.
What crimes?
Communist death toll: 250 million +
Capitalist life toll: 8 billion +
There's no contest. No one even starves to death in capitalist societies, it's impossible.
No, people hate Peterson because of ressentiment. Both for successful people and the success of capitalism.
Literally anyone can succeed in this society, it offers more opportunity and choice than any system throughout history. You just need to work hard and have some drive. Even if you are poor you are better off than kings from 500 years ago.
I know but I just find it stupid that lots of leftists support regulation when it favours big business. The spirit of capitalism is with small businesses and I even know many genuine hippies that agree.
It may not defeat USA govt firepower but it could weaken them enough for Russia or someone else to kick their asses. USA Govt knows this. The enemy of my enemy is my friend. Also, you're a defeatist weakling, I can understand it if you believe you'd only blow your own foot off if you owned a gun.
I'm not the one being tribalist. I do cherish the environment, but if you're going to be a weak pussy that wants to take away my firepower I'll make my own environmentalist party BITCH.
>Communist death toll: 250 million +
>Capitalist life toll: 8 billion +
That's not how you compare systems. You can easily throw up up the birth rates and "life toll" of the USSR as an argument and point out the numbers that are shown don't fit with the alleged death toll.
>There's no contest. No one even starves to death in capitalist societies, it's impossible.
How are we defining "capitalist" here. Because if we mean capitalism in the sense of it's actual definition, then yes they do.
Idealism. It will always be in the interest of those businesses to grow bigger and aquire more influence. Those that do not will either be absorbed or crushed. Attempting to go back merely opens up the conditions to repeat the process as inevitabily plays out.