What can you read to stop you from wanting to be pic related?
What can you read to stop you from wanting to be pic related?
If the text in pic related is not enough to turn you off it, not sure there is any hope for you.
I know what its like to read but I just wish I could be her and no one would care how contradictory or useless I was outside of basic menial tasks and care for my appearance, happy to rely on easy external validation from others.
Why wouldn't you want a life of integrity, hoeing seminudes for likes on IG? Work on your brand, bucko.
Are you grille?
Girls don't type like that.
But whats wrong with becoming a better self user?
No I'm a faggot (not in the homosexual sense and there is nothing wrong with being gay) and I was raised by a completely passive father and a overemotional feminising mother with complete control, no intervention whatsoever. The damage has already been done as shown by the lack of character, never taught how to deal with conflict or defend myself socially/physically, will, assertiveness, inability to endure hardship, low emotional resilience and inability to understand manful competition or why someone would seek out risk/suffering. I just can't regulate my emotions and irrational fear around other people, completely intimidated by the slightest amount of conflict or aggressiveness towards me.
Now is your chance to be a better man than you father was and harden-up buttercup.
Take up a martial art
Read and practice stoicism
Desensitize yourself to everything that scares you and learn to be courageous. Courage and discipline are what make men. Anything you’re scared to do, count to three and then fucking do it. Don’t be a bitch. Anything you are too lazy to do, count to three and then do it. Don’t be a bitch.
This. Minus the stoicism
Oh. Jungian theory may help. Particularly the anima stuff.
Do you suffer from serial unrealised infatuation with hotties?
>The damage has already been done
And is in no way irreversible if you're under 40
Do you realise why women are the way they are? Its something inherent to them that is unchangeable past a certain point due to their upbringing, a lot of men who were raised by single mothers can adapt as they weren't crying and hitting themselves over the head every day from 5-11 with little to no overemotional delusion fuelling this behaviour from a woman. Not to mention completely overwhelmed by fear throughout the rest of their developing years, this pounding heart rate can't be gotten rid of by nothing short of mind altering drugs prescribed by the same institutions that added to my emasculation in my crucial developing years.
I have this mindset when I haven't been around other people in a while and I've done most of the things you mention, but the slightest amount of fear just makes it disappear, I just want to collapse and distract myself, the fear is too much. Recent interview I wanted to run out of the reception area after sitting down feeling my heart punch my chest without it stopping for what seemed like an hour, then when I finally got into 1 on 1 interviews I was just done. Another example is when I thought I was going to get gangrene due to testicular torsion or serious damage from epididymis from a slight pain in my balls, I ended up lying in my room thinking it was all over, heart rate never failing to go down or the cold fear never going away. Its not normal to have such major reactions. Before I even know it the fear is already inhibiting me and its over. Sounds unbelievably pathetic I know.
unironically shilling /r/theredpill, kill yourself.
Why's it pathetic?
>Blame parents for his own failure.
just kys or enjoy being someone bitch for the rest of your life.
Stoicism is not particularly interesting intellectually, and I by no means advocate for becoming a stoic forever. But I think it would help OP to turn his life around and get better control of his emotions.
It is pathetic but you can overcome it through desensitization and hard work. The self isn’t immutable. You are what you choose to become. I was never in as bad of shape as you claim you are, but I also have suffered from extreme anxiety, depression, depersonalization, social and existential fear, paralysis, etc. I can tell you from first hand experience that these things can be worked through. It takes committing to radically changing the person you think you inherently are. It feels fake and impossible at first. But eventually you start to regain control.
You know that girl you went to highschool with? The one your self insert in the trash coming of age stories you write waxes interminably on about? I fucked her on the first date in a parking lot outside the bar we got drinks at. She texts me quite a bit but I have so many things going on that I usually leave her on read, but she’s still good for a fuck every couple weeks. TRP is a large part of the reason my life is the way it is. If you want your life to be more like mine, check out trp.
>she’s still good for a fuck every couple weeks. TRP is a large part of the reason my life is the way it is
Nobody turns their life around with Stoicism. They just stop caring about the fact their life is shit.
>Relationship with God
>Posting lewd photos of yourself on Instagram to make money as both your lifestyle and job
That's really not how having a relationship with God works. I would blame her, but churches have been very lenient lately and just tell people what they want to hear rather than what they need to hear
How's the novel progressing chief?
>Stoicism is not particularly interesting intellectually
This is not important, the fact its useful is what is important.
That is just ignorant, lots of people get motivation from realising they have full control over their own responses and actions, it can get people to stop whining and thinking like a passive victim.
Go to /lgbt/ or /fit/, whichever one you think you won't regret down the line. Don't let silly ideologues on Yea Forums decide what to do for you, if you know you want to truly seek a more feminine path, and that's what you really want then get professional psychiatroc help and/or talk to people who've gone through the same stuff. You can also try repressing your feelings with /fit/ but that just leads to bitterness and regret if you have serious issues which you sound like you do but i wont stop you.
>self improvement
Everybody should get /fit/, exercise is excellent for your mental state.
I hope your not serious, big brudda.
>he hit me so I'll just not react that way I'm not a victim
Yeah whatever. Pussies and robots get motivation from that. The way to not be a victim is to actively defend yourself
go back
Great blog, Kayden, I also have sex and it doesn't require being a grumpy little fedoralord
OP check out being a normal person
>being this much of hedonist and fleshpilled
go back to rebbit.com and stay there
>the navy seal pasta personified
I just want to say that your life is very Yea Forumserary. At some point being so pathetic transcends into art.
Oh, so you're the fag who's been making the thread about "completely passive father and a overemotional feminising mother with complete control" every fucking day?
>takes a picture of herself with her shirt half on and no pants
>puts it on instagram
>makes more money in 3 minutes than you do in 8 hours slaving on a shit job
woah how could anyone possibly have all that time and energy to go to a gym for an hour a day
>ou know that girl you went to highschool with? The one your self insert in the trash coming of age stories you write waxes interminably on about? I fucked her on the first date in a parking lot outside the bar we got drinks at. She texts me quite a bit but I have so many things going on that I usually leave her on read, but she’s still good for a fuck every couple weeks. TRP is a large part of the reason my life is the way it is. If you want your life to be more like mine, check out trp.
I hope this is a troll.
lmao, I thought that people on this board had a little more self awareness
Self improvement? If he actually wants to be more feminine then how is being /fit/ going to change anything? It's a one way trip to suicide. Not saying he does but that's what it sounds like.
Not eating or sleeping for days can prick your inspiration
Stop spreading the fucking pinkpill.
It will fuck his mind up even more.
How many envious betas replied to my post? Lmao
Enjoy your lives as incel losers chasing your unicorns. Four or five actual men like me will have dicked them down before you get your spindly fingers on them.
Cope harder. I'm outta here. Gurs where I'm going?
Peace out Kayden. Remember to take out the trash.
Yeah whatever
Pathetic and immature