Is there any nofap liteature out there?

Is there any nofap liteature out there?
I've been trying to stop but i'm unable

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I had to go nut to Raylene after looking at your pic. Stop posting Jezebels.

You and me need more willpower

You'll slow down with age. No reason to stop now.

From my boi Kant, the OG nofapper:
“Masturbation is in some ways a worse vice than the horror of murdering oneself, and "debases [the masturbator] below the beasts". Kant writes:
But it is not so easy to produce a rational proof that unnatural, and even merely unpurposive, use of one's sexual attribute is inadmissible as being a violation of duty to oneself (and indeed, as far as its unnatural use is concerned, a violation in the highest degree). The ground of proof is, indeed, that by it a man surrenders his personality (throwing it away), since he uses himself as a means to satisfy an animal impulse. But this does not explain the high degree of violation of the humanity in one's own person by such a vice in its unnaturalness, which seems in terms of its form (the disposition it involves) to exceed even murdering oneself. It consists, then, in this: That a man who defiantly casts off life as a burden is at least not making a feeble surrender to animal impulse in throwing himself away.”

Don't feel like it's healthy for me on a psyhical and a mental level
I need to lay it off for a while

Moderation is fine of course.

An alcoholic cannot moderately consume alcohol. Nor can someone for who fapping has become a problem, fap moderately.

Just do what I did OP: Watch so much pornography that literally nothing gets you off anymore, so you're forced to stop to reset your brain. It's certainly one way to overcome your addiction.

You and I *

Also interested in this. I have a general mental revulsion towards it but I can’t really think of any logical reason why and I haven’t seen it discussed that often aside from cringy pseudo-science or autists claiming they can use their dick like a pogo stick after 2 weeks of not fapping.

There is plenty of scientific evidence to support the anecdotal reports on /fit/ and elsewhere. Best way to verify this is to try it yourself. It will improve your life noticeably.

>There is plenty of scientific evidence to support the anecdotal reports on /fit/ and elsewhere
There is no such thing.

if you fap you become slave of the porn jew so its best to stop and free yourslef form them

I've been fapping to the same 2 doujins for 3 years now

Porn leads me into a rabbit hole of sexual perversion
I once abstained for a month and i fell down into it again
It starts out normal and then ends with trap doujins
I have to stop myself before i do something stupid

>ends with trap doujins
Lmao be grateful if that’s as low as you ever go user, it could be way worse.

You don't understand user
I don't jerk it to the trap i want to BE the trap
It got critical around 2 years,got close to a breaking point

That's not as bad as BBC themed sissy hypno
Not that I jerked off to that haha

I was sexting like five middle aged men at the time user
It really was a fucked time

Oof. I take it back then. Hope you’re doing better now user.

You could be jerking off to something that would interest a certain three letters agency so it's not that bad

Your brain on porn by Gary Wilson

Put a mirror near your laptop or computer. If you see your reflection, break immediately.

Phone book with whores' numbers.

The content of a stimulus retains itself neutrally to the observant subject. A contemplation of the given content due to ethical biases predetermines an illusion of interaction. From this phenomenon, alone, rises the urge to relapse.

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Nice way to create even more insecurities and hate yourself.

Quit all porn. Stop masturbating for 1-3 months and then confine yourself to using your imagination to jerk off 1-2 times a week. Do not return to the porn, that's the real brainfucker.


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Retarded opinion as always

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>dude just do heroin until you get tired of it lmao

Horse porn was probably my lowest point. That's when I knew that I really needed to stop

>Yea Forums btw

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that is the Zorba way


Doctors of the past were aware of this problem.


G.K Chesterton had some good quotes, but i can't be bothered to find them for you.

>no sources

>tranny giving advice to men on masturbation

She is not a tranny, pic of her.

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Show me some pics of yourself and I might blow one out for you.

James Joyce.

too brown

I have gone full circle and i feel like im gonna do it again
I just need to stop

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who dis goddess she look like my syster

King James version

its a documentary but still related. it helped me realise how evil porn is, and helped me quit. I would recommend it if you're struggling.

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that's a man, user.

fucking KEK

NoFapper here or i guess "former".
Is it normal to have increased levels of anxiety, stress and nervousness while doing nofap? Just consciously made the decision to end my 45 Day Streak because i could not take the steam and stress that i was put under for no apparent reasons anymore. I also gotta say that it worsened my depression as well as my nervousness/ tension/stress levels.
This may seem like an unusual and unpopular opinion but had to put my view on it out there.
Thanks for reading my diary entry

>stop masturbating for 1-3 months

I'm sitting in a Tim Hortons as I post this. I haven't fapped in about 16 hours and it's taking all my willpower to not start rubbing myself through my pants to sate for even a moment the aching need. My cock is screaming at me for attention and it never goes away.

go back to the nofap discord and stop shilling on our board

Your brain is craving dopamine, not your cock

>i want to BE the trap
You haven't even broken the surface

May I ask why you are trying to stop? Is there something you have become deeply ashamed of that you feel masturbation has accelerated? In my opinion controlling your lust through sheer willpower is a fool's errand. It is the work of the body and mind that has made you this way, and therein lies the key to solving your problem.

fapping is not the problem, porn is
By problem is i have PIED so i literally can't get off without porn, I'm hoping to nofap till my PIED is gone and then just jerk off without porn
Remember: it is healthy to masturbate (in moderation) but porn is unhealthy

I broke nofap 3 weeks ago when i went and literally got fucked in the ass by a tranny (who at least was hot asf) with a dick 2" bigger than mine. Then to make matters worse I jerked off impulsively to that occurrence 3-6 times a day for the following week. Back on nofap now though. I'm straight if that matters.

Yes, it's called the Bible.

Goddamn you need a psychologist, having those feels is no joke.
t. trap

You know that girl you went to highschool with? The one your self insert in the trash coming of age stories you write waxes interminably on about? I fucked her on the first date in a parking lot outside the bar we got drinks at. She texts me quite a bit but I have so many things going on that I usually leave her on read, but she’s still good for a fuck every couple weeks. TRP is a large part of the reason my life is the way it is. If you want your life to be more like mine, check out trp.

Posting it twice doesn't make it any funnier, go to bed chad.

>literally got fucked in the ass by a tranny
how did you find one?

tinder. i unironically do not regret it one bit, and would do it again if she would answer my texts. i do regret the relapse into masturbation though

never used it

does it allow you to search specifically for trannies?

nope, just got """lucky""". If you want success on it have excellent pics and watch some youtubes on how the elo system for males works on it.

Straight men don't get fucked up the ass, you're not straight and you should stop deluding yourself and accept the truth. Before you tell me thay you like girls still, you can tell me why you chose not to fuck one when you obviously had the choice. No excuses dude, embrace the truth you sub

literally seething redditcel lmfao, i fuck girls too, males are just better at sex. I'm straight btw

Started taking Mirtazapine and I no longer get horny but it also sapped my energy to do anything at all. Feels like I'm walking around with 5lb weights on my head and each of my limbs. Can barely even read, words blur together on the page/screen and I make typos that I don't even notice when rereading


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It's not though. Why lie? Subhuman baka.

Bro just stop fapping preoccupy yourself with something else fapping almost always stems from boredom unless you truly have the libido of a fucking stallion and painful blueballs which buoy definitely don't do don't even think about using that as an excuse.

calling me reddit doesn't change the fact you took penis up your bum, if you had topped it could be excused, but you didn't you poof. You literally told me sex with women is inferior and in the same breath said you were straight, im just trying to save you from your own delusions, seriously; i feel like you're in for a rough awakening if you don't confront your love for cock.

what's gay about getting your prostate massaged by a thick cock? lmao pleasurelet
what if he said no homo prior

At least im not a straightlet you pathetic std sponge.

You can't stop fapping, retard. Unless you really want to change the sheets every two or three nights.

dude youre literally spending your morning seething at some dude you dont know or will ever meet that is many times more secure in themselves than you are, what are you doing my man?

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I don't live in america, im engaging in some late night funposting. Also not a man and am definitely far more secure in my sexuality than you, if you are actually as secure in your sexuality as you say you are you should be given a lobotomy lol.

he's still typing Xddddd oh no no no baby what IS YOU DOING

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E. Michael Jones has great books about this

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user if you want a practical answer, look into asubha meditation

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>retard babble in a pathetic attempt to COPE
Its literally a cock stroke, somebody get this man some dick asap

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>those graphs

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best book here

>says science

You have to understand that the the porn-masturbation-orgasm cycle (sometimes called PMO) is actually a complex system of behavior once it gets to the point of addiction (or if that's too harsh a word, habituation). The solution is not as simple as going cold turkey at that point, relapse is inevitable when relying on willpower alone.

Since you're dealing with a system, you can use some ideas from systems thinking. A step-by-step procedure for changing a system might be:

1. Identify the objective - Easy, we want to quit the PMO cycle permanently, ideally painlessly
2. Identify the constraints preventing the objective - This is the crucial bit, figuring out what the "weakest link" in your system is
3. Identify why the constraint prevents the objective - This gives insight necessary for the next step
4. Identify what happens to the overall system if the constraint is changed - This will help you calibrate your own mental model of the situation with reality as you put your plan into action.

This isn't just theory. In my own case, I've found that my weakest link is actually just Yea Forums. Continuous exposure to the board increases the likelihood that I encounter a stimulus. Once or twice can be resisted easily, but continuous exposure will eventually lead to PMO because each stimulus sets off a set of related internalized stimuli (memories of certain porn I've seen in the past, fantasies, etc.) which are much harder to "turn-off" because they are nearly unconscious reflexes. A little thought revealed that going cold turkey with Yea Forums won't work either as I use it as a poor substitute for social interaction and total deprivation will only lead to relapse and workarounds. So the solution is to use some blocking software to limit Yea Forums to 30 minutes a day, busy myself with other works and positively reinforce a simple mindfulness technique to handle arousal. This eliminates meandering and greatly decreases the chance of a stimulus cascade that leads to PMO.

My weakest link was Yea Forums, yours may be something completely different. It is necessary to do some digging before you execute a plan. It's also necessary to update your plan as you go. You may uncover other weak links, or that the constraint you're working with is not the weakest one. Gradually as you address each of these problems, the system completely changes to manifest your objective all by itself.

A few words on PMO and its "dangers" since a lot of people seem to think that it's either totally harmless or completely harmful. Like anything else, these things exist on a spectrum. Donuts are fairly harmless too, but eating too many of them is unhealthy and is usually a sign of some deeper trouble. For some people, PMO is not habituated and is done infrequently enough to never become habituated. A simple test is to go on a PMO binge today and then abstain from PMO for the next 30 days. The point is not to see whether you can do it or not, but whether you feel any intense craving.

Which brings me to my final point. Craving leads to suffering. This is a truth which has been espoused throughout history, from the mouths of a thousand different philosophers, thinkers, and spiritual masters. This is a truth we can find in our own hearts should we search it. If you crave PMO, there is usually an amalgam of subtler cravings that underlie it. Social interaction, companionship, sex, freedom from anxiety, inadequacy, failure and in some cases, even freedom from lust (however temporary). Those same philosophers, thinkers and spiritual masters have suggested that substitution is not a permanent solution. Getting a new girlfriend or a new job or a new apartment or a new car or a new book doesn't solve the underlying issue, at best it masks the old behavior; at worst it gives rise to new, possibly worse, cravings.

So yes, PMO is nothing. It's a runaway feedback loop sustained by neurochemistry and jezebel posters. But at the same time, it's a perfect training ground for gaining insight into yourself, your cravings, your behaviors, your own mind. The great masters have always suggested a period of abstinence for any kind of spiritual undertaking. Fasting, solitude, and celibacy are expressions of a material separation. PMO is maybe the purest manifestation of the material and therefore it represents a great opportunity for introspection. The same could be said of any addiction and however many papers you may read about how porn or masturbation changes the brain, however many fMRI scans you study, or posts like these that you skim, none of it will help you or convince you as much as sitting down and investigating honestly whether you have the craving and what its underlying causes are and whether it is making you suffer.

And remember that because you have suffered, you can therefore understand the suffering of others. PMO is a small thing in the end, but great compassion does not need great origins. I hope that each and every one of you becomes free from whatever the demons plague you.

I haven't for years and nothing really changes. Now I don't want to touch it and I get upset when I'm erect.

Quality posts

samael aun weor

You not only have to quit porn, but stop ogling women and thinking about sex. You must clear your mind. Worked for me!

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With all do respect, miss, you will never understand what it is for us.
>As, in turn, we will never understand why one becomes a namefag on a board of full anonyminty

That's how I feel constantly. Any leads on fixing it? Best I've heard is maybe my body has problems metabolizing iron.
... and verify that independently, I have no idea if its true for either of us.

I hope this is bait