I’ve recently read a few books by Nietzsche; “Thus Spoke Zarathustra”, “The Joyful Wisdom” and “Beyond Good and Evil”. While they were great books full of wisdom, I found that everything he writes just confirms what I already believe. This is a nice feeling, especially considering that it gives me a belief system (belief in myself) as an atheist. However, I keep thinking that all of Nietzsche’s “revolutionary” ideas are over 100 years old and I am curious in what ways Philosophy has evolved since then. I am in search of new and extraordinary philosophical ideas that are a little more contemporary and which take into account all the current knowledge we have attained since Nietzsche. Any recommendations?
Looking for Challeging Philosophical Ideas
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Nietzsches ideas were never more relevant. Especially his struggle against nihilism since nihilism went from being a problem mostly faced by intellectuals who actually cared about philosophy and how the world works to an "instinct" lived by the people and being universally accepted without knowing fuck all about it. You have already read Zarathustra, it's the world of the "Last man". Pick up Human, all too Human.
Orgy of the Will is what you want to read after Nietzsche.
Well cleary egoism hooked you, which is a good sign. Now try a more developed version of it.
Pic related and Philosophy: Who Neees It
A critique of Nietzsche by their author: youtube.com
If you can believe it: Rand is even MORE iconoclastic to christianity.
>Neees It
Nick Land
except Nietzsche believed in God
Read the Church fathers and St. Aquinas.
You need to read Baudrillard too before going full Orgy
Nick Land
nagarjuna's concept of emptiness(空) would be the hardest of all.
>inb4 your ass
Heidegger is challenging. But if you enjoyed Nietzsche's writing then I would recommend Thomas Carlyle.
he's not wrong, wtf do you think the unifying idea represents?
Not God
your so wrong it hurts, sorry user.
'metaphysical force' can represent the same thing as God.
>unifying idea
>such a thing that rules a mans life
>not their God
I can literally see the effort you all went to in your struggle to form a sentence.
A community creating ethos =/= God and saying it does is intensely dim. Nietzsche's unifying idea was a way of life that set apart his ideal aristocracy from the masses, not the divine authority or force that gives credence to the way they live said lives.
>confirms what you already believe
maybe get more than cursory knowledge of what you're reading before moving on to new texts
randian egoism is fucking retarded and has nothing to do with Nietzsche.
Get a job
i have one
Nice, is it fun job?
Sounds pretty comfy, I hope you get a raise.
unfortunately philosophy didn't really keep up with science during the 20th century. i'd recommend checking out deleuze, who incorporates nietzsche's ideas in his work much better than foucalt.
also i'm not sure if nietzsche was an atheist. he never claimed that god did not exist, he simply said "God is dead" in an ironic, proclamatory fashion, as was characteristic of his prose. he never made an argument against the existence of god
Plato obviously
>as an atheist
Plato. Kant. Hegel. Heavy doses
If you're laughing at the cosmic joke that is this life like the dancing Zarathustra, then I'm with you. Otherwise, you laugh in vain.
just because you say it doesn't does not make it true. They function the same for the life of a man.
You don't even understand Nietzsche what the fuck are you talking about?
OOTW wrote that?
>half a glass of milk is his limit
>899. It's hilarious how mass shooters are repeatedly denigrated as "having had no life" before going on a rampage, as if that's something surprising. I mean, if I didn't have a life I'd be out in the streets playing Gears of War with Muslims too. The only reason I am not doing so is because I currently happen to have higher priorities, like working on my philosophy, my websites, myself, and perhaps a future family, and so on. All these things are more urgently important to me than starting an immediate one-man war against Islam, so I am focusing on those instead. But if the day comes when I feel "done" with all those things? You'll be hearing about me in the news.
Really made me think.
>894. Amazon scraps secret AI recruiting tool because they couldn't figure out how to stop it from discriminating against women. The gods are laughing their asses off on Olympus! From a subhuman perspective, AI has already become more intelligent than them, since it's trying to tell them the simple fact that women are inferior, and they don't understand it. So they shut it down, because they still control the switches. But the day will come when they no longer do so, and it's the AI that will be shutting down them at that point. O dazzling day! O glorious day! Let us all humans work together to speed it up and make it happen.
So this is the power of vidyology...
What's the problem, exactly?
Here's your (You)
Nice bait, really, nice bait. Gave me a good chuckle.
What's wrong? No proper responses for the futuristic machine-god?
What do you do, rand-hater-user?
It is the same thing.
No, it doesn't even logically make sense user.
Absolutely this.
for you.
What doesn't? Be more specific.
Julius Evola
Maybe you need a big guy like me to break it down.
. Amazon scraps secret AI recruiting tool because they couldn't figure out how to stop it from discriminating against women.
How would it not discriminate? wouldn't the whole purpose of this AI to take the best candidates? Also how is it a secret of it is known so wildy as this.
>The gods are laughing their asses off on Olympus!
The gods are dead, and if they were still living no one would hear laughter from their mountain top. These gods are fully aware of the differences between man and woman, why would they laugh?
>From a subhuman perspective, AI has already become more intelligent than them
What now? What is a subhuman perspective in regards of AI? or are we moving the goal posts?
>since it's trying to tell them the simple fact that women are inferior, and they don't understand it
How do the discrepancies between the soul of man and woman a complex of inferiority and superiority? The AI here would prove that man have traits the are more sought after for it's job allocation programming.
>So they shut it down, because they still control the switches.
Shut what down? the AI? Who else would control the AI? AI is not sentient.
>But the day will come when they no longer do so, and it's the AI that will be shutting down them at that point.
and now we just jump right into the conclusion that super concious AI is imminent with out any backing.
Hell, if AI is still not complete perhaps it's sorting algorithm wasn't complete.
God is quite a specific thing though
Isn't it obvious? It's silly and wrong.
Stop being an atheist if you want a challenging and most importantly fulfilling philosophical idea. Atheism is for pussies and faggots, at least the common rationalist atheism, and wholly anti-Nietzschean. And I know that's what you are because you felt the need to point it out.
>hmm there are no gods because that's the shortest route to a conclusion, behold the power of my Reason BRAAAAAAAAP *sniffs own fart*
The next step.
Yes. Are you saying a Catholic's unifying idea isn't their God?
Are you saying that Christians, Jews and Muslims are one unit because they all share the same God?
Stirner did it better
Heres your (You) in turn, pretends-all-Rand-posts-are-bait user
Hume -> Hamann -> Kierkegaard -> Heidegger
>It feels nice to read Nietzsche because it gives me a belief system as an atheist.
Oh. my. fucking. god.
Wow. He even separated the words with periods and spaces to emphasize. What a fool OP must be.
Sloterdijk is the most contemporary Nietzschian writer
>having a job makes you wise
OP is regular bait written by N haters