They cannot perceive truth or the good but only what makes their 'ginies tickle.
Fucking disgusting. Name one sculpture made by a woman not about a vagina.
They cannot perceive truth or the good but only what makes their 'ginies tickle.
Fucking disgusting. Name one sculpture made by a woman not about a vagina.
Anything by Jeanne-Claude
Have sex
why you give a shit? i dont care if you think female writers are good or bad. fuck you
Mary Shelley
Really a good writer, considering she predicted OP
You can't refute the op comic tho. Give up.
youre bitter faggot inceldom is cringey as fuck pussy. women can perceive truth just fine: you have OBJECTIVELY INFERIOR GENES, so it makes sense that they dont want you inserting your inferior subhuman cock into their tight, fertile vaginae. the point being that "looking good susan" is an evidently flirtatious statement, and women can sense your deadend genes trying to ruin their genepool and are consequently repulsed. you have no hope of producing a successive generation. no ifs ands or buts about it. its fucking over for you kid. you will NEVER experience a woman.
A person must be 13 yo to consider this comic meaningful
>refute a 2 panel comic
Shit I read on lit
Yes you can. Stop hanging around and purposely blocking off your view of women as sex objects who only care about sex.
Also stop self depricating yourself because of your looks.
be my gf
Are you propositioning me?
The second from the bottom left looks pretty fuckable.
Yeah. 130 an hour.
>having standards makes your writing garbage
That's quite generous of you. Since you're bringing the money, I'll bring the condom.
Except that women select for dominance which has no value in civilized society. If we were still cavemen it would make sense.
No it doesnt show anything apart from the adopted brainspace of HACK female romance writers.
Guns&glory, swordxsorcery male hacks do the same: a simplified emotional dichotomy.
A Panel Man demonstrates:
-dominance (pointing, unapologetic smile)
-competence (good grooming, uptown wardrobe)
-actual fitness
Panel B shows
-a fucking wimp (open palm, hand on wall, ready to duck)
-low daily effort (lady is office;A man is office)
-BMI 34, lousy daily choices or incompetence at life.
I am a male incel and i find nothing wrong with the woman's reaction: B man is more likely to stalk and dox than A, have nothing to offer in material or character, yet more likely to react badly to rejection.
Her correct response to B is KYS, but that would be unprofessional.
This is incorrect.
Dominant people are risktakers; businessmen and decision makers. Lowrisk is drone.
Seu filho da puta vai se-fodar
this shit works with an incorrect premise that the neckbeard would manage to be as nonchalant as the chad
in reality, he would mumble and sperg about and damn right i would call hr in that case were is Susan
Chuckled at vaginae
How are there people against rational eugenism again? Without it, we have this retardation of putting women of all people in charge of a generalized selection program.
4 da manhã caralho
I don't see any chad here
You might call your nearest doctor tho
based and redpilled
>Except that women select for dominance which is expressed through different qualities in civilized society than cavemanland
Women select for many things. If we didn't go through anti-dominance training (public education), things would look different.
omfg that was genius.
>unwanted attention is unwanted and therefore constitutes harrassment
>at least half of Yea Forums posters can't comprehend this