I think it was fine the way it was desu...
Why the fuck did Karl Marx want Europe to look like this?
Other urls found in this thread:
Capitalism is what migration you mong, it's the system that drives birth rates down but demands endless growth
A Marxist state would have no need for migration
Oh cool then can you real quick explain why marxists support mass migration then? And why they always profess universalism? This includes self appointed marxists, all brands of leftists, and those who even tankies id as marxist btw.
don’t forget to add “theoretically”
How the fuck is Karl Marx related to this?
haven't you heard of the eternal jewish conspiracy
It’s a /pol/cel bait thread
Massmigration has nothing to do with marxism and everything to do with liberalism and capitalism.
No, what is it?
Dunno ask them
everything bad in the capitalist west is the result of the Marxist boogeyman and maybe not the possibility that capitalism isn't the perfect system they've convinced themselves it is
there is nothing worse than a /pol/cel who doesn't even understand the most basic principles of marxism, capitalism, fascism and so on
You're stupid. The main drive for immigration is capitalism. Since Capital concentrates, where do you think Labor will stay? Inequality is the biggest motor for international migration fluxes, not marxists, not democrats, nobody. People will go wherever there is more capital to be turned into income.
Yea Forums is now a Marxist state, all immigrants from /pol/ should kill themselves.
If he were alive today, Marx would be impressed to see his ideology as a catalyst for change, but recoil in disgust and think everyone who are complaining about racial and patriarchal oppression as missing the point, and despair over the fact that his philosophy is reduced to a mere mode of critique.
Wonder how he'd feel about a colossal, exploitative, oppressive, predatory capitalist, borderline fascist state having his picture hung up.
Or how he would feel about the 200 million people killed because of the marxist ideology. People who defend communism on Yea Forums are not only wholly ignorant of history, but also apparently how the world around them functions. Which shouldn't be much of a surprise, seeing as how a lot of the residents on this board are self-professed shut-ins
>China is facist
I love how meaningless the term "facism" is since everyone can be called that.
>Muh godzilions
Cool it with the anti semitism
hegel did this
>Oh cool then can you real quick explain why marxists support mass migration then?
They don't? Hell, even tankies make the point that mass immigration is caused by imperialism and the flow of capital from outside exploited labour into imperialist countries. What they will say though is that merely heavily restricting immigration won't actually stop mass immigration from occuring, and will only be a temporary stopgap. Mass immigration will exist as long as capitalism persists. Leftists who do see immigration as a problem in regards to brain drain however will offer up better systems like e-verify which does the job better.
>Leftists who do see immigration as a problem in regards to brain drain however will offer up better systems like e-verify
name one
literally one
That's how it should be. If your country is so shit you have to flee then you better be ready to lose your nose to the grind stone.
>Muh gorillion
Literally impossible and was a figure taken from the black book who's authors admit to fudging the numbers. Literally anyone who died anywhere for any reason was counted as a "death under communism".
How did you miss this whole affair? It got a bunch of libs riled up over it.
>A Marxist state
kaigen is not a commie
marx would support openborders capitalism to bring about its next stage, socialism
meant for
Nah pretty sure when you live under oligarchs and your private employer calls the government to take you to a concentration camp that you're living in Fascism.
Fascist in the Landian sense, building from the "national" syndicalist movements
when did all these retards from /pol/ start coming in?
>Karl Marx died in: 1883
>2019: some plebs are still flinging shit at eachother over something he wrote that they seriously believe is being implemented.
Aint no war like the class war
>marx would support openborders capitalism to bring about its next stage, socialism
You didn't read his (more specifically Engels bit) on the Irish did you?
>Yea Forums - politics
White genocide is ideological and planned. Fuck you. One day our patience will run out.
t. brownie
keep barking up the wrong tree
Aint no war like a race war. National socialists have some good ideas on the state and governance of the people, but the people must be united. And there no greater divider than race. Thus for a state to be able to resist capitalists pan-national oligarchies all minorities need to be expelled before they are weaponized against their host nation.
Its the capitalist jews and mossiach cults. There is nothing wrong with capitalism when the state protects against these super predators.
Man fuck you. "Whitie" wtf is white? A german and a Russian have as much in common as a latino and a south African. Stop race baiting.
>wtf is white?
Is Laurence Fishburne white?
ah yes, how could i forget the girl who plagiarized the Yea Forums book from social matter who nobody agrees with
Was Plato white?
>Not true capitalism, If we put whites everything would be fine.
>alt-right journal
>alt-right writer
lmaoing at your life
No he's greek, ancient Greek. You'd hold a better conversation with a dope slinging nigger then you would be able to with Plato.
"The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing" -Socrates When Plato sat down and wrote of the wise teacher Socrates in his work "The Apology" this statement, in which Socrates was purported to have said is one of the gems that have withstood time and place. To know we know nothing is to remain humble and heart centred, not ego driven. Since it appears that most issues in society are centred on having power, retaining power, empowering oneself or others, or dis empowering another for perceived one-up-man-ship, this wonderfully inspired sentiment gets lots on a narcissistic society. Knowledge is something we hope to acquire over a lifetime, and by both knowledge and experience we come to the real goal: to attain wisdom. But wisdom and knowledge are fluid. No one, even someone as brilliant as Socrates stops learning, growing and assimilating information. When we come to think ourselves better than another, smarter, or ingrained in a solid belief system, we limit the lives we live. For what is better than knowing each person and new experience, even those that are seemingly perceived as negative can help us to grow? The only thing that makes me wise is knowing I know nothing, and can continue to learn from each new day. Socrates was considered a dissident in Greece in his time. He was condemned as a heretic for that which he taught his students and sentenced to die by ingesting hemlock. It was the answer that the Oracle at Delphi gave when asked who was the wisest man in Athens at the time. The Oracle replied it was Socrates, although he believed this to be a paradox. Those in Athens who believed themselves to be wise were actually not wise, but Socrates who knew he was not wise was the wisest of all for his admission of his ignorance. Not wanting to change who he was, Socrates remained true to his beliefs and willingly drank the hemlock that killed him at the end. His death makes him a martyr for his beliefs and opens the door for his student, Plato to write of his thoughts and philosophical discussions that were compilations of possible discussions in his lifetime. When he was on trial for corrupting the minds of the youth of Athens, he used his insights to demonstrate to the jurors that their moral values are not aligned. He reminds them that the material concerns of life should be balanced with concern for ones soul. And it is this soul that is sorely missing from the way people interact in society today as well. There is nothing wrong with ego if it is in balance with all other areas of ones life. It is when the ego overtakes our lives completely that we can become arrogant, judgemental and self centred. As in all things we must seek to balance our lives with beauty, humbleness and generosity, compassion and love for our fellow man, and remember that there is much to learn, and even if we lived another 200 years, there is no way we could learn it all.
if it wasn't them it'd be something else
the situation is an inevitability under capitalism
>Angela Nagel
What the fuck are you on about?