Books you recently finished that were surprisingly disappointing.
Pic related. The Angels from the early days of the organization that Thompson describes just seem like a bunch of aimless losers with nothing interesting or revolutionary to say. The book had its moments of good writing but overall the characters he hangs out with aren’t even legitimately frightening like cartel or gang members but more banal and felt like a book about jobless deadbeats who happen to ride motorcycles.
Fair enough. I was just expecting it to be a bit more interesting
Josiah King
You are a dense motherfucker Cartel members are also jobless deadbeats who happen to sell drugs
Andrew Mitchell
Most gang members aren't particularly bright or insightful people. They resort to violence because it's the easiest way to give them a rush. They aren't like Hannibal Lecter criminal masterminds
Chase Thompson
I said frightening, not insightful criminal masterminds.
Nathan Diaz
The interactions between the Angels and the Hippies were hilarious. Especially the part when they attacked the hippies at a anti-war protest.
Brody Baker
The Hell's Angels were losers and rejects... that's the whole point of the book. We want to pretend there is something romantic or noble about motorcyclists who don't care about society or culture or morals, who are true outlaws. These outlaws are not like what we obsess with in America, they are not insightful, witty, loners who reveal to us what is wrong with society in their rejection of it, but are instead more realistic outlaws, in that they could not find a place in society because people want nothing to do with them because of their personalities and utter lack of decency and respect towards anyone or anything. Hell's Angels are rebels without a cause and the matter of it is that they are willfully ignorant, violent, crude, repulsive people who lead lives that are ultimately short, brutish, and nasty. They are representative of the worst humanity has to offer. They are only frightening because they are a small army of thugs who beat up anyone who cannot possibly be a threat to them.
Angel Price
i was similarly disappointed with tom wolfe's electric kool-aid acid test. what a wank.
Cameron Diaz
everyone is banal if you spend enough time around them.
it's also from a time where swearing on tv could get you arrested so people were probably more easily impressed
Brayden Bell
this post also works when you replace hells angels with gypsies, pirates, cowboys or ghetto negroes.
Parker Bell
well yeah that's how criminals are. Hollywood glamorizes bikers, cartels, black gangs, etc. but they're mostly 80-90IQ ugly sociopaths
Gavin Parker
>they are willfully ignorant, violent, crude, repulsive people who lead lives that are ultimately short, brutish, and nasty Truly American
Logan Roberts
This might be one of the most insightful posts I've seen here
Jaxon Ward
>thinks biker gangs are like organized drug cartels >reads a book that shows that they aren't >blames the book instead of changing mind about biker gangs classic fucking moron on Yea Forums
Hunter only wrote them like that because he was bitter and seething because the angels beat him up.
literally cope the book
Brayden Phillips
based hunter s thompson
Dylan Clark
The hell’s angels of today literally are an organized drug cartel. They’re responsible for a large amount of drug trafficking and money laundering in certain parts of the US and Canada...
Jace Nguyen
damn must be a shitty book then
Cooper Edwards
says who?
Luke Bennett
>of today >read a book from 1966 WHY AREN'T THE SAME?!
Ok, I'll admit I laughed at that one, but even the lowest of person might display some kind of virtue, maybe loyalty to their family or friends, a person has to has something to separate themselves from being like a child with no concept of right or wrong, but the Hell's Angels would steal from family and slaughter their friends without remorse... they are complete parasites to any kind, self-serving and only concerned about pleasure. Hedonists and nihilists in every sense without the wicked sense of humor.
Adam Foster
People like OP seem to forget that this book was the first real look at the Hells Angels. It looked beyond the sensationalism and the crime reports and gave a first hand account of the gang.
Alexander Lopez
>complete parasites to any kind, self-serving and only concerned about pleasure. Hedonists and nihilists in every sense without the wicked sense of humor. so Yea Forums