Books you want to read but haven't yet

post books you want to read and reply whether it's garbage or not

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Doctor Zhivago is great, Pasternak really loved Tolstoy and their are a lot of scenes that allude to him, both from War and Peace (the soldier who dies in a farcical fashion) and Anna Karenina (train scene at the beginning). I need to read it again soon.

Romance of the Three Kingdoms

Shit negro I have 200+ books on my to-read list.

I think we all do, I just meant what book has been nagging you for the longest time

This, and Dostoevsky's The Idiot

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have you read Dostoevsky before?

Amazing book. Move it up your list.


Nabby trashed it so now I don't want to read it

C&P is the only Dostoevsky I've read, so I'd recommend that first, but I sort of wish I started with notes from the underground because it's a lot shorter and introduces Dostoevsky's style and ideas easier.

This is on my to read list as well. I’m reading Doctor Faustus now. Doctor Zhivago next. I also want to try to read The Man Without Qualities this year.

Every fucking book I own

I've been looking at 2666 on my bookshelf for a while

What do you guys think of this?

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Bruh that’s a life changer if you’re patient with descriptionand immersion.

Crying of Lot 49, Don Quixote, stuff by Bolano, Svevo, and many more. I actually want to watch the movie of Doctor Zhivago more than read the book.

Loved Doctor Faustus and I’m finishing TMWQ now, probably the best thing I’ve ever read. If you are liking Mann you are gonna love Musil. Also I recommend reading Hopscotch.
Notes is harder than C&P

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The Idiot is my favorite Dostoevsky, but it's not a good place to start


Civilization of the Renaissance in Italy by Burckhardt

So, should I start with Crime and Punishment?

Yeah, that's a good place to start. Try hs short story "White Nights", if you get a chance first

Cybernetics, Second Edition: or the Control and Communication in the Animal and the Machine second edition Edition

Norbert Wiener

Can't tell if analytic drivel or mega mind psychohistory

I too want to read zhivago but every review says to stay away unless you have an encyclopedic memory or you wont be able to keep track of things

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>Don Quixote
By the time I had ~100 pages left I wished it was longer

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