Hey anons what book did you stop reading at?

hey anons what book did you stop reading at?

cabin fever was the last one i read

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This was the last of the series that I read although I didn't read some of them before this one. The first four were good but by the fifth it got a bit stale.

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We finally have a discussion about real literature and it gets virtually no replies.The absolute state of Yea Forums, everybody.

Dog Days i think. Rodrick Rules was his masterpiece though

Yeah I bought Cabin Fever but never read it

Dog Days, which I remember being one of my favourites.
>it came out 10 years ago

I've read the latest one, Meltdown

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cabin fever for me. If i ever see a new one in the library ill pick it up. i can usually finish them pretty quick

What did you think of it, user?

Holy shit he’s still writing these damn books? Are they even popular anymore?

Wasn't as good as early game wk but better than the previous installment

I paged through one or two at a Borders some years ago. I think I was too old for the main demographic and wasn't very sympathetic to the main character.

The Ugly Truth, I was in middle school at this point so I was too old for it anyways.

The first one

I remember being sympathetic to him when I read the books at 11 years old, but now that I look back he was just a selfish asshole.

> he was just a selfish asshole.
That's exactly why children like him.

Those books were the purest demostration of schadenfreude I ever saw aimed at kids. It is kind of sad that most "comedies" have forgetten the value of it.

The one he suddenly loses his best friend. It traumatized me a lot.

Stopped at Dog Days. Whenever a series introduces a dog I quit.

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Elliot Rodgers was a comidic masterpiece achieved by accident.