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Other urls found in this thread:

I always thought the theme song for that movie (or the one from the commercials, haven't seen the movie) was saying "GOD'S NOT DEAD HE'S BURIED ALIVE". Somehow never did a second take on that. Only realized how weird that was recently, and checked what the actual lyrics are

Is ironic Flyover Fundamentalism the new wave?



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Why it's Fidel Castro on the cover?

Is it? Didn't know that, actually. Probably because the book has communist characters in it, who in tend on starting revolutions.

It's been Yea Forums for at least two years now. Minus the irony of course.

Ever since the RNC rigged a couple of swing states so Trump could win (lose) the election, flyover staters have been jumping around like their football team won

Not lit

>God is a literal person
Jesus Christ (not literally).

>don't call it a comeback

>Ive been here for aeons


nietzsche was a christian

>god is not dead because a movie told so



Fuck off, Jordan

>ironic Flyover Fundamentalism
What does this mean?

There's something so sacrilegious about the way flyover fundies approach their faith.
I don't think they realize that their approach to God shows that they really don't believe in God at all, or believe in some distilled countrywalmart version of God which exists to make them feel validated and important and ask nothing in return.
And they spend spend spend to make that shit take hold in the culture. Fucking shoot me.

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This actually infuriates me. Why do Christians feel the need to spread existential propaganda?

Post proof

Protestants are not Christians.
Nietzsche was Nietzsche because his father was a protestant minister. Protestantism is moral relativism and naturally leads to Nihilism.

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Nietzsche BTFO before he was even born

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Dosto and Kirke BTFO

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You're one to fucking talk butterfaggot

He won the "Electoral Collage".

I didn't run.

Attached: Didn't.jpg (700x700, 37K)

Why did you put electoral collage in quotes? Are implying it is not exactly what it is? I do not understand.

Is that fucking Hercules? Damn.

Attached: DO NOT TALK TO BUTTERFAGGOT.jpg (474x347, 17K)

Now go do this with every other president.
>boohoo, the "team" I was grown into didn't win, boo hoo, waaaaaaaaa

Surely both hillary and trump’s strategies would differ it wasn’t electoral, who knows, she might’ve even won then.

That would actually be much more kino.


What is your opinion on the DNC scandal?

10 years ago Chr*stoids were made fun of on the internet, now there's a counterculture of Amerimutt DEUS VULT LARPing

The only good post itt

kamus couldn't "bee tee eff ough" a wet cardboard box who

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Its only happened once before when Al Gore won.
Not even boo hooing. I don't like any of them.
Funnily half the people who voted Obama the first time around hated him and didn't show up for 2012. Ro-money nearly won. but when you you MAGA hats gonna see the orange grifter for what he is?

She's so horrible

Not sure which scandal you mean but they suck and will continue to suck. They are a rightwing party.

The existence of God has been proven through logic and science multiple times.

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>The existence of God has been proven through logic and science multiple times in fiction
Fixed your phrase for you.

You know that girl you went to highschool with? The one your self insert in the trash coming of age stories you write waxes interminably on about? I fucked her on the first date in a parking lot outside the bar we got drinks at. She texts me quite a bit but I have so many things going on that I usually leave her on read, but she’s still good for a fuck every couple weeks. Christianity is a large part of the reason my life is the way it is. If you want your life to be more like mine, check out Christianity.

This makes me really sad. I know it's fiction but can you please not say such mean things?

It's not fiction.

But butterfly, we have more important fish to fry. I think we have some important issues to tackle here. Moral ones.

You expect me to believe a lesbian who constantly flirts with me, and who is influenced for the rest of her day yesterday (who is willing to take the nice things I said about her without saying anything nice in return), you are willing to believe this woman had sex with someone?

The person constantly posting about how lonely she always is. You expect me to believe this woman had sex two weekends ago? It becomes a big deal because I was worried about you having sex with others, so in response you go and have sex with someone? Either way you look at it, you are LITERALLY AND ACTUALLY being an asshole to me. You do have an obligation.

Remember you were interested where I worked. You were interested what movies I liked. You were interested in about 100000000 different things all at once.

And then I made a nice post for you, and you think it's 'CRINGE'Y??? FUCK YOU. That came from the bottom of my heart. I have other women to be focusing on myself.

The ONLY, and I mean the ONLY reason that I know that you are NOT 47 is because you led on that you weren't. PLEASE do the same thing with the sexual encounter, otherwise, yes, I will fuck off.

Thanks, my opinion of you is not very good right now.

*grabs popcorn*
dis gon be good

Dude there's multiple butterflies. EUHL!! is the original one.

The reason we have these constant discrepancies is because she is adorable. She thinks she is a celebrity and everyone constantly pays attention to her every detail. In reality, no one really has a vested interest to care.

I do though. And she is being an asshole to me just so you know. She either posts from her tablet or cpu, that's the reason for the different codes. She is not really that creeped out by me, she frequently asks me stuff to learn more about me as well. She just has to understand what's going on between us is mostly private (believe it or not) because of vested interests

>I always thought the theme song for that movie

this was the theme song of my local pentecostal church, it was atrocious hearing it

>Why do Christians feel the need to spread existential propaganda?

they´re losing the cultural war against liberals and sjw

haha wtf
no there's like 12 of them

Alright fine, I guess you know her better than I do, I don't know what I'm talking about you win :3

i can't tell whether this film is satire or not and if so, who is being satirized

also friendly reminder that even though i'm not christian i appreciate and love my christian frens no differently than anyone else

you don't "know" anyone and nobody's flirting with you. this is delusion.

>proven through logic and science
miss me with that gay shit

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this is something a virgin would say. YOU are the cringe

Fundies generally lack self-awareness to make anything but the most obvious of the strawmen. Hence when the atheist teacher, which is only an atheist because his mommy died and God didn't save her, gets run over by a car after being blow out in class by his christian student and have a deathbed convertion, it is agood thing there is no irony about it.

that book was so outrageously bad
you can just pick some random history of philosophy book and can find 3 of 5, which are all refuted continuously after argument and argument, and other 2 is just trash

your word, not mine

Why not?

atheism is so pervasive and safe now that being Christian is edgy and cool

He won the "Election."

cuz he's watered down Kierkegaard. he contains NOTHING new or even remotely novel. he's famous cuz accessible. anyone not a sub 120 IQ brainlet should just read Kierkegaard instead

>but when you you MAGA hats
I don't like Trump aside from his ability to annoy my (white) enemies.


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This is some powerful literature.

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Do they not come to different conclusions on what to do when faced with the absurd?

Ok but have any of you actually watched this movie? It's fucking hilarious and Kevin Sorbo gets hit by a car.

I donno.

He won a contest

He never said that

>"What happened here tonight, is a cause for celebration!"

Yes. Nietzche BTFO by poor art that should embarrass a Christian. Dostoyevsky and Aquinas are better counter-arguments.

>falls in love with the fake butterfly
>now so invested in the catfish he's sperging on a malaysian dog breeding form
>even the catfish doesn't want him

That’s not a fake butterfly. She has one tripcode for her tablet and one for her PC. :3

He’s an elaborate troll, playing dumb to annoy, prove a point, attention seek, or just a writing prompt, w/e.

But you counter trolled me by claiming you had sex with another woman


> I fucked her on the first date in a parking lot outside the bar we got drinks at. She texts me quite a bit but I have so many things going on that I usually leave her on read, but she’s still good for a fuck every couple weeks.

Aren't you forgetting somebody?

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Shouldn't that niqquh be on a cross somewhere getting cucked by romans?

He beat the Romans pretty bad in the end.

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Absolutely based

best poster on Yea Forums by far

I can't believe you fell for that dumb shit lmao it's just a password it's not tied to your device

Constantine adopted the cult to corral a dumbed down subservient populace. Jesus died, leaving his miserable flea bitten life to shrivel in the sun

"He" won the "Election"

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>Its only happened once before when Al Gore won
Opinion disregarded. Read a book histotylet.

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Catholic catechism explicitly affirms the existence of a personal God. If you are approaching this from a theological perspective, then you are either wrong, or a degenerate protestant

If you are approaching this from an ontological perspective, then you are right because one of the necessary qualities of personhood is existing.

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>Either wrong or a degen protestant
That makes proddies ...right?

Oye padrone, you make me feel a pendejo.

Not user, buy please, wear boots when you cone in here.

You know this place is full of assholes with the safeties off.

How is proddyism moral relativism and how does it lead to nihilism? Who is saying this?

I am honestly asking.


Seems to be humanism/agnos might be moral relativistic, and atheism especially tending towards nihilism.