Masters of Rhetoric

Post tactics for demolishing your opponents in argument. I'll start with an ace line:
>Facts don't care about your feelings

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When the opponent says something you can't argue against:
>Switch topic

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>if you read the scientific literature...
>there are lots of studies that confirm that...
>there was this author/book that I don't remember the name of...

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Just accuse someone of being part of a discord tranny conspiracy to ruin the white man. Checkmate, argument won.

Just shout "logical fallacy!" and then say something in Latin

if you're cornered and out of Logic and Arguments just shout some shit like "j*ws will not replace us" or "this is why feminism is destroying western civilization" and wait for the roaring applause

t. Discord tranny

i really hate how long it took me to realize how much of a fraud this wannabe-white nigger is.

>only presocratic niggas will understand

When you start losing the argument and need to blow the fuck out of your opponent quickly without a hitch:
>"The logic you display is wrong incorrect and the way you are interpreting and misusing my information is precisely why we are stuck in this conondrum you simply, do not understand and cannot understand for our senses cannot be understood by the soul"
>"You are unenlightened and you must become one with the one you must follow the one or be lost forever. YOU ARE A SLEEPER YOU MUST AWAKE the eternal fire within you DEMANDS IT."
>"We are not on par I cannot make you understand for their is nothing to understand but the one to become one with the eternal primal fires of the heavens it cannot be explained, no its inconceivable;your fire is moist.
>"Begone sleeper"

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libcuck btfo (((epic))) style

hello r*ddit, fuck off

Do you love black people?

Ask him for a source on what he just said. When he turns it back on you, say, "I'll give you mine after you give yours". If he somehow does give a source then just make yours up and try to move the conversation forward.




actually useful

cf. chomsky, whose always citing out of the literal (conceptually, to him) draws of his mond

are we projecting now?

Make sure your audience already agrees with you, this'll win you every time.

KEK, and the replies are the cherry on top. Amazing post

Based and Heraclitus pilled

rhetoric masters

Try this one on for size
Have sex

what a dumb thing to say

this, but unironically

pars pro toto, cum hoc ergo propter hoc

"You're an incel"

horrendous post

Why are you projecting so much?

I completely agree