Avoid all memes

I have been on Yea Forums since 2010 and I have never read:
>Infinite Jest, or anything else by Wallace
>Ulysses or anything else by Joyce
>Gravity's Rainbow or anything else by Pynchon
>Lolita or anything else by Nabokov
>anything, even merely an essay, by Harold Bloom
>anything by Ayn Rand
What do I win? Surely I deserve some sort of prize for steering clear of the cliffs of meme while on my literary voyage.

Actually I read "This is Water". It was really bad.

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Other urls found in this thread:


do you read anything at all?

Fanged Noumena

Why are you bragging about being a pleb? Also Rand's books are for children. They don't belong in that list. I agree that "This is Water" is garbage, but cut DFW some slack, it's a fucking commencement speech after all.


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off topic but what's the flag on the boat?

Yeah, I just finished the Trial today. I'm also just getting into poetry, reading Shelley for the first time. I used to read mainly philosophy and religion and history. Just before the Trial I read On the Marble Cliffs (Junger).
what am I supposed to make of this?
>Why are you bragging about being a pleb?
I feel like it's something of an accomplishment on this board

make of it what you will

based crowleyan

Things I will never read, the sequel

nice try newfag but I've been here since 2001. You should have seen this place during 9/11. Now THAT was a board. Nowadays it's mostly reddit tourists and discord trannies.

nice try newfag but I've been here since 1939. You should have seen this place during Pearl Harbor. Now THAT was a board. Nowadays it's mostly boomer hippies and Jewish refugees.

> I just finished the Trial today
> I read On the Marble Cliffs (Junger)
nice try, but you still get memed

Kafka is genius. The Trial was literally perfection. Not a meme. Junger's book was good too. I feel like his other books are probably better. Not sure which one of his books to read.

meme doesn't mean bad, dude.

Overrated neurotic Jew hack who only attained infamy for being a neurotic Jew hack. Literally one of the biggest meme authors of all time. He never even completely finished a single solitary work lmao. Kafka is a joke.

>Kafka is a joke.
yeah, he has a great sense of humor

Same for those books, but I did get read Stoner, Dubliners, and Portrait of the Artist because of Yea Forums and I really like those.

what a villain. look at him. he wishes us to say "ah, but what a villain!" and it pleases him when we do so.

well then

The praise for Stoner on this board seems genuine and un-memey. I'll probably read it eventually.

it is a genuinely good book.

yeah, his pathological inability to complete any of his novels or short stories regardless of the stupidly rudimentary nature of their characters or plots was some next level comedic genius.

>oh noes he didn't compwete da novels
who cares? how many novels did you complete? why beat around the bush like a coward? you don't like him because he is jewish, it's that simple. don't overcomplicate this. just say what you feel.

You missed fucking nothing. Infinite Jest sucks balls and the only thing DFW wanted to prove with his books is that he can waste both his and everyone's time as much as possible.

according to the image it's Britannia. It's clearly off on the colors a bit, but I think that's what it's supposed to be.

If you're going to troll newfags please be more subtle. Don't tell them things they can quickly look up, trick them into reading books

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and the other 5 authors?

and not to mention Yea Forums didn't exist from the beginning. I'm not sure how old it is but I don't think it's older than maybe 2009 or something

who has time to read 5 authors?

>Infinite Jest, or anything else by Wallace
>Ulysses or anything else by Joyce
>Gravity's Rainbow or anything else by Pynchon
>Lolita or anything else by Nabokov
>anything, even merely an essay, by Harold Bloom
>anything by Ayn Rand
A bunch of shit. You didn't miss anything.

You didn't waste money on jewish promoted meme literature, giving you more time to read something like the Nibelungenlied or Beowulf. This is your price.

On my reading list
Read it in high school. Didn't really appreciate it all that much at the time.

You might also want to add the Rolandslied, the poetic Edda, some kind of germanic Heldensagen and Germanic Mythology by Jacob Grimm for a fuller understanding.

Danke Schoen

Nichts zu danken, Freund. Enjoy and share. The more you read into the indo-european myths, the more you start to actually understand each of them, making a re-reading so much more enjoyable and you'll find parallels in completly differnt cultures, showing their true belonging to the same people once upon a time.

based humorless redditposters

Joyless pedants are the backbone of the posty economy

based "based humorless redditposters" poster

based meta poster

You win my respect.
I did read Bloom’s How to Read and Why. Ridiculous title, but nice essays on some neat books. Oh and a bit of Joyce. Couldn’t make sense of it. Maybe someone should put I to music if it’s so poetic.

Choose your books carefully. Don’t buckle to peer pressure. You have time to decide where your tastes lie

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I have been on Yea Forums since 2010 and I have never read:
>A worse post

So you didn’t touch vagoos last weekend? :3

Touched, tasted, smelled, dug into, made spasm several times. Of course I did. Leave me alone.

But didn’t you lie about your age?

>reading anything written after the 17th century

mid 19th century to early 20th century is the best period for literary fiction


Can’t you clarify? You lied about your age, but not the sex? Wow, that makes you an asshole

shut up queer books are for fags

I have unironically read most of these and have zero regrets, actually the only thing I regret reading recently is The legacy of totalitarianism in a Tundra by Yea Forums

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Ive literally never read anything besides YA

What is Yea Forumss consensus on James Gillray and Pitt the Younger?

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Rand's nonfiction is top tier but her nonfiction is shit. Other than the Fountainhead, actually has a decent villian.

>proud of ignorance
Why is this so common in Yea Forums? Is even that desperate to feel special? You don’t even dislike these authors you have to have read them to have any coherent critique of them. Your like a kids proclaiming passionately you hate a vegetable you’ve never eaten

>The Trial was literally perfection
> unfinished novel

next you'll say The Pale King is GOAT.

it sucks horsecock

someone else finally recommending Jacob Grimm’s German Mythology! It is such an incredibly dense work.

Read Finnegan's Wake you worthless pond scum

Bloom isn't a Yea Forums meme; he's been a meme among academics for god knows how long. Doesn't fit on that list.

>reading Shelley
>for the first time

So you’ve avoided Joyce and co not out of virtue of being discerning, but simply because you’re a retard who hasn’t reached any stage of literary maturity yet lol

Probably because it's only really well known in german speaking countries. The only other I've seen speak about it was Survive the Jive and he's not really representative.

>Rand's nonfiction is top tier but her nonfiction is shit.

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I ignored poetry for a long time. I'm just now babystepping into it. "Literary maturity" is a pretty faggy expression, but ok, I see what you're saying

Explain why you think those are memes with no value

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How was the Yea Forums reaction when DFW khs, 2007?

I can relate to wanting to fuck qt grad students

Joyce I've tried reading but I've realised it's Ready Player One for literate people.

I really want you to reconsider reading Lolita. It has obvious taboo connotations and can be interpreted disingenuously by those who are "Humberts", but don't delay. It is a prose masterpiece.
Forget the rest, sure.

i don't think there was a Yea Forums in 2007