Atheism sounds really depressing. A purely deterministic meaningless universe where there is not a single moral right. I just can't understand how so many people can accept it? It sounds like it would be some super underground extreme nihilist position but it's a widely popular belief where it's practitioners think it's an uplifting empowering philosophy. How? Do they just not think about its implications?
Atheism sounds really depressing. A purely deterministic meaningless universe where there is not a single moral right...
finno-korean hyper war was inevitable to be honest
Yea Forums - literature
why have all these threads been appearing again recently?
why can't you fucknuts just fuck off
Ah Americans are awake
>it's either Jesus or meaningless deterministic universe
This is your brain on chr*stianity.
>seeing this reddit-tier graph
You should go there, newfag
Sometimes your social instincts don't map well onto the physical universe.
>Posting a redacted version
Quality post
I'm talking about atheism. Naturalism and materialism necessitates that you reject free will. I'm not saying not believing the J man is God means you are a nihilist. I'm not even Christian.
No, they really don’t.
Philosophy threads on /his/ are shit. After five posts schizos start spamming.
This. Both sides of the "modern science versus Abrahamic religion" battleground has truly ruined our culture. Panpsychism and pantheism, though far more explanatory and coherent than any dualistic, supernatural accounts of reality - yet one almost never hears of it mentioned within our societies, and within these debates.
>wants you to do something specific
>doesn't want you to do anything
see the difference?
Why do you people always assume any non atheists are Christians?
Redpill me on pantheism
>any religion
>wants you to do something specific
>doesn't want you to do anything
Is that all it takes?
Everything is Divine, reality is made out of consciousness and intelligence, we are all but droplets in an infinite cosmic ocean, the universe experiencing itself from subjective points of reference, with humans only a rung along the spiritual evolutionary ladder, and in the future we'll eventually be higher beings, of far greater capacities than our current selves. These are just generic one-liners, a better redpill will be from reading into it yourself.
I don't personally have a solution to the problem of pain, at this time. I'm still trying to conceive answers for it.
Also take the SitchinPyepill and accept that humanity is a hybrid of earlier primates and advanced extraterrestrials who made us from their own genetic material, which was what was being documented in the Old Testament and explains Genesis's statements of being "made in the image and likeness of God", and so on. Search up "Lloyd Pye" on Youtube, and start somewhere.
To be atheist? Yeah. People get depressed when their life circumstances suck.
And yet we live in the best society that has ever existed.
Atheism is not the pariah that the flying spaghetti monster would have you believe.
We are doctors, lawyers, politicians, mechanics, and professors of psychology. We make life better and healthier for all because human necessity comes first.
and this is the reason we dont hear about it.
How can everything be sentient if Capital is sentient.
Take the dang Pyepill already, user. Stop being so silly.
Absolutely based.
Holy shit imagine believing that meme
Atheism is the only rational position. The End.
Anthropocentric bullshit and teleology went into the bin, at least in civilized parts of the world.
Taoism is the answer
>how could you possibly accept something that makes you sad???? I dont get it????
stupid b8 for stupid people
Some people like open world games in sandbox mode, not everyone is terrified of not having their linear mission objectives spoonfed according to a clear set of rules.
>dude everything is God XD
wow what an improvement
But there is no open sandbox. You are literally doomed to follow your biologically and physically predetermined path.
"A man can do what he wants, but not want what he wants."
But what else could you want than to be able to do what you want? What would this alternative non-determined way of being look like? Any spontaneous idea obviously arises without you doing it deliberately and anything else would just move the chain of causality one step back. Free will is an incoherent position and mourning it makes no sense.
I am an active agent in a closed system, I'm free to affect the system almost as much as that whiever constructed the system.
fuck off nerd. You need to quit being a discussion cuck. Yea Forums is for whatever I feel like posting at any given time. Now apologize to me in front of the anons for ruining my thread!
Which if the universe is meaningless, seems to point to (not omnipotent) intelligent design. Life simulates meaning too well, it would be a hell of a coincidence.
ive never taken an 'atheist' seriously because none of them are actual amoral determinists