how autistic is Yea Forums?
How autistic is Yea Forums?
40 outta 50 that's a passing grade.
19 - "low risk"
i can be social and pretend to be a normie, but i hate it and won't do it unless it's a matter of life and death or some good money.
Got a 9. Pretty good
38, I think rope is the only hope
35 - should i be worried
lol cya nerds
Def Asperger's though. I'm about to get my PhD in physics, so as far as I'm concerned it's not so much a disability as a super power. Everyone wonders why I was so awkward (and still am frequently), but I just wonder why everyone else sucks at math.
Based and chadpilled
Autism is fake, schizophrenia is fake. Schizos are too creative, autists follow arbitrary axioms too well.
>You scored a total of 33
I'm not autistic, just socially inept
The only reason I score so low is that I used my autism to figure out how to mimic normal humans. I watched every episode of the TV series "friends" until I understood all the jokes and then I was able to pass as normal. I wish I was joking.
Thought it would be lower
>This is what autists actually think
My guys
I am diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder
Yes, I understand people. No, I don't like them.
8 here, but this is obviously not very well designed. It can be an indicator of whether or not you have autistic traits, but not actually if you are or not. It's a fallacy to think that because you have the traits of something you are by extension that.
Post hoc ergo propter hoc fallacy. The person doesn't like social situations, ergo he is autistic? Or he is good at noticing details ergo autistic. No. You could be socially anxious or you could be working in a field that requires attention to detail. It could be a number of reasons why people answer they way they do. And the questions themselves are entirely subjective as you can only answer as well as you feel at any given time. It's a test that asks you questions and then feeds your answers back to you. Typical personality test bullshit. It's borderline gypsy superstition. Have an old woman read your palm and it'll be as accurate as some of these tests.
is that a good grade bois?
Only one here that isn't retarded or pretending
How does autism works? Should I see a doctor or something?
In what way am I retarded or pretending?
29. I can pass as a functioning human
22. I'm just an anxious introvert
it's an online test anyways, how accurate can it really be
11. No joke.
Question 28 bothered me.
“I usually concentrate more on the whole picture, rather than on the small details.”
I love both
50 get out of my way neurotypical scum
Meh I always sit around the 30 mark on these, probably something wrong with me but nothing that will hinder me too much. Just social interaction, I can't have a conversation unless I've had it already in my head but at the same time that means I go around talking to myself a lot
>still have no friends
why am I like this?
Studying my PhD in Physics and I scored 11. Autism is not a good thing moron.
I was just raised wrong, like in a bubble. A comfy introspective bubble, but a socially stunting one unfortunately.
Spending too much time online doesn’t help.
All the online friends I’ve ever made are illusory at best. Why I come to Give-upville Yea Forums, I guess.
I don't get it, why?
>I would rather go to a library than a party
As much as a Yea Forumsfag I may be, I would rather go to a party. Real experience is 100000x better than living in your head. Schopenhauer was wrong
Literature for this feel?
I got 26
Can't talk to new people unless it's for customers at work (since it is my job, it's mandatory)
Can't make friend (how?)
Everything makes me anxious
Books are friends
10-15 master-race reporting in
You guys are fucking nerds. Low enough to be non-autist, high enough to be non-normie.
14, I feel like this should be a bit higher but I am happy with the score.
Taking this test while also thinking you're a latent narcissist is hard. I think I've reached a critical mass of internal dialectics.
>I tend to notice details that others do not
Definately Agree
>Wait, I'm just thinking that I'm more observant than others because I'm overestimating how observant I am and underestimating others
>Slightly Agree
>But, I really do notice everything, I'm hyper-aware of my environment because I'm terrified of missing something important
Definately Agree
>But I don't know if that's true, other people could notice just as much, you'd have no way to tell
>Your awareness is probably average, you're not special
Slightly Agree
>But I am, pretending I don't notice more things than other people is just me trying to compensate for perceived narcissism
Definitely Agree
>No, you can't be noticing more than other people when you're constantly distracted by negating your own narcissistic delusions
>What if I just think faster and process everything still, besides everyone else has their own shit they're thinking about too
>You're not some genius that thinks faster or more than everyone else
>How do I know that I've never actually applied myself
>Keep telling yourself that, then you'll never have to come to terms with your own delusions
Slightly Agree
>I think I might actually be schizoid though
>Since we're posting our self-diagnosis
>Average Risk
that means you're a normie
i'm a fuckinng normie. out of my way, autist shits. there's a new king in town. from now on you will respect my posts or i will put you in your place with a piercing glare.
18. Wish it were lower but that's just the way the cookie crumbles.
that's kinda cool ngl
I was diagnosed with aspie when I was 3 joke's on you
22 babyyyyyyy
How many of you find the color yellow annoying? I've read articles that relate that with autism
>No single score on any of these tests or questionnaires indicates that an individual has an Autism Spectrum Condition (ASC).
Last Updated:Thursday, March 10, 2016
I got 24 but I tend to ignore social cues because the dumb dance that it is with subtle aggressions and submissions bore me. Am bipolar 1 tho.
Die scum
Not shocking to me. I probably have aspergers or something
Same. I made it with TV in general, and phases of alcoholism (every times I got laid in my life was during those periods). Drug abuse is not cool though, brings back the autism and ruins all the good efforts. Still scored 29 :/
Exactly me.
Since the site mainly tests mindsets and not actions I distrust your credibility