When you read a book in class

>When you read a book in class

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What actually happens is
>Hey user what are you reading
>Just a philosophy book.
>Oh, ok.
>turns around and continues to text chad for when is he coming over to fuck her brains out raw

Damn. I was too invested in the story to notice.

it more like
>"oh your reading...."

have sex

What's the biggest book you read entirely in classrooms as a kid? For me it was this one.

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That would require a women seeing me as a potential sexual partner which they don't. The thing that hurts the most is how they all say they would love a smart guy for a bf but always go for the opposite and pick charismatic/charming types.

I read Shogun in high school.
Mostly in class

>using a ruler in 2019

It's because you're neither smart nor charming so they'll settle for just charming.

Stop browsing /r9k/ for a change

Na’am, I am reading the noble Quran, the kitaab ahl-ilah



I would agree with that, but they think i'am mostly because they see me read books and i'am fairly composed
this is based on observation, not r9k

Daily reminder that intelligence is positively correlated with social skills and physical attractiveness. There are plenty of smart and charming people to choose from. Step up your game.

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I think the fact that you're autistic doesn't help.

why do you assume i'am autistic ?

Nobody gives a fuck when you read.

>LOL he's reading?! What a freak...
>Nice book, you incel faggot!
>Ewww, he's probably reading Chinese porn cartoons!
>W-what if he's devising a plan to shoot up the school? We need to get him expelled...

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Because even the biggest sperg can have sex if you actually tried hard enough.
Drunk chicks, ugly chicks, prostitutes etc.
Take your pick

My goal isn't to be a regretful memory in some girl's thoughts though i actually want to be desired.

How do we fix this?

Then apply yourself to become something of worth. You won't get a gf by shitposting on Yea Forums. Faggot.

>starts reading schopenhauer's on women out loud in class

Chad here.
You talk like someone that desperately needs to get laid.

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I don't know how to do that considering women are conflicted in what traits they actually like, also being shorter than most women kind of dampers most of any advance i can take.

Just approach them in a romantic way and don't beat yourself up when they reject you.
Someone is bound to like you back eventually :)

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>5th grade middle schoo
>science class with only girls
>only guy in there
>teacher changes me to another class so I dont feel alone
>mfw when I could have had early debut but the old ugly bastard cockblocked me.

it had the makings of an hentai.

That line of thinking will get you nowhere. I know large amounts of manlets that manage to get women because they actually have interests, and aren't ashamed of who they are.
You can't 4D mental chess women into liking you, or at least this isn't a good long term strategy.
Start lifting, try to learn social skills by interacting with people, have an interesting life. This will attract women naturally.
You won't get better advice than this, now stop posting for gods sake.

I never thought I’d see the day when there would be people unironically claiming they’re chads on Yea Forums.

The entire meme is stupid. Butterfly got on you all the other day about using incel.

The culture or environment is what you perpetuate. Make it something better :3

>listening to what attentionwhoring tripfags have to say

The absolute state of Yea Forums

All this conversation has made me realise is that my life will probably end in sucide.

remove women from 1) education 2) society 3) existence

social skills is literally 4-D mental chess though

There is no evidence for this, and you are non of those.

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>When you meetup with the femcels on Yea Forums

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This picture made me feel attractive and I am a guy.

source me up normie, sounds like cope city to me.

>reading where others can distract you
It's like you're just doing it for attention.

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Yea I feel that. I met a girl who seemed perfect for me; attractive, but still obtainable, smart, likes reading, introvert, etc. Started talking to her and found out she had just started dating one of those guys who’s kind of dull, but makes up for it with charisma. He seems nice and all, but damnit it still hurts.

My life has gotten a lot better in the last 2 years and I don't feel nearly as depressed, but suicide is always in the back of my mind like a safety-net.
If I ever fail with something or something bad happens to me, I'll just do it.

C-can you be my friend Chad?

This is interesting, I wonder what the directionality here would be. Are smarter people better able to frame themselves as beautiful, e.g. having a greater capability of selecting good clothing, grooming themselves, etc.? Are beautiful people more likely to exposed to an optimal developmental and educational environment as children? Are intelligent people better equipped to be healthful generally speaking, i.e. seeking out good exercise and dietary and sleep hygiene and so on out of a greater capacity to arrive at the conclusion that that is preferable and/or out of a greater capacity to achieve these things when of that opinion, or are healthful people somewhat smarter, operating better generally speaking, and being both more attractive and intelligent insofar as they are healthful? Is it socioeconomic, the wealthiest persons having the greatest resources in childhood and as adults to become and remain intelligent, attractive persons?

Anybody know of any research that isn't dogshit and which addresses some of these points? Popular science magazine articles need not apply.

If you haven't learned social skills as a kids, then yes it'll be like 4D chess for you.
Normalfags don't have to think about it, it just comes naturally for them.

I agree, but I wouldn't say that the average person has *great* social skills. Even for the properly socialized, there's a lot of room for improvement that can only come through trial and error

Most normalfags are less socially skilled as you think
They perform well inside their circles but when left alone alongside strangers or in unfamiliar situations they can be pretty awkward

we do live in a society huh

But she's a sweet older lady

Shut up you fucking retard, God i hate that stupid phrase. I make no implications that i'am smart or that i deserver a girl simply because i'am perceived as one, nor do i conclude that you can't be both charming and smart etc. I'am simply pointing out how women like to say that they like x in men but then go out of their way to date someone that is y.

This. Most college girls' attention is consumed trying to demurely minimize the semen smears their creampied pusses and asses are seeping onto the classroom's seats beneath their damp denim and Luon.

Perform coitus

>college girls
sure, that's what OP was implying

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> if only you knew...

I read an interesting study about the innate difference of cognition in neonates that suggested girls responded more positively to faces, and that boys responded more positively to intricate objects.

This could be interpreted as girls having a greater interest in people and emotions, and boys having a greater interest in things and ideas.

What you do with this information is up to you.

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>tfw attractive smart autist

>how GOOD things really are ^___^

This, but I also have a big p3n0r.

>reading for plot

>reading in public

Dunning Kruger

The cure to such diseases? Beatings.

Following your logic all you'd need to do is to be charming which would naturally come from getting fit, wouldn't you then beat these other guys if your theory is correct? Why don't you just get fit? Considering how these charming people apparently aren't smart then getting fit must be easy for someone as intelligent as yourself, if they can do it why can't you? Your entitlement is going to keep you in your current state of self-destruction, your view will turn into a dislike of women which will make it impossible for you to actually have a relationship with any one as no one wants to be around someone who is negative. The great irony to your self-pitying view is how flawed it is logically, in the sense that you're implying intelligence on its own is sexy, yet why is it you're only after the girls who go after the charming guys? Why aren't you going out with the intelligent female version of yourself? Your sexual desire for healthy women is exactly what women have for healthy men, sex is about aesthetics and the rest of our biological programming causes us to look for healthy counterparts to mate with, if you don't care about yourself enough to transform yourself into a healthy individual then you can't possibly blame anyone who correctly pegs you as an unhealthy, and thus unattractive possible mate. All you have to do is fix yourself, not by books but by putting in physical effort into reshaping your body which will inevitably result in the reshaping of your psychological health unless you have some mental illness, but even then at the very least you'll be happier due to having a real foundation for self-esteem and the dopamine etc. that comes from exercising.


You assume to much

meant to ping you

>Are smarter people better able to frame themselves

it's a skill in itself i reckon, intelligence certainly aids it but you could be aware of what it means to be socially dominant whilst not being it yourself due to a myriad of reasons (depression etc). i dont think its possible to be truly elite socially without having slight intellect (unless youre an attractive woman of course)


So are they I think

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Are some women really like this?

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What if don't believe that all women are whores but i belive that they all have the potential to be and the only reason they're not is because they have been lucky in avoiding the right conditions

Why does it matter? At a practical level? If you want to theorize about the nature of woman, then yes all of this most likely has its benefits; however, if you want a girlfriend or a wife, then I think all of this theorizing about the nature of woman is a waste of time.

You should spend your time pondering about better things.

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I want both.
Also this isn't something i can just stop thinking about, these thoughts come on me. I can't just simply stop thinking. This is a subject that interests me at this time and i will continue to ponder about it until i find or come up with a theory that i like. Also you're sort of wrong on the fact that there is no practicality in this. What if i desire to protect my future gf/wife from becoming a whore, woudn't knowing what factors and such are at fault for slutty behaviour be of use to me ?

idk, I guess me and you are different in that way. I don't want to be a father or authority figure to my GF, if she does something I don't like and we can't reach an agreement about it then I will just leave.

Spending my days worrying about 'protecting' my GF would be annoying desu.

If you actually cared for someone woudn't you want to protect them ? Also i'am not talking about banning things she can do or yelling at her if she does something wrong. I simply mean i will enact concern if i ever spot behaviour that may turn her on the way of becoming a whore.

i wanna be bullied by girls

I guess I would advise her not to do something and express my discomfort, and if she goes ahead and does it then it would show a lot about her character and how she feels about me.
I don't think there is really any way to tell if a woman is on the path of becoming a whore or a set trait of behaviors, your just gonna end up a paranoid mess since most of us here are pretty neurotic. If I have suspicion that she is cheating on me then I will address it and take necessary action if I have to, like leaving. More blatantly, if she comes up to me and says she wants to have an open relationship then I will just drop her, her expressing that just tells me a lot about how she feels. Just use your common sense.

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i think its some show called colony

I kind of know this feeling but the only girls who are interested in my are non-Whites, and fervently so. I almost give into the temptation but my sense of greater purpose and disgust ultimately maintains my convictions.

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> Cleaning up the kitchen while mum is having a glass of wine while news is on TV
> Story comes on about teaching little boys to open up about their emotions or some shit
> Mum looks at me with tears in her eyes
> "You don't ever think about that do you"
> "No, what the hell of course not"
> "Good, please don't. It would destroy me if I lost you and I would never get over it"

That one conversation put me off suicide forever until my mum dies. I'll never forget the look in her eyes

Same. My parents found the suicide note when I was 14. I still remember the grief on their face, after all these years

It literally says there's conflicting evidence and that there is no correlation you fucking down syndrome ape

That's a sexy goose in your photo.

all women are whores though

Descending so soon to the last resort?

No, that phenomena is called the halo effect.

t. someone who tests IQ for a living

> this is what people actually believe
Get out of your own head. You're not in middle-school anymore; nobody cares about what you do.

what if he lives in the UK

Then nobody will be scared that he wants to shoot up the school because the U.K has very few guns.


Don't waste your time with him, he is a lost cause

>>W-what if he's devising a plan to shoot up the school? We need to get him expelled...

lmao fuck normies

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This angers the brainlet incel

>people have sex under the right conditions
>I don't because I never was in the right condition
>but everyone that has had sex is a whore (only girls thoughxD)
It's for the best if brainlet incels like you are removed from the genepool

Read No more Mr Nice guy by Robert Glover. It describes patterns of behaviour and thought that act as repellant to women.

you sound like an angry cunt and are completely misinterpreting me

i already know what women like, and i'am not that, i can pretend but that's not enough for me, also i would rather hang myself than read a self help book

nobody says faggot in real life

I was bullied by a girl when I was younger. I still can't figure out why

I own it, how's the book, worth a read