Hypothetical question Yea Forums
Let's say there's a deaf, blind and mentally retarded baby that's just been born. Does this baby deserve to be endowed with more human rights than an Orangutan?
Hypothetical question Yea Forums
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Yes. How is this even a question you sick freak?
No. How is this even a question you libtard?
who cares
can anyone here say something actually interesting
productive post
Because we love humans and don't like seeing them suffer because we can emphasize with them.
What rights would you consider rescinding?
Let's say there's a deaf, blind and mentally retarded baby that's just been born. Does this baby deserve to be endowed with a fork and a knife on it's seventh birthday?
anime is degenerate and you are a weeb manchild.
You will NEVER EVER be an intellectual
Let's say there's a deaf, blind and mentally retarded baby that's just been born. Does this baby deserve to be endowed a deaf, blind and mentally retarded orangatung?
I can empathize with an orangutan too?
Let's say there's a burning building and you can only carry one to safety. Which do you choose?
That's the some OP but with a slightly stronger worded and biased question. My original question still stands.
Orangutan should have human rights in the first place.
Easy choice. The Orangutang is a normally, fully functioning orangutang. Therefore it will have the ability and mental capacity to flee a burning building, whereas a baby cant, regardless of disabilities. I choose the human baby.
human rights are a globalist meme. You don't have the right to anything except what you take. the weak should fear the strong. there is only will and power.
The Manga Carta is one of the most influential pieces of literature ever. But go ahead, don't read the foundation of the world's law just because it's "anime".
attacking the premises of the hypothetical just shows everyone that you don't want to admit to yourself that you'd save the orangutan
Don't ever reply to me again unless you're contributing to the thread.
you know what I've been doing for my last five birthdays?
I've been playing chess. I'm my own opponent. I've done this before, it's always been a tie though. If I really try my best, I will always tie with myself when I play. But what if I forget my strategy in between moves? That's what I'm testing now. By taking a year between each move, I can't track my own thoughts anymore. My birthday is coming up and it's my turn again. Not that I believe in the gregorian calendar, but that's besides the point.
wonder what will happen if I win
I bet you're weak
I bet I could beat your fat ass
>"The weak should fear the strong!" His stubby fingers slick with grease, typing out his ethos proved to be an exhausting task. He lifts his right index finger and slams "post." He pauses for a moment to catch his breath. His breathing becomes so heavy he can barely hear his mother calling from the kitchen asking him which condiments he'd like with his hot pockets.
>She, indeed, does fear him, but not for the reasons he wishes people did.
post body twink
Attacking my answer just shows everyone you are assblasted I refused to be boxed into your corner
>heh I'm just going to keep restricting my unrealistic hypothetical until the only answer is the one I want you to say! Then I will have definitively proven my point!
You should be a lawyer.
it's cute that you sign your posts with "twink"
Okay to the actual question, I'd say no. I'd say the thing should just be euthanized immediately. The baby is a burden on everyone that would have to care for it. Keeping it alive would be pointless because it could never contribute to anything. So no, it shouldn't have any more right than an orangutan.
> deaf
> blind
yes sure
> mentally retarded
you can remove the body, remove all senses - hearing, sight, smell, etc, and it would still be YOU inside your head. fall head-first on concrete and you lose a part of personality, a part of yourself.
braindead coma patients are just bodies with ready-to-harvest organs, and so are heavily retarded babies.
If it has no rights how can it be a burden? Without rights the burden ceases because as humans we are no longer obligated to care for it.
The real question is if you would euthanize the baby or not jesus fuck, imagine bringing a deaf,blind retarded baby into the world that has to be force fed with a tube down its throat, poor parents too, there kid will never hear their voice, never see their face and will never have the cognitive ability to really understand. What a nightmare reality that child would live, dark soundless depth from birth whilst taking in a bunch of prescription medication since birth and most likely forever. Do you see the horror of that life? They will never "know" anybody they will never "know" anything besides the plastic road shoved down their mouth when its feeding time. Close your eyes, put headphones on with white noise,shit,pee and be retarded"" for one day, it must be horrible! That would drive any sane person insane, no less a mentally retarded fucking person from birth on constant medication. Jesus what a horrible scenario Orangutan all the way, euthanize the baby.
What I mean is, if it was given rights it would be burden. So I say don't give it rights instead euthanize it.
What is your Pic trying to say? Is dying a normal part of life? How do you come back from death?
This is not even Yea Forums
Finally, some people are actually talking about the question intelligently, or at least more intelligent than anyone else here. I heavily agree with both of you on your thoughts. Why give the dumb thing a life?
should be posted on /his/ imo.
i'd post it myself it op isn't there
i see my opinion as the most humane of all. just like said, letting such a creature live is immoral, intentional lifelong torture.
also those usually have healthy organs which can save lives.
Life is inherently valuable, and human life trumps all the other forms of life, even if they are incredibly disabled their soul is endowed with rights by God.
Why don't we just kill the stupid thing so God can feed the baby with a tube so actual people don't have to deal with the thing
Tbh that sounds fascinating. Fucked up, but fascinating. What would be going on in such a mind? Would it truly be empty?
Human rights are a stupid meme. Human life is not precious or worth protecting
Retarded people have blessed the world with joy from their affliction but no I would not give it any rights. If anyone really wants a retard to have the same rights as the rest of us, then give children the right to vote
certainly not something human maybe not even "human" and to call the thing an animal would be a disgrace to animals I think maybe a floating soul tortured with night terrors and endless fucked up entites of your worst dreams. I say this because although its certainly a creature it has a human mind,disfigured, but still human and a human body; the human body knows when it is not well and when you are not well your dreams you overall are consciously aware. Equvalent to neverending nightmare except, think about this; this baby can't have a nightmarish clown to stock it, this baby can't be frightened by freddy kuegar, this baby can't understand the concept of death, so what possible inhuman,delusional,creative,monstrous,nightmarish, disgusting thing can be tormenting it in his dreams? God knows, but now that you mention it is interesting and the best action without a doubt would to euthanize the thing as quick as possible.
Doesent know what faces,eyes,mouth,bodys look like what could that fucking thing be
I am in favor of post natal abortion, the spartan way
The infant is property of the parents until he is self sufficient, he has no rights
A position so retarded, only a christian could hold it.
Humans rights are a spook and the babies arent entitled to anything or should expect anything to happen. Maybe their mothers would use their power to defend them and give them actual "rights".
Stop watching anime.
Nah, I doubt that reality would really follow such melodrama. This reads like an excerpt from a bad gothic tale.
No man is self-sufficient.
why don't you marry one then bitch
I got one for the pro-lifers.
If your wife gets raped by a big black guy and cucks you, so you morally have to raise the kid as your own and force your wife to mother it?
yes, but if you asked me the same question about a baby with no brain and just a brain stem i would probably say no. not sure where the cutoff is but i think that if by a certain age it cant feed itself when introduced to food you dont have a real duty towards it.
disagree heavy medication fucks with people cognitively like no other, a retarded person though? probably just delusions after delusions based off delusions off delusions and maybe stuff that --> said who knows, I don't doubt retarded people can be living in a nightmare i've worked with a few and they have tendencies that can be deemed as a pretty fucked up
id abandon it or kill it and live with the guilt
maybe you can but what about the rest of us
pro-lifers are just egoists that known giving the power for women to abort gives would take power away from them. In my case i only voted yes because the goverment would then force you to pay more taxes to raise their kids. If it werent for those shitty laws i would very gladly vote no on that shit.
>inb4 but what if she gets raped uh?
I dont give a shit. If she got raped then she deserved it. Everything that happens to you or me is what we deserve. She didnt have power to stop the raping, so she had no right to not get nut balsted.
Might makes right
well you are pretty much describing Helen kellar minus retardness
and yes is the answer
Careful, don't cut yourself on that edge
>Person makes a valid comment view claiming that human rights are indeed a spook
>Gets only replied with ad hominems
This is how you know someone has hitted the nerve
>Trivialising the concept of human rights with the word, "meme".
>Continues to state opinions that discard ethics altogether.
Of course no one will take him seriously, name-calling is all this idiot deserves.
>He discards ethics and muh moral imperatives so i dont take him seriously
Yeah, you are indeed spooked. He might be an idiot, but a more well read idiot than you and what he sayed, despite being filled with meme buzzwords is still more "objectively" right than you think.
As if mental retardation isn't bad enough! This baby would be a completely useless vegetable. I side with the Orangutan.
>he is ruining muh echochamber!!
perhaps you should return to r/books
I honestly do think that most of 4channel is really not that big of a echo chamber compared to other sites/forums. I mean here you have no upvotes, structure bias or censor anything that is unpopular, i could really take any subject into a thread and i for sure would have atleast a person with strong feelings of hate, one with strong feelings of passion/praise and another that is just horny about something.
Even the most /pol/ thread can be hijacked and some leftist can come in a argue agaisnt all the people there without getting banned or censored and everyone will see it.
Meanwhile on reddit the moment you say something that is not supported by the status quo and moral standards of the mods will get deleted, censored and no one will know what's been there.
Nothing was said about moral imperatives or objectivity, I reject both of these things.
An opinion like his with nothing to back it up wouldn't ruin the most delicate of echo chambers.
You honestly think this place isn't a circlejerk? Is this your first day here or something? Yea Forums has been having the same 5 threads for 8 years.
Rights are a spook.
Tell me a place where there isnt circlejerks, reposts and same topic discussions then?
Here threads simply get deleted and also the structure of this forum makes people participate more instead of looking at old threads for discussion. So its normal to happen more and percieve it more.
No. Not even me. Also, if something comes out unable to perceive the world just terminate that fucker. It don't mind, most likely.
If Yea Forums was such a big circlejerk we wouldn't be at each other's throats all day everyday
but people are at each others throats to see who can conform the most
>oh you use other websites? you're a normie, not an individual like me
>oh you play console games? you're an npc not a true gamer like me
>oh you read books by black people and women? you're a nonintellectual not a genius like me
and so on
just because other places are circlejerks doesn't mean this place isn't.
>just because other places are circlejerks doesn't mean this place isn't.
But i dont think i implied that here circlejerks didnt happen. What i said was that circlejerks happen almost everywhere on all forums. This place just takes the cake since people are even more open about expressing their feelings of hate.
You're quite the delusional retard, then. "Echo-chambers" can and do develop through self-selection biases and socialization, arguably much more often than outright coercive "censorship".
Yea Forums is a right-wing hugbox because the sheer volume of right-wing sentimentality and posting in here is overwhelming. It doesn't matter if there are two dumb left-ish types doing quotechain flamewars in some thread if the vast majority of threads and posts at any given moment are overflowing with crypto-fascist ideology.
This isn't because right-wing ideas are "superior" and win in the "free marketplace of idea", but because Yea Forums's fast-pace low-effort format encourages appeals to people's basal impulses, which is something that reactionaries have always been much better at doing: The effort of going through the nuances of gender theory in every single thread anew isn't nearly as satisfyingly crunchy (and easy) as just posting some shitty meme pic of attack helicopter.
Moreover, I think you forget just what the fuck this place is. It's Yea Forums, for christ's sake. It's an ever-spinning kaleidoscope of teenage angst and nihilistic shitposting. It's not a "forum", it's a cesspit. If you come here for "serious discussion" of the type that makes the accusation of "echo chamber" meaningful, you are mentally retarded.
In fact, if you come here AT ALL in 2019 you are retarded. This place's only remaining appeal is precisely its tolerance of otherwise intolerable edgy bullshit. By every other metric, Yea Forums is a terrible website and hasn't been relevant in over 10 years - it's not funny, it's not informative, its userbase is not creative. If it weren't for Yea Forums I would've moved on completely years ago.
>All this rambling and shit talking
>"If it wasnt for Yea Forums i wouldnt be here"
No i think this place still has more worthy discussion of opinions and ideas than reddit and some other forums many times discussion doesnt even happen after 4 replies and its just top comments of people trying to act funny. I think your accusation of the "fast-paced low efford" format might be valid but i think its the one that simply feels more interactive and human. You are not forced to make every reply have the quality of a politican in a debate. And can share ideas like a person to person talk would.
I dont deny that this place isnt more prone to right-wing shit to spread but it still gives more liberty to discussion than most sites. Its as much as a echochamber as a large group of friends inside a bar are with their collective opinions.
> Yea Forums is a terrible website and hasn't been relevant in over 10 years - it's not funny, it's not informative, its userbase is not creative.
I normally dont like to praise this place but any time you visit a reddit frontpage or facepunch forum you are always gonna have a shitty greentext story taken from here with a lot of upvotes. /pol/ also did a lot of shit influence on politics and real events (although most werent for the best reasons).
Tell me of any other place where i can shitpost and joke around casually and have this discussion with you at the same time without any of us getting rammed by a mod for breaking some tiny rule or the conversation dying out?
>posts on the very website he criticizes and calls retarded but copes with the fact that he still browses nonetheless
Eat shit fag. No one will miss you here.
I will