
Post charts

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where the fuck's natsuki's?

How many of the people making these charts have even read all the books on them?

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What the fuck is "Gloria Candesco - Adrian Buccelli"?

I can't find anything online.

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>Pico della Mirandola
>Giordano Bruno

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Can someone please explain this chart to me? It keeps showing up in every thread.

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>pairing deep ecology with Bookchin

it's a discord tranny meme.

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Off topic post: Can anyone recommend books on Andalusian civilization? Not that one Myth of Andalusian Paradise book. I'm looking for an overview or artistic and intellectual history, mainly, no interested in polemics.

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I will never stop wanting to read internet dreams.

Finally at least one person realizes GEB is nothing more than facile

Wonderful chart ruined by anime

It's pure reddit. Its only function is to make you appear smarter than you actually in the eyes of plebs who are easily impressed by any demonstration of technical knowledge.

Mathspill is godtier

Who wrote that book Cypress Funeral? I can't find it anywhere online.

based and redpilled

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>Dat wide load cover
Fuuuuck, Garfield is so fucking thiiiiiicccc

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what do you think of adding reactionary liberty by Robert Taylor to that list?

Honestly the person who made the fake covers did a great job.

A book like that called internet dreams should exist.

That book's bibliography has a few too many "study guides" for my taste, but I guess it's pretty good as a beginner's guide to austrolibertarianism. The cover's pretty sweet, regardless.

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Feels kind of hodge-podge, not sure House of Leaves really deserves a spot. Also Wittgenstein's Mistress doesn't quite seem to fit given its more restricted/focused scope as literary experiment.

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This. 3 years now I’ve felt this feeling.

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what is Dances of Wormwood. i want to readdd.

Aurelius isn't midwit tier

I think the chart consists books that are often read/referenced by midwits

eyy this is pretty much my curriculum during my first and second year. you can skim most of campbell's biology as long as you werent sleeping during highschool, although it might be a nice refresher if you havent done anything with biology in a few years. definitely read biochemistry before starting with organic chemistry, and dont be afraid to skip some of the nitty gritty details, theyre very thick detailed books and the massive amounts of examples and names can be a little overwhelming if you try to remember it all in one go.

my favorite

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Is there a guide for non-molecular stuff? Ecology, evolutionary bio, etc.

theyre fake covers dummies

i'm going to write it and prove you wrong

>the bible was published by oxford world's classics
i don't know exactly why but this makes me deeply uncomfortable

I made a thing

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The castle is there twice in your shit chart haha

I think any "intro to X" charts should include a warning against falling for popular meme books.

I have read every single book in every chart posted in this thread so far.

Not after I post this!

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oooh. I'm reading A Perfect Dictatorship right now. It's a very very good primer on modern China for those of us with little familiarity with the country/region.

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meme book

finally a chart that is not retarded. where to continue?

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Is there any type of chart for comedy?

Why the fuck would anyone take advice from /biz/?

Could be some here, no time to look

>textbook on basic economy
You can pick up any other, Sowell's is just cheap and easy to find.

I started with a couple thousand euros and I managed to make up to 6 figures over two years investing in crypto.

You can continue with classics authors like Smith, Keynes, Friedman, Nash, etc. But really there aren't that many books that are solely focused on investing, the rest are more about general economy or politics with a bit of ethics.

Quality stuff

Read Death Sentences by chiaki

>complains about Post-modernist literature being hodge-podge
user, I...

any Yea Forums tier manga charts? never read 1

>as many peanuts books as you can stomach

I actually laughed out loud. Reading peanuts feels like chewing cardboard...

Optimize your shit anons imagecompressor.com

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Anyone have a good autodidact chart?


I'm working on a new one

anyone have a surrealism chart? or horror chart????

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imagine actually thinking that people only read [insert book I don't like here] just to virtue signal
>not sure House of Leaves really deserves a spot
>postmodernism chart
literally what the fuck?
>invested in crypto
now you're even less trustworthy

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some1 pls post chart for learning biology

already posted here:

wut if i only care about genetics/race not physiology or anything else lol

What does Hard SciFi mean? I just recently watched 2001 for the first time and I'm looking into reading the book.

>The truly picaresque
>Almost every book is english
I thought the whole anglos are subhumans was a meme but apparently its true.

useless list, benjamin is nothing but the key to made up a idea of how to value a firm. In economics degrees he is studied

Carrot Leg?

Hard scifi is where the author aims for scientific accuracy/consistency. Its a bit of a sliding scale and different authors do it to different degrees but in general you can expect scientific explanations and internal consistency over more magical/handwavy explanations.

Anyone got a Henry James chart?


Thanks user, much appreciated.

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The google docs link doesn't work

Some economists were against the general public trading shares excessively.

Keynes, for instance, wanted to limit trading options on stocks and bonds :3

Just FYI

I hate economics that glorifies investing. Doesn’t even make sense desu

Come on man!

I like this one.

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I cannot find anything related to Kagezoku Daiki. There is a book titled "Internet Dreams" on the MIT Press's website, however the author is unrelated and the title has subtext.

What the fuck is up? It looks interesting.

Anyone got that novella chart where we can roll for our next read?

>The Night Land
Wait, what? It has lesbians? Does it have graphic sex scenes?

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Is there a Schopenhauer chart?

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any /g/-/sci/ mix related charts?

Nice thread.
Is there a chart for anti-communist stuff?

Anyone have an anthropology chart?

Not serious, only /pol/-created shit

Any books about the history of communism and the soviet union?

ah, that makes sense then

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the chart is a troll

I don't believe all of these are real

This is an absolute abomination of a list.
t. CFA

>Economics and investing are interchangable
>Sowell being a good source to learn for beginners

This is absolutely horribly designed. How is anyone supposed to make any sense of this.


is there a Pynchon flowchart?

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danke schoen

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This chart is incredibly incremmented and formatted


So cozy
Love it

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How enlightening

Are there any for Finnish literature?

Looking for jung/psychology chart

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glass bees isn't anti tech

I didn't make these and I think they could be better but I don't have it in me to make new ones, sorry.

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are there charts for Dostoevsky and DFW?

/pol/ hasnt read a book since the 10th grade

Just start with big 5
Brothers K
Notes from Underground

in that order?

any charts on existentialism?

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>STEM and anime
Every fucking time, why?

probably because of the obvious fact that STEM and anime have a lot of overlap for nerdy people
a better question is why do you hate anime?

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if youre not a marxist youre still entirely within ideology and therefore cant be blackpilled about the way things really are

Really reccomend The Gods Themselves. Very strange but one of the best books I have ever read.

fresh oc

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À Rebours is just the Illiad but instead of listing weapons, armor, and ships, it lists expensive, useless shit

Well, roll I guess

Is there a Virginia Woolf chart?

Quick roll



Anybody got some Italian literature chsrts



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Don't think i've seen one, I would suggest just chronological order or: read To The Lighthouse first and if you prefer more experimental, read Mrs. Dalloway, The Waves, The Years, and Between The Acts or if you prefer less experimental, go back and read The Voyage Out, Night and Day, Jacob's Room. (I have never read Orlando so I don't know where it would fit, sorry)

Is there a chart for detective / crime fiction out there?


>Keynes, for instance, wanted to limit trading options on stocks and bonds :3
Another reason for him being a brainlet

stemlords are spergs who watch anime. what do you expect?

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Where can I find the Internet Dreams book? I can’t find anything about it besides this image

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oh boy oh boy i cant wait to download a bunch of charts and then stop reading half way through the first book

>salt, the chart

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New Zealand wants to know your location


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is this actually a good list?

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i wonder what this list would look like if it was reddit

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Probably not much different

>top 5 writers are ugly

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no matter how many times you people ask for it, it's not going to magically pop into existence. the chart is a troll
>actually posting self-help
come on, People's History and Guns, Germs, and Steel aren't THAT bad. they're definitely bad, but they don't deserve the constant hate they get here

Any charts on Austrian School of economics?

>solus locus

save your time, just buy chainlink

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*limp bizkit joke*

I'm shocked how little I see "Hogg" referred to on here. The book's good.

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Post your recommendations then.



Where's rats in the wall?

Any more poetry charts before the thread dies?

any technology is a mix of stuff we have now and stuff we could likely create in the future based on accepted theories. it adds a lot to the suspension of disbelief and if you're interested in any of it you can read up on what we know right now.

whatever you think about hegels philosophy itself you can't deny he was extremely influential. if you want to understand most modern philosophy you have to read him or at least condensed version of his conclusions if you've already decided he's wrong.

Why is David Foster Wallace on there?

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there's a mega full of those, kys

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Lots of nice charts everyone, I saved quite a few
Thank you for posting them

>starting someone on translated poetry
bitch, just because it's Greek doesn't mean it's a good entry point. always start on poetry in your native language



Anyone have a chart for dark enlightenment/neoreactionary.

Any charts for Islam?

someone post 2018 top 100

we're at the image limit. check the wiki

Lmao retard

>it isnt serious because i say so

>Ayn Rand
C'mon, man

I remember reading that Asimov wrote that one to spite all the people who said he avoided the topics of aliens and sex


Aahhh, I was expecting a high-brow yuri reading list (Carmilla, picnic at hinging rock etc.), I am highly disappointed