I can't cope with the fact that being a author/poet in the future will be inconceivable, like seriously do you guys actually see a good literary world in the future? I don't think literature will die out ever but to be the symbolic "artist" in the future is pretty much done for, you either write genre fiction or hardcore books for academia that only reach to hardcore academics and even then if you write some type of modernist book or something of your own fashion that is truly a work of art, your book is going to have hard time selling if you have no connections and arent black/(minority). The world is going by too fast leaving nothing for the artist of each generation to paint on their canvases, media is getting shorter and shorter, and to be fair it took ME a dedicated reader a while to get off social media and take my love for literature seriously, I can't imgaine the addiction zoomers have now-a-days to social media/video games....An artform can never die, only the artist of it can, and I'm having a hard time thinking in the future of any "artist of literature. There are none and will be none, not the literature we all come to love.
I can't cope with the fact that being a author/poet in the future will be inconceivable...
The prototypical "artist" you are thinking of is nothing more than a myth that multitudes of people attempt to posture as. True artists don't give a fuck about looking like one.
Do you think Shakespeare gave a fuck about looking like an artist?
Do you think Tolstoy gave a fuck about looking like an artist?
Do you think Pynchon gives a fuck about looking like an artist?
You are born in the time you are born in and that's that. You have to deal with this circumstance. Accept it and do with it what you can.
yea but their certainly regarded as artist and to be successful then was certainly difficult but not impossible like it is nowadays
You can be an artist in any medium, literature and painting are not the only mediums.
Books are dying out because fewer and fewer people read, they are instead consuming ads, videos, social media content, if you want to create an effect that is where you go to, creating an effect with more traditional forms is becoming harder, they are being replaced.
the only way for people to but yours books now are too be a celebrity and have your fanbase buyout your books, its the only way people consume books now anyway..:
Yes, but again, you DONT NEED TO WRITE BOOKS
If you want to influence something, express yourself, find the boundaries of society, you COULD do it much MORE effectively in the dominant mediums of your time.
You don't have to do it but you could make videos, or create a popular following or sit on people's nerves if you want to, that's what being an artist today could be all about.
keep making excuses for yourself
Yes thats the plan and im committed balls deep at this point(i love erza pound aswell).
I'm not making excuses? I'm trying everything in my power to follow my dreams but in my city setting people arent interested in the type of novels i'd like to write and ive tried all different types of publishers.
only burgers think like this and urban burgers at that, pretty much most of europe has good culture when it comes to literature. France(where i currently reside) has a goood reading culture even the garbagemen read, Nordic Countries read a ton. The U.K. had a good number of people reading but well now the muzzies turn that country into a shithole. Spain is alr. etc etc etc I hate to say it but you guys are totally clueless in America, you guys have really a really good reading culture in your rural areas I visited(Montana,South Dakota,Ohio,Mississippi etc etc). Its only urban frogs that think like this but even them theres a coffeeshop reading culture developing in the sjw states so I have no idea where this thought is coming from. I envy burgers ability to write horror Stephen King albeit he is hated on here is actually pretty fucking spooky stuff and the fact that you can tell the author is cracked out is even worse.
Lmao, most of the history of literature up until Robinson Crusoe wasn’t even read by the general public, it’s only since the late 1600s/early 1700s that your average man-on-the-street could even get his hands on a book, that didn’t seem to stop Milton and Spenser from becoming great artists though.
>The U.K. had a good number of people reading but well now the muzzies turn that country into a shithole
France literally has more Muslims and Blacks than the UK you dumb fucking frog
you did it again
Yea but their have been blacks and muslims here for years and they are not radical islamist like the people in the U.K that spit on women and the sharia law there is fr.
>yeah but our invaders are peaceful
Monsieur have you even been to the UK, or do you get all your info through the Le Pen News Network?
Woah, you mean Let's Plays and Reaction videos are the new artist's frontie. Woah!
AI will do poetry for us so its all good
I went there once with my GF and she got spit on by mutiple muzzies in certain districts when I wasn't there, also-I had a very The Stranger like scenario-I nearly got stabbed by a muzzie walking through the most open areas walking with a friend. I rather have blacks everyday then muzzies who rape little kids left and right
Why are you lying?
>t. brit cuck whos stuck with radical monkey brown people
i feel for you tho
>if brexit doesent pass you guys are fucked
I have family in Spain and New York and I think the issue is global, though America is leading the charge. Spain had, at least re: literature, philosophy, and philology, one of the greatest education systems in the world (thanks Franco) from ~1950-1980, and what was most remarkable about it was that, unlike in the US and UK, two other countries with strong education systems, it was entirely public, and, also unlike in the US and UK, this education was taken advantage of not only be elite families, but by most of the populace, which only a couple of generations prior comprised illiterate peasants who spend all of their time in manual labor.
I think you can explain why this happened specifically in Spain for a few reasons. 1. Spain never experienced the industrial revolution in a manner as abrupt as the UK or the US; the population wasn't as dehumanized as the populations of those countries and wealth inequality wasn't as great 2. Spain has an incredible tradition of intellectual production and pursuit, dating all the way back to the classical period; Spain had a tradition of intellectual inquiry, creativity, etc, which included popular involvement in philosophy, poetry, literature, etc.
What Spain lacks in quantitative/engineering/pragmatic potential, compared to Germanic countries such as Germany and the US (prior to 1965), it makes up for in verbal, theological, and philosophical ability, tradition, and insight.
Spanish students coming of age in the 70s, whose parents had been born to peasant families, studied multiple languages from childhood (including Latin and Greek), read both from the great Spanish canon and from other European literary traditions, and were raised in environments that encouraged honesty and temperance along with passion and curiosity.
Unfortunately, ever since Franco died, the education system has gradually degenerated to the very sad state it is now. Spain has a horrible toxic femeninity problem that pervades every sphere, especially government and education. The foreign language education students get here is pitiful, and classical language formation is being gradually destroyed. Toxic American party culture (along with the aforementioned feminism) has already invaded and now all of the most popular bars play Cardi B and other degenerate shit.
It's honestly sad.
>Do you think Pynchon gives a fuck about looking like an artist?
He definitely does lol. Did you see him on The Simpsons?
I live in a city that is literally 97% white you stupid faggot, I don't have to deal with brown people whatsoever. Don't you EVER pretend that France is any less fucked than the UK when it comes to immigrants, you have it just as bad as us you arrogant surrender-monkey.
Why do you care about any of this? Art forms have dyed out in the past. The lack of quality books being made in this era is not a reason to not write books. The fact nobody will read it makes authorship just as worthless as it would be otherwise. Write a book if you want to.
yeah if you make a good enough video it is. Or people could just stick to writing books that no one reads, or making music that no one listens to, or painting when you don't have contacts.
I was with you until the black/minority thing. I know this is Yea Forums and all but you guys don't unironically think minorities just get freebies because there's an agenda or some shit. I thought Yea Forums of all places would be critical in their philosophical standings
its true tho? Like I don't have a racist agenda but imagine this scenario. Your a poetry/literary magazine and 90% of your subscribers are females and most likely more than 60-70% of your subscribers are left leaning. You make a competition for the best book and or series of poems, you will get the winners book,edit,publish it and have them in your magazine for a picture(like being on the front cover of the magazine or something(you get the idea)). Competition ends, your editors are split between two choices: White, Male with a very good draft Black Female with a very good draft but not particularly on par with the white male; who do you think the magazine is going to publish? Black Female obviously, even if it was a black male vs a white male, i'd argue they'd publish the black male over the white male any day of week. It's all about image and if you don't look to be part or this left/minority imagery, being unique, your not gonna stand out for one and two, people won't like your book as much.
It sounds stupid but I work at a literary magazine as an editor and no joke we hardly ever publish white guys, only if their young(15-29). It breaks my heart to send away shit thats obviously good but it is what it is
Funny you say that. I also work at a big publishing house and white males get published more. They also get agented more as people with more ethnic names are seen as not marketable. What's interesting about this viewpoint is that if you look at the data, and not the made up data you just pulled, you find the white males are still more likely to get agents and subsequently published than minorities. I get that when companies try to get woke it seems like they're trying to deny all white males the right to publish however that is untrue. Same thing I also happen in Yea Forums where they talk about how minorities only seem to be getting roles now. That is factually correct. Are you trying to tell me that if we were to take all the data on who was published more in literary magazines or even got agents white males would still come out on top? Let me guess now you're going to bring up that white males make up a bigger population therefore the data represents that.
that is factually incorrect*