Why don't you retards just read pdfs online for free? Who the fuck has the time or money to buy hundreds of actual books?
Pseuds, all of you.
Why don't you retards just read pdfs online for free? Who the fuck has the time or money to buy hundreds of actual books?
Pseuds, all of you.
Because a physical book feels and smells better.
>im going to spend thousands of dollars over this
There's places called library's if you weren't aware.
>spending hours sifting through text books because they smell nicer than a screen
effeminate cunt
You could use the services of your nearest library if you're poor. Reading from a screen messes with your circadian rhythm, if done before sleep.
>read pdfs online
>read online
Just download them
because not having to read some horribly-formatted piece of shit on my busted laptop is worth a few dollars to me?
No swearing, please. You'll convince more people being nice.
Books have been read physically for thousands of years, and I intend to carry on with that tradition. It's also a lot better on your eyes.
>Who the fuck has the time or money to buy hundreds of actual books?
Reading from my tablet helps me sleep
I use a blue light filter tho
>download pdf of a book i want to read
>it is only the first chapter
>download different version
>it's formatted like shit
>download different version
>it's translated by some idiot who gets it all wrong
>download different version
>every E is replaced with an Æ for some reason
>download different version
>suddenly becomes all wingdings after page 3
>find exactly the version i am looking for
>its a dead link on an obscure blog that tries to give 10 viruses
yeah, i'll just spend 20 dollars and get what i fucking need in the mail.
I want to build my own personal library, and I don't trust technology.
In thousands of years, the printed book has not been surpassed. Refined, for sure. Huge fucking leap with Guttenberg. But only making the book easier to produce.
Because i do whatever the fuck i want with my money, your parents waste theirs in you and you don't see me asking them to play the sims instead of producing such a waste of good fertilizer.
I usually buy books for $1-$2 each at my local Salvation Army!
btw, whats the storo on ops img?
>who has the actual money to buy hundreds of books
good luck user. ive recently started an archive of digital literature. its just western canon and some theological works at the moment, ive yet to start taking it seriously.
I'm working on shifting towards getting rid of all of my books, and just keeping a kindle. I'm transitioning towards a more minimal lifestyle, and also going on a pilgrimage soon, and when it's over I don't think I'm going to stay in any place for too long for a while. 300 pounds of books is a bitch to transport every time you move somewhere. I'm kind of sad about it, because I've had very romanticized daydreams about maybe having a family someday that can build on my collection, or even having a cafe/bar of sorts that allows anyone to read anything while they're there. But I also know that none of that will probably ever happen. And yeah, if shit hits the fan, or some worldwide EMP event happens, it'll suck, and I'll be shit out of luck. But at least if it does, that new world will give me some sense of purpose and adventure towards going out and collecting all the good books again. So yeah. I get it, OP.
Where do you keep it?
Or your could start memorising them and become a nomad bard in the upcoming post-digital world.
i'm totally cool with that, as long as it's not as cringy as the end of fahrenheit 451.
thumbdrives and discs
why are you american faggots read fiction in fucking bulky, laggy pdf, when there are many clearly superior formats? i used fb2 and epub for my whole life except when i couldn't, and i always convert shitty pdfs to djvu. i just don't get, why would you use pdf to read something without tables and illustrations
you sound like a retard desu, only the most obscure shit is like this
nod american
Imagine spending money and time on anything else than books. Fucking pseuds.
I'd like to spend money on you
t. virgin
>le Yea Forums pirate mentality
I come here for shits and giggles, not for advice.
>t.broke wage cuck
Reading has always been a upper class hobby, keep reading your pdfs while I can sit in my room and look over my magnificent collection that will be handed down to my kids kids, pdfs are just sad
>Why don't you retards just read pdfs online for free?
I do.
Anyone can afford a bunch of books though, most poor/ working class people have 1000$ TVs and smartphones nowadays. You're not a fucking aristocrat you're a LARPing faggot and your kids will resent you for it and sell your useless and half read collection of trade paperbacks off of Amazon the day after you bite it
I like reading on paper more. Also, I use the books as decoration
Imagine actually believing this
People with jobs
no no user, you must buy consumer electronics that will be useless outdated bricks in a few years (if they still work at all)
I do both. I prefer having a physical copy when the book has 800-1000+ pages, otherwise I just read on my e-reader or phone. I have a tendency to lose interest and drop non-physical books when they are too long.
>only the most obscure shit is like this
Why would you read anything beside that?
I do as well. Periodically there's a cache of really good stuff that prompts me to think of the dead old sod whose family was absolutely clueless with respect to the value of his books.
>binding breaks
>house fire
>pages get wet
>lose the book
meanwhile my books are backed up on Google's servers and on my personal PC
looking at a screen for hours isnt good for you, user.
How can you even prove to the world you read books if you don't have a stacked bookshelf behind you in your photos and videos?
even the best e-ink screen is still inferior on the eyes compared to physical books, sadly.
i read both e-books on my kobo and physical books and while the convenience of an e-reader is great the paper book still wins in terms of optic reading experience.
i like reading books because you have to hold it and carry it around all the time like a barbell so when you're done with it and can leave it behind it's like taking a big satisfying dump
>Google goes bankrupt
>Google gets rid of servers containing your data
>server fire/flood
>your account is hacked
>you lose the password to your account
>your computer catches fire/gets wet/is stolen/gets a virus/literally anything
>you lose the password to your computer
When we post in threads like these are we trying to justify ourselves to strangers or are we trying to explain ourselves so we better understand ourselves like what we you getting out of this is more what I'm asking
Downloading pdfs is like downloading pirated games, some people buy games because they don't want to download them for free elsewhere and some others like to buy physical books because they don't want to download pdfs
In both cases you're a nigger
or maybe people buy games because developers use DRM and maybe because they want to support the industry
and maybe people buy physical books because paper looks better than screens
>pot calling the kettle black
>Why don't you retards just read pdfs online for free?
because staring at screens for too long damages your eyes
I got an ebook time ago and it's the most confortable thing for reading. Also I'm unable to read a physical book confortably while laying in my bed, this only would already be an advantage, but besides you can get thousands of epubs there (they weight usually less than 1 MB) which you can download for free at LibGen or some similar service (Lectulandia is great for books in Spanish, it had never failed me).
Based af
But you're right
I have hundreds and hundreds of books that are not digitized and never will be. Many are hard/impossible to find in antiquarian bookshops, even though they might not be that valuable. Of course, I haven't bought them all myself. I inherited lots of books from my father as well.
New books I buy to support the authors, the publishers and the translators. And the book shops.
And having hundreds/thousands of books in your shelves stimulates thinking and reading. If they were in your hard drive in some directory as PDF files, how often would you take a look at them and browse through them?
I rip pages out and chew on them as I read. It really helps me digest what I'm reading.
>laggy pdf
Holy shit, what device do you use to read PDFs? Is it potato battery powered?
I spend roughly $2k USD on books a year. Ask me anything
I spend 10 hours a day staring at a screen why the fuck would I want to read my books on a screen as well
why don't you just get an ereader and download everything onto a screen that doesn't blind you?
underated post
it's probably a bit of both
lol jusy put on an incense candle you retard
books will still exist after the EMPs caused by High-altitude nuclear explosions that accompany ww3 destroy your faggot ereaders
Physical feels best, and really adds to the experience, but such a bitch when it's time to move. Used to collect but now keep a single shelf. Also more affordable.
You put on incense candles while reading PDFs for that book feel?
im neet and can easily afford books stop being a nigger op learn to manage your money
Autism and Jewy mostly. If I pay for something, I'm likely to start and finish it. Same goes for when I pirate a game.
>they weight usually less than 1MB
>Why don't you retards just read pdfs online for free?
I do that to later on bought the physical book