Michael-Scott Earle (2/?)
So like any good business owner, I want to protect my brands. The Trademark filings I do are for book series, not for "use of the word" and the intent is to keep people from trying to gain their fortunes from my brands or dilute my brands. It's important stuff because a lot of readers just don't do any research. I can't tell you how many people have tried to join this facebook group by answering the questions with "Bethany Anne is my favorite of all your characters." (That's a Michael Anderle character). Or "I really love Valens." (That's a John Van Stry book). Or "Super sales if my favorite of your books ( Will Arand wrote that, in case you didn't know.)
There is also the factors of rip off artists. Both John, and Jason Cipriano, and I have had our works plagiarized by other authors. It doesn't feel good, and it makes us wonder why we even bother being creators if someone is just going to copy our work so that they can make a few hundred dollars.
So last year I filed for trademarks for my popular series. I received all but the Dragon Slayer and Destroyer marks- that the government asked me to re-file with a few exceptions so they weren't as broad. (Disney has Destroyer TMed for comic books- which the case manager felt was too close to our somewhat broad filing of book series, and Dragon Slayer they wanted to specify the genre and 'male fantasy')
So then Isaac Hooke comes out with his Monster Tamer series. I had a TON of you all PM me with outrage. I thought it was obvious that he was trying to rip me off, and if you all don't know, Isaac Hooke has a reputation for doing this. He ripped off Star Wars for his first LitRPG book (you can see the cover on goodreads, I won't post it here), and he did a rip off of Bobiverse. I wasn't surprised he was ripping off my series, so when it was obvious he was making it a series, my lawyer sent him and Amazon a C&D letter.
Amazon took his books down, and Isaac sent me a sob email explaining that he didn't think it would be a big deal, and he's going to change the name. I didn't reply to him, but he changed the name (To Monster Breaker I think), and the books went back up.
Then I watched them.
They absolutely tanked in sales.
Within a few days, they were selling half as much. Then within a week, they were selling a quarter as much, then a tenth as much.
Then Isaac changed the names back to Monster Tamer.
No surprise, the books started to turn around. Every day they gained sales until they were finally back at where they were before I sent the C&D letter.