I'm starting uni soon and have a lengthy train commute. I also got Infinite Jest for my birthday...

I'm starting uni soon and have a lengthy train commute. I also got Infinite Jest for my birthday. Is it okay to read on the train? Or will I be publicly humiliated.

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>In the novel's future world, the United States, Canada, and Mexico together compose a unified North American superstate known as the Organization of North American Nations, or O.N.A.N. (an allusion to onanism).[10]

>Corporations are allowed the opportunity to bid for and purchase naming rights for each calendar year, replacing traditional numerical designations with ostensibly honorary monikers bearing corporate names. Although the narrative is fragmented and spans several "named" years, most of the story takes place during "The Year of the Depend Adult Undergarment" (Y.D.A.U.).

>On the orders of U.S. President Johnny Gentle (a "clean freak" who campaigned on the platform of cleaning up the USA while ensuring that no American would be caused any discomfort in the process), much of what used to be the northeastern United States and southeastern Canada has become a giant hazardous waste dump, an area "given" to Canada and known as the "Great Concavity" by Americans due to the resulting displacement of the border.

Holy fuck, is this really the setting of Infinite Jest? This shit is idiocracy-tier retardation.

>infinite jest

Attached: my frog.png (1564x938, 61K)

yes user everyone is going to point and laugh at you!

the vast majority of people will not recognize the cover

Reddit pepe.
Reddit book suggested to english majors by their SJW professors.

once i got pulled aside at the airport from some yuppie, he said "i quit 600 pages in, good luck!!"

i replied "thanks ill need it!!"

turned out to be a pleasant and fun book, just long as f. some of the threads are more insightful and interesting / not-nauseating as others. dfw really did need an editor.

the street cred for having completed it is definitely a nice feather to put in ur cap, no matter what the memers say. it's just a good and fun novel.

I tear the cover off the books i read in public so people will know im a pseud

Wont* :)

Base book suggested to based anons by other based anons

Don't worry too much about what other people think. Especially when it's just a book. Especially on the Train.

it's a good and very interesting read. not the greatest thing ever though.

unironically nobody will care dont worry about the meme replies, commuting is the best time to read and then you can say you've actually read the book which nobody else in this thread has

oh, we know.

pretty standard fare for brainy 90s pomo

There's this cute hipster girl at the coffee shop I go to, if I walk in with this book will she fall in love with me?

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freudian slip

Imagine being so privileged as to live in an area with public transport.

Taking you live in the capitalistic West, everyone is too busy with their career to waste their time and look at some random guy outside.

I saw a naked lady fapping and deepthroating some dude (her master I guess) on the subway once, people just pretend not to see

Ok real reply: No, you wont be humiliated. The world isnt Yea Forums. As long as your fine with carrying a heavy ass book than do it

can someone make a greentext story of OP's public humiliation on the train

Can someone post the alternate cover with the smiling tennis guy? I can’t find it anywhere.

>be me
>reading "you tried your best" on the train
>slip on banana peel
>balls fall out loin cloth
>woopsies sphagettios

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Nope, she'll think that you want to rape her.

i'm 1/4 of the way through it and desu it's pretty fuckin based

I read probably 75% of it on my 2 hour commute a few years ago, I have outrageously fond memories of this experience

did anyone bully you for it

Not once

outside of the hyper-pretentious sphere of Yea Forums, where you must worship the hack Pynchon to get 'cred', literally everyone will respect you for reading this novel. It's probably the best book written in the last 50 years

would you bully someone carrying a brick

>reading the wiki and evaluating all of this out of context
>being this much of a pleb
don't bother reading it, brainlet. it's not for you.

i'm rereading this after my first pass 2 or 3 years ago.
it's fucking based. it's fanbase is pretty cringey, which is why Yea Forums shits on it, but it's a really impressive book. just go for it, OP. no one will think anything of it.

it's unusual you think Yea Forums shits on it because in my travels here i've uncovered more love for it than really anywhere else. we used to have a bona fide DFW cult. one guy had a shrine and everything. i think the reason you think he is despised here is because part of the DFW celebration is pulling his pants down and exposing him as well as venerating him as one of our saints, if not our main literary saint.

Can't you cover the book with paper or something? It shouldn't matter anyway, but if you're worried maybe cover it up

its part of the trifecta along with gravity's rainbow and ulysses

what an insane opinion

exactly. perhaps the current generation of Yea Forums has simply not been zealous enough. i blame myself. i could do more to encourage new Yea Forumsizens to venerate the triple crown.

I thought that here on /start with the Greeks/ we considered the big three to be the Illiad, Odyssey, and Aeneid?

the meme trilogy is meant to be the cap on your career that, of course, starts with the greeks.

t. didn’t read the book

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I read most of IJ on a train. Everyone's too busy staring at their phones to give a shit about some book that you're reading. Also, basically none of them will know what IJ is anyways.

I read most of it during my commute. An african foreign student noticed it was in english and tried to talk to me

I made this thread like a month. You stole my post you piece of shit.

You could have made a friend there if you weren't such an asocial bug man

>reading on the train
is there anything more pretentious more attention seeking?

She'll think you're a dead white male-loving litbro, ya inestimable dip

>is there anything more pretentious more attention seeking?
Using your cellphone while breathing at the same time.

Last nite, while riding the midnight train, a young lad was reading infinite jest. Even the chauffer laughed.


Listen to the audiobook :)

Attached: infinitejestguy.png (1229x519, 286K)

Attached: infinitekek.png (1308x404, 64K)

>be me
>Lug IF in my backpack onto the train
>decide to flex on these plebs
>pull er' out
>oh fuck is squashed my seaweed and mustard sandwich on rye
>well whatever the school has a caf, can maybe buy some garlic bread
>crack it open
>spine makes a very audible crack
>everyone without earbuds looks at me
>"ayo is this nigga reading a fucking phonebook?"
>"actually, no, it's infin-"
>spittle up a bit
>"... erm, jest."
>"you mean that white male imposing his phallus upon the cultural landscape?"
>"I er, what?"
>"I hear that Federer-worshiping faggot hated dogs. I read that Lenz shit."
>"Actually no, he liked-"
>"Just what exactly was his problem then?"
>"Yeah, who writes a book that big just to justify his own being?"
>"Sounds like a manual on being a little bitch, user."
>get so flustered that I leave about 30 mins to my destination
>get stabbed by a gang of early morning hoodlums eating bagels
>use the pages of the book as gauze to absorb the blood

literally read anywhere. stop being a fucking cuck. don't give a fuck about other peoples opinions. Read thus spoke zarathustra first so you won't be so much of a goddamned cuck you literal herd-tier garbage

dumb book

Somebody post all those old pics of people with way too many copies of it
I recall one where a guy set up his bathroom sink with like four of them as decoration

kek please someone post these they sound funny


>suggested to english majors by their SJW professors
Not a single professor ever recommended that I read Infinite Jest.
In my time as an English major, the book was mentioned exactly three times by my professors who were shitting on it.

Why do people shit on IJ?

Wallace was a genius and I have a feeling lots of people laugh because they don't understand calculus 1.

Literally brainlets.


what'd your professors at the time have to say about it?