Why do so many adults read books written for prepubescent children? It seems like YA Fiction is what the majority of readers are interested in.
Is it some psychological complex where they wish they were still children or something?
These books don’t exercise the brain like literature does. It’s like eating candy instead of a steak.
Why do so many adults read books written for prepubescent children...
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>Is it some psychological complex where they wish they were still children or something?
Yes. This is particularly prevalent in the United States.
I think the reason this is, is because of the level of academic rigor expressed these days . There are various sorts of systems still set in place also to make women, especially vulnerable women insecure.
If ever there was a man who depended on women that were secure, they would appreciate his dependence and return the favor
I don't think that anyone expects those books to be anything other than entertaining genre fiction. I don't know why they don't read genre fiction for a slighty older audience though.
Don't forget booktube is peak consumerism
Arrested development. They would rather read the same cheesy kid's book over and over instead of reading something that might alter their worldview.
most people aren't interested in their intellectual development. They think "I finished school so there's nothing left for me to learn". For the vast majority of adults, their free time is filled with entertainment and the best entertainment is that enjoyed through the eyes of a child.
Is this a bot?
I am inclined to judge these people, but then I think about my dad. He liked reading Harry Potter a lot and generally reads crime thrillers and such. Why should this man, who raised his children and works hard to provide for his family and their future, have to "exercise his brain". He is certainly no idiot, he has a Phd in Physics. Why not let him enjoy his simple books. Why should I expect him to come home after a long day of work and open a book that expands his worldview or "exercises his brain". Let the man enjoy his books.
I am glad to know he is blissfully unaware of any judgement you pretentious fuckers might pass on him.
Based and Jamespilled article about this very topic
Your dad sounds retarded. A normie with his head buried in the sand under the excuse that he deserves it from being a hardworking boomer who had crotch goblins and managed to raise them. You should be ashamed to be called his son
It's just the female equivalent of adult men watching anime, they intentionally want the simple stuff
Lmao hell, no. A lot of animes have adult themes that go beyond mere entertainment.
t. unironically posts pic related on Yea Forums.
I meant the cute girls doing cute things part of the anime fanbase. The target audience of these series is adult men. I should have been more specific. There certainly exists a subset of anime fans who want their entertainment very simple and naive, it's part of the appeal for them.
I mean some days you just wanna sit back and read. Like do I think people should read other, more "exercising" books? Yeah, but there's nothing wrong with a little indulgence
No it's not
Universities (at least in America) have deteriorated considerably. People can barely read or write.
I graduated a couple years ago from a pretty respectable state school, and I will admit my essays were rife with errors, but professors didn't correct them because I was better than the majority of people, had a clear thesis and closing statement, didn't write run-on sentences, had decent paragraph breaks, didn't write comma splices, or misspell anything. I would get above a 93-95% on every paper.
There are two philosophies of grading in American universities: one is that you mark every mistake made, and the second is you mark only a few of each type, so that the student isn't too discouraged. The latter is the grading style that has become more popular in the last ten to twenty years because young people are pansies.
In my last two years I took classes with an old school professor who did his PhD at a top Ivy. He would grade the former way and I would get papers back that were filled with red pen, but I actually learned and stopped making errors because I at least knew what I was doing wrong. He was the exception in the department and students would complain about him all the time but I thank God for that based old grump and the fact that he wasn't scared to give me Cs until I stopped making mistakes.
I feel the same way. I rushed out a paper for a political philosophy course that got an A-. It was less than 2/3s of the required length, did a piss-poor job with one aspect of the prompt, and I didn't really edit it. I feel like I got away with a crime because I wasn't sure it would even get a passing grade. I go to the (supposedly) best university in my country.
I once wrote a 5 page paper on this book for Operations Management class. I didn’t even read it and was given 100%
>Eliyahu M. Goldratt
>Over 6 Million Copies Sold
>state university
Oh no no no no AHAHAHAHAHAAA
With the exception of University of Chicago, State unis are far more respectable than the “prestigious” private universities these days.
Most people are idiots. This has always been the case. It just so happened that for most of history most people were illiterate. Now that we taught even our morons to read, they choose to read idiotic garbage meant for children. This is no real surprise to me.
Something like, say, Turgenev isn't supposed to be some 'exercise' that you have to do like eating your greens. An intelligent, discerning adult should read something like that for pleasure, and get little pleasure from something as infantile as Hunger Games
Because there is no such thing as "exercising your brain". You can use your brain, and you can learn things. Neither one is exercise, or analogous to it.
If it isn't "exercise" in the sense of actually being remotely like exercise, do not use the word. Perhaps you should read more books until you can express yourself properly and use words that convey what you actually mean.
Have you ever read something that legitmately strained your brain to accrue into your stored knowledge? Something that not only did you have to reread time and time again to fully comprehend but seemed to jump out of your brain as you tried to process it all at once, merely because your brain couldn't quite maintain a solid grasp of the idea being conveyed to you? Like you couldn't follow the thought process easily at all? If not you've obviously never read any serious philosophy or anything requiring any of the strain required to workout a muscle, like the brain.
You don't know what exercise actually means do you?
Cope. You can find fault with them all day long but they've still got smarter, harder-driving students and more productive faculty by and large than the lower-ranked schools.
>but they're too liberal!
>but they let in a black guy who I don't think is smart enough what about meeeee
Guarantee your information on the elite schools comes from right-wing media outlets with an interest in anti-liberal propaganda. Most people are just at those schools to be as productive and paid as they can get.
t. know a bunch of state-school "superstars" who can't hold a candle to the average Ivy grad
that was a terrific read, thanks for posting
No idea what you were trying to say there, I don't know of a single man who depends on a woman, I feel like that is very rare. Women don't usually provide much of value, like my wife, she is great, I love her, but in no way do I depend on her. I feel like this is the normal mode for most women.
I know this people all too well.
The worst scum in existence, bunch of rabid npcs
Delusional. Pull your head out of your ass, faggot.
I have several "friends" with professional degrees who operate on people at the best hospital in my state, work in top 50 law firms, and help run a major city government, and think Harry Potter is the best book series ever written. The worst of them seems to otherwise be fairly competent, yet she has a bigger hard-on for J.K. Rowling than the most depraved sexual deviant ever had for anything or anyone. Her husband is almost as bad. Whenever I try to talk about anything, from literature to history to politics to religion, they will find a way to insert some Harry Potter reference. I've started to loath Harry Potter, even though I read the books back when they were published and had a fairly neutral opinion of them. I'm worried that I might be developing some sort of neurosis.
Please, tell me what part is delusion. Did your alma mater offer you a path to front-office employment at a bulge bracket bank? How about a big-three consultancy? When people from your alma mater go to law school, do they go to T7 schools? How about their rate of acceptance to the handful of Philosophy PhD programs that offer a real shot at being a tenure-track professor?
I'd be fascinated to know what you mean when you say "respectable," because the above are all direct products of respect shown by consequential people and institutions.
They've been conditioned into it. Why? Probably a combination of reasons. Simplifying expectations makes marketing and production cheaper and easier, for one thing. Marvel movies can probably be churned out by a genetic algorithm and some cgi libraries soon with little effort from humans.
I think there are more insidious political goals involved too, namely that books like Harry Potter cement the idea that Just Being You is heroic, and that difficult moral decisions are entirely unnecessary for the good guys. Harry wins in the end on a technicality where Big Bad just accidentally fucking kills himself, because that's what happens, evil will just collapse on its own as long as you keep Just Being You. Harry doesn't have the cajones to kill a genocidal maniac that murdered his parents and friends but it's ok because the guy violated a technicality and now he's fucked himself.
Some tankie friend of mine pointed out the similarity there to how milquetoast neoliberals, i.e. the most rabid fans of Harry Potter, expected the FBI to TOTALLY OWN Trump and are absolutely shocked that it didn't happen. They wanted to sit back and watch him fall apart himself on a technicality. These are the people who see him as the world's single greatest evil, who cried and screamed at his election, and who actually go out and make signs explicitly calling him both Hitler and Voldemort, but if someone assassinated him they'd call that guy even more evil for having the mettle to do what they couldn't.
>expecting a reply to your well-reasoned response in a bait thread.
Why do people watch stupid, sappy, cheap entertainment like action movies and television sitcoms? Because it's easy, requires little thinking, and doesn't challenge one's bubble.
I've noticed this phenomenon occurring in pretty much every near-genius-level person I've ever known (which is only a handful). It goes like this: their work, for which they are highly educated and which requires a tremendous mental effort on a daily basis, keeps their mind almost red-lining for most of their waking hours. If they don't ease off the gas and stare at a dumb screen for a while, they either cannot sleep or they have a mental breakdown.
I have a relative who designs computer parts - capacitors, transistors, etc. - and his favourite show is Married with Children, perhaps the most low-brow sitcom in history. It's about balance.
>designs computer parts - capacitors, transistors, etc.
Well, truth be told, that's not some proof of a great or even sightly notable intellect
Well, of course. People with real jobs, friends and actual fulfilling lives are too busy and happy to lose their time engaging with a 500+ novel full of esoteric _references_ that no one actually cares about.
Because they just aren't as big brain as you are, OP.
in reality anime is worse than children's literature
This seems to be more of what it is, I used to read a lot more before I started my business, now when I come home for the day if I'm not interacting with my wife doing real things, I'm usually looking at Yea Forums memes and youtube garbage while I eat. It is a stupid waste of time but there is only so much deep concentration and mental energy I have for the day.
That was pretty good. Thanks for the link, user.
>in no way do I depend on her
Emotionally and sexually
Not really, but you can think that if it better helps your world view. Just so we are clear,
>Def, a person who relies on another for support
I don't think I have ever relied on her for support for anything. At least not in anyway that I couldn't get from any of my other friends. And sexually I could just get with someone else, so I don't really depend on her for that either, dependence implies I couldn't do without her.
>depends emotionally
bahahahahahahah women really think this is a real thing.
I think the assumption that the words "fun" and "enjoyable" apply only to YA fiction, and that "adult fiction" or whatever you want to call the alternative is nothing but an exercise in discipline and intellectuality is complete fucking bogus.
>the female equivalent of a $0 yboy
Kill it with fire.
Married with Children is the most socially acceptable outlet for frustration with fembots, desu.