
im looking for a book about how we should all fucking stop posting about religion on this board and how there should be a /phi/ containment board or something but there isn't so fuck every single on of you dumbass pieces of shit any recommendations?

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OP, the book you are unironically looking for is The Holy Bible

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fuck you


i was being serious. learn something about religion and philosophy before rejecting it out of hand, silly. and the bible and other sacred texts are most definitely literature.

Your fortune: Outlook good

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God doesn't exist. It seriously baffles me how people are this retarded. I understand 500 yaers ago when things like tornadoes and shkt couldn't be explained. But now when someone believes in god i just know they're an idiot.

fuuuccckkk i've read parts of the bible im reading the mahabharata i dont give fuck just shut the hell up fuck you
holy fuck look at this thread already can we please just have a /phi/

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>assumes something exists because there is no proof regarding whether it does or does not exist
you're completely fucked mate

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Those books don't prove anything. Give me evidence, like a fucking picture of him or sth. These books are just more retarded stuff that brainlets like you read to feel smart, to reaffirm your beliefs. Although every logically thinking person can see that god isnt real.

>assumes something exists because there is no proof regarding whether it does or does not exist
That's actually how it works buddy. Don't you assume tomorrow will exist? That every bit of knowledge you've gained in your life will still be true? That the world will Be, rather than not?

We're talkin real epistemology here guy. You can't throw knowledge out simply because you have an emotional bias. That's not the behavior of a scientist or a philosopher.


>That's actually how it works buddy
im not your buddy guy and i honestly don't give a shit about you please go to /phi/
>We're talkin real epistemology here guy
im not your guy buddy shut the fuck up and take your pink elephant theory out of here this board is for adults

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You're exceptionally arrogant in assuming that people 500 years ago had a lot less knowledge than us. People knew what tornadoes were. The laws of thermodynamics and the atomic theory were first put to paper when the library of Alexandria was still standing. Doctors in ancient Egypt knew as much about medicine and the human body as doctors did in the 20th century. Paul of Tarsus and Aquinas were more intelligent than nearly every human in history.

Perhaps if you took off your fedora you would realize that there's a lot more to the belief in God than intelligence.

Just don't browse when Americans are awake, problem solved

his arguments are pretty clear. you should just read the book. i try to read the perspectives that oppose my own. that's how i am so certain im an atheist. can we please get this CIRCULAR DISCUSSION off of /lit? there's a thread every fucking day with the same talking points. every day. exactly the same thread. FUCK YOU

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Mere Christianity by CS Lewis

i assume its from of mice and men fuck you get out

The same standards used to get God out of our societies would take a whole lot more if taken seriously, making me believe that some folk had a problem with God moreso than their 'standards' not being met.

God exists. And He isn't interested in us until we become interested in Him, in Him exclusively.
Do you understand what I am saying? Ex-clu-sive-ly! Twenty-four hours a day. Your hearts and minds filled only with God.
There's no room for anything else. No room for free will, no room for liberty, no room for emancipation. "Free yourself from God", I've heard people say. "Liberate yourself from God." But the pain of liberation is unbearable, sharp enough to kill. Without God... you are as good as dead. Dead, abandoned stray wandering the streets.

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fuck you
