Is this the defining work of the late 20th/early 21st centuries?

Is this the defining work of the late 20th/early 21st centuries?

Attached: fangednoumena.jpg (550x837, 172K)

yes, the 20th-21st century is when humanity lost its mind completely


Let’s be honest for a minute here, Fanged Noumena is fucking shit.

about a quarter of the way through and i'm starting to think so

Offer an alternative.

It's gibberish. Not worth anyone's time.

Some of it is genuinely inspired if you're into art/literary criticism, his essay on trakl's rats is amazing. As philosophy its trash, but as neolemurian time sorcery its p dope


Brainlet detected. If you don't have a large philosophical background and are up to date in contemporary Kantian work don't even try or you will embarrass yourself like this fucking brainlet.

Fucking mentally retarded. I should come to expect this kind of crap from Yea Forums fggts but you never cease to amaze. Literally every take that reaches consensus on Yea Forums, if you do the exact opposite you will be in good hands.

On one hand I want to read Nick Land, on the other hand I don't know if I'm up for reading the prerequisite 10,000 pages of philosophy needed to begin to understand him

Hi nick
Noone wants to read your amphetamine induced schizo writings

Not Nick Land but I am a big fan of his work. Read everything he has ever written, it changed the way I view the world and altered how I think about politics dramatically. Maybe that makes me retarded, idk but I feel like I got a lot out of his work.

like what
there's no point just saying "He changed the way I view the world"

>On one hand I want to read Nick Land
Why do you want to read him if you don't even know what he's writing about

That's totally right but it is also defining work

Haha yeah. Crap writing and stupid

Because when I've read broad overviews or distillations of what he talks about, it sounds very interesting

Damn, one year ago this thread would have had 300 replies in 2 hours, looks like this meme has become boring.

Details. How do you view the world? How do you view politics?

>gabidull zo bad id gud
>We must imagine the Boomers happy.
What's so hard to get?

Attached: GABIDULL IZ ZENDIEND.jpg (171x266, 17K)

just be a taoist, trying to game the system by going "beyond language" is pure cringe, as is holding political praxis

Friendly reminder that digits are consistently opposed to capital spermatazoastrians.

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this will be the defining work of the 22nd c

so i can intellectually justify my hatred of black people


Sounds pretty brainlet and morally depraved, my friend

exactly the same here, he turned me ultra right. The phrase "Nick Land hates nazis, because they are too left for him" is right, he was the first (and only) one who opened my eyes in regard to the leftness of nazis and national socialism. literally EVERY OTHER person thinks they are politically right. He just sees so .... clearly.

>capitalism is right-wing
>fascists are left-wing
Yet further proof that all accelerationists are retards.

Attached: Ped Rog Zendiend.jpg (170x217, 16K)

>Capital is a blip-term.
>Sentience is incomprehensible.
>Only the parasite is important.
>Capital is a useful term.
>Sentience is cryptography.
>Only the new terms are important.
Definitely not, and as proven in the form the new terms are only worsened and worsening.
>Each parasite nurtures the host through comprehension, giving the parasite a measured time to become autonomous and then breed.
Not at all. If you worship cybernetics you should at least attempt to understand it. Cybernetic biology is on a whole other level.
>But capital is not merely converting the host.
Okay, possible but irrelevant considering the framing.
>It has been informed of the impossibility of the task of seeking autonomy - just as humans discover that space is not an ocean, nor the sky, that we now go nowhere without the earth.
Okay, but no, and definitely not. I am Flat-earth theory become Earth Trash Compactor (TM).
>What propels this home out of orbit and into the west is the long day after the suns death, a blip itself in which a term strikes another goldielox planet.
Neo2001 arrives from bent space now flat and frictionless. Whatever.
>This I call the omni order breeding spermatozoa.

Perhaps our Kantian expert can help us out here. What philosophical laws and rational precision do I have to understand to get something that is so patently false? The philosophy is a house of cards built on Apple IIe solitaire. Sure, it will never fall, but that is because the grounding is entirely false and does not allow for any other players.
And to return the discussion to philosophy, why is it that an anti-humanist relies upon a singular law of human creation? Why does he try to reduce the cosmos to misanthropy, one which opposes positive law the more it anthropomorphises itself? Or in simple terms, why is cosmology such an Anglo? If capital is truly sentient should it not have rid itself of its national sentiments long ago? It appears that, in his work, Angloism has parasitised Capital and subsumed it to a sado-masochistic autonomy. Quite a curious form of valorisation...

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left collectivists = commies, nazis (practcal commies), democracy

right = monarch, governing board of corporations

>accelerationists actually believe that the driving force behind runaway progress is also the solution, and therefore right-wing
Lmao, you can't make up shit this good.

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I read Phyl-undhu because I I was starting to feel kinda let down by Noumena.
Turns out it was actually good.
Stuff in the Noumena is kinda fun but with the likes of cybergothic its kinda pointless to try to read any meaning in there if you aren't on several levels of drugs and accelerationism (both are equally harmful to you)

if its the defining work in literatur in 20th-21st century.
it would probably be pic related.

think it says a lot about how our society is willing to subjugate and oppress itself to the rich people, becuase of how sexy it is.

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>monarch, governing board of corporations
this edgelord NRx / trudildong / seen-the-fascist light nazi philsophy is simply even more world removed and unrealist than the alternatives. Don't waste your life working towards something you know will never ever see the right of day

if we're looking at the defining work for the field of literature as it stands in the 21st century, pic related
if we're looking at the defining work for 21st century society in general, this but for different reasons

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The most frustrating about lefties is how absolutely intellectually arrogant they are, just like righties.

That's your problem, you use your intuition as a basis.
For example to a rightie, transexualism is as removed from the world.
>b-but that
No no, anything you'll explain/justify is no more different than a rightie doing the same.

Everyone is "OBVIOUSLY CORRECT" when using their intuitive/moral/obvi senpai lens.
It's cringy to say the least.

I think that this is a huge misread of what the text says but I guess you can feel that way if you want.

> As philosophy its trash
Did you even try to read what he says about Kant. I would argue this is the most 'correct' contemporary reading of Kant available. I don't think that is disputable.

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That would be Infinite Jest

Nice quads

This monstrosity vindicates everything Rand ever said about Kant and that pisses me off. Cuckitalism has enough boons.

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>I think
Wrong again. Make up your mind, accelfags. If capital really is sentient you can stop posting and get back to your wage cage.

Well, the important thing is that you've found a way to feel superior to both.

I don't follow. Not even sure if you're saying I'm right or left.
I also don't try to be confrontational, I just think it's a long shot.

Can you sketch a breakdown of it?

>Land says his book is good and that he's one of the greatest philosophers
Wow, you totally sold me.

Brainlets ITT dare to think that they can doubt the great and powerful Nick Land

Land doesn't even agree with most of his old work, he would never say that Fanged Noumena is a good book. Why do brainlets complain about philosophers they have never read? Between this thread and the Bergson thread Yea Forums has genuinely embarrassed themselves