What does it mean?

What does it mean?

Attached: BigDot.jpg (4313x2952, 2.5M)

It means let's have a party.

The dot has been interpreted as Leopold entering into the void of Molly's (the great mother, the Shakti, etc) womb. Doesn't matter really because any interpretation is likely to be wrong. Just look at the dot and reflect on it. Maybe even picture Joyce going round n round in a circle with his pen. Just think of how far Leopold has come, how exhausted he is, the magical effects of the 2 am hour, how imperfect the world is, and him finally falling asleep as the river of Molly's consciousness and forthcoming soliloquy (the most important part of the book) are about to start flowing.

books are for nerds

well there you go.

le abril booools!! xD ebin posts guys

Ngl staring at that dot is a pretty trippy experience. How did Joyce even come up with stuff like this? Your character has to experience so much before you can just throw a big ass dot like that in there. Thanks for the post btw

Thanks for reminding me of why this is my favorite novel. Is the Wake seriously better than this? I love Joyce and I've read everything up to Ulysses and all the smart alecs say to keep going and read Finnegans Wake but it's literally incomprehensible.

in what world does the black dot NOT signify the void

It might not have a 1-to-1 symbol. When I read it I honestly just felt the weightlessness of my brain. Similar to emptying your mind when you meditate but with the added pleasure of tiredness, meaninglessness, and the feeling of the dark universe swirling directly around me. One of the most best moments of reading I've ever had.

How do I into Ulysses? Do I need to read anything besides Portrait and The Odyssey?

Ulysses is the better book, but there are passages in the Wake that are in a league of their own. If anyone has ever written a perfect sentence, it would likely be Joyce in the Wake.

maybe the bible and shakes

There are characters in Dubliners that are in Ulysses as well, so it's worth reading

Complete drivel

Sleep, sex, death, all of the above yet none specifically or necessarily. It is well to remember also that "nothing" was slang for "cunt" in Shakespeare's day, and as such an endless source of metaphors about the life-cycle.

>This is what Academics study in their Ivory Tower while receiving $10 million grants from Harvard

Hey hey you're a monkey!

it doesnt mean anythng lol

starting ithica today

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