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Hidden Gems Thread
Other urls found in this thread:
Have you ever heard of "Siege" by James Mason?
Raise High the Roofbeam, Carpenters - JD Salinger
The Nose - Nikolai Gogol
Arguably - Christopher Hitchens
The Nose. Yes. Also Taras Bulba
Rope Burns, F.X. Toole
Boat to Redemption - Su Tong
A story of a social reject being stomped by society in nearly every endeavor, also his dad cuts his own dick off.
Stinky Steve
idk about hidden but
Hard rain falling by Don Carpenter.
Pov of a criminal going back and forth between crime and prison, inner monologues are really good, has a noir feel to it, an user here recommended it to me after I asked for books that give a "true detective" feel.
How the heck is Taras Bulba hidden?
It's still a gem though.
>that hose
Academics won't teach it because of muh anti-semitism
The house on the borderland and the night land by hodgeson.
These days i read mostly short fiction, one of my favourite short stories is The Spider - Hans Heinz Ewers, a great writer who has been out of favour for a long time due to be one time part of the nazi party though leaving it due to the anti-semitism, go figure
Yes, it's a fetish of mine.
muh fuck you
incredibly based
The book about a woman constantly lying about things just to get a rise out of a man she flirts with all day
I found it the same time I found the Nose. But you could be right. I found out later Bukowski loves Taras Bulba
I like that short story too user. I read it to kids over a campfire.
>also his dad cuts his own dick off.