Hidden Gems Thread

Post yours. Let's discover together.

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Have you ever heard of "Siege" by James Mason?

Raise High the Roofbeam, Carpenters - JD Salinger
The Nose - Nikolai Gogol
Arguably - Christopher Hitchens

The Nose. Yes. Also Taras Bulba

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Rope Burns, F.X. Toole

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Boat to Redemption - Su Tong
A story of a social reject being stomped by society in nearly every endeavor, also his dad cuts his own dick off.

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Stinky Steve

idk about hidden but


Hard rain falling by Don Carpenter.
Pov of a criminal going back and forth between crime and prison, inner monologues are really good, has a noir feel to it, an user here recommended it to me after I asked for books that give a "true detective" feel.

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How the heck is Taras Bulba hidden?
It's still a gem though.

>that hose

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Academics won't teach it because of muh anti-semitism

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The house on the borderland and the night land by hodgeson.

These days i read mostly short fiction, one of my favourite short stories is The Spider - Hans Heinz Ewers, a great writer who has been out of favour for a long time due to be one time part of the nazi party though leaving it due to the anti-semitism, go figure

Yes, it's a fetish of mine.

muh fuck you

incredibly based

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The book about a woman constantly lying about things just to get a rise out of a man she flirts with all day



I found it the same time I found the Nose. But you could be right. I found out later Bukowski loves Taras Bulba


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I like that short story too user. I read it to kids over a campfire.

>also his dad cuts his own dick off.

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