Have huge feeling for girl in creative writing class

>have huge feeling for girl in creative writing class
>upcoming assignment is to make an extensive piece of literature dedicated to something,someone, or some reason with purpose
>basic fucking writing assignment due in a few weeks
>Write a nearly 20 page epic poem dedicated to the most beautiful girl I've ever seen
>Spend day in and day out perfecting this poem
>Use some descriptions that pertain specifically to hurt and make it very obvious who it is about, but not obvious enough that you would guess it outright if you were not her, herself.
>Deadline rolls around
>The way we judge each others papers is each assignment is swapped, traded and shuffled in class to keep the judging unbiased
>After a few short stories copies of MY poem are handed out(we have to print copies for everyone). We spend a few minutes reading before judging and I can already see the shock on her face.
>Prof: "Alright so who wants to go first?"(critique)
>Crush:"Me, first thing I'd like to point out *rereads a few verses* this is absolute garbage poetry, it doesent rhyme, the theme is incoherent, and the tone brings a lugubrious mood that makes the whole thing a bore. I've caught a few bibilical and shakespeare references in here, but the thing in total is a muck mess and it was a pain to read
>tfw I nearly blacked out
>tfw I don't remember the rest of the day besides staring a ceiling tile completely deaf to everything else
>tfw I worked sleepless nights, 15 hour days and reread tons of prose to make the best and most accurate references to her
>tfw my prof and everyone else loved it but I can careless as the only one purpose I wished to please just indirectly spit in my face and crush my soul
>tfw i've picked up a speed addiction and switched majors to philosophy because I could not last in that course with constant heartache
>tfw I wrote one last poem that same night at around 4 in morning and mailed it to her

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You should have interrupted her and told her in front of everyone that it was for her.

I'm too much of a beta to put her and myself in a position like that, I also have a thing where I mumble alot when I get nervous,emotional, or just talk too fast so I woudve fumbled over my words with a bit before ever being able to confess something like this.

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I feel you lad. Keep working at it. I had a similar experience (didn't write a poem though lol) and it turned out she was a lesbian. Oh well, who needs real women when you can carve a perfect being from language?

Did she really say lugubrious? Jesus. You dodged a bullet mate.

Don't worry OP, this event boosted your angst for you to become the greatest poet of the 21st century. Why would you like such a horrible person though

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She sounds terrible. I wouldn't really beat yourself up over it. It may not have been the best idea, but you still out yourself out there. We've all done dumb stuff in the past when crushing on a girl, it's just part of being human

If you pulled this off it would have been a balls of steel level move

I once unknowingly critiques my “crush’s” poem. Though not in a derogatory manner, but still, I wanted to jump through the window.

This reminded me how much it sucks when you stop having these feelings

Lol this

>tfw I wrote one last poem that same night at around 4 in morning and mailed it to her
Show us then, friend


Maybe she hates herself and you highlighted all of the things she hates.

>creative writing class
How about you take Grammar 101 before doing that you faget.

song for feels OP


Post the poem

>develop a feeling for butterfly
>she goes and does something with someone else


My only defense is that she was lying. Which is very plausible :3

She has lied before

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And no butterfly, no.

I don’t work for lyft :/ it was just a saved pic on a cpu I was on

This. I’ve known no attraction to a girl beyond fleeting carnal lust for at least a year

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She probably realized you were talking about her user. I don't understand why, but girls absolutely hate it when guys obsess over them from afar. Like, nothing is more unattractive to a girl than that for some reason.

sorry, when you type things like this the story just writes itself multiple thoughts overlapping eachother(I should have double checked though your right).


Post poem OP

When I get home today I'll find where I left it in my journal, I promised myself to never show any prose I write ever again but you guys have convinced me she was a total bitch so im not so down anymore :).

>she was the first girl i've "loved" since sophomore year of HS, and I could not manage to be more than acquaintance to her so I just obsessed myself with her image till it pushed me over the edge with this little ploy; I like philosophy better now anyways.

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Same shit happens but all the time because I am beta enough to get anxious when I even talk to my family. I have been self introspecting for awhile and realize I have an extremely fragile ego and no self esteem. What books should I read as a self cognitive therapy that could fix this problem anons? I found meditations by Marcus really helpful. Stocisim in general is extremely.helpful. but what else is there?

she noticed the poem was about her and freaked out, it was too much for her to handle at once.

we've all been there.

you did nothing wrong. you've got to live passionately in this world.

Unironically world war 2 memoirs. Comprehending the sheer amount of wasted potential in all those dead young men makes you loathe to waste your own.

This. OP was, at the least, acting Sincere.

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...and that's how the Divine Comedy was made.

Your story is that you wrote a long poem for a creative writing class and a girl you have a crush on didn't like it. Nothing in the history of the world has ever mattered less. Stop being such an inconsequential pussy for christ sake.

>acquire typewriter
>busk at local events improvizing poetry and/or prose
>make cash+improve writing skills
>forced to socialize with random strangers, able to talk about and empathize with virtually anything
>meet lots of people

If you go down this road (which is hard and sometimes downright humiliating at first, but quickly becomes incredibly fun), I'd advise you also keep copies of everything you write (using carbon paper or your phone's camera) to keep track of your progress. Hashish helps.

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>it's an user plays tough and acts like he's never had a crush on a girl before
where does you interest in art come from if you have no respect for sincere emotion?

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The fact that you're balls deep on new sincerity's dick is almost less interesting than OP's story about his poetry class going badly.

You're an annoyance and a bore

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>I'm so basic I only care about a pretty face
Kill yourself, shitskin.


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I don't know what lugubrious means but I think I remember Biz Markie using it in a song once.

You made more errors in this response than anywhere else. Honestly your writing is shit and I would guess that the hottie was right.

>when I even talk to my family.
That's where it originates.

Rec me some good books in this senpai

okay, I went into this thread expecting some horrible cringe that would leave me baffled at the state of incels, but that was actually pretty brutal. fuck that bitch, I hope she eventually realizes how horrible that was

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> having romantic feelings for women
And that's where you're wrong, kiddo.

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if you're going to discriminate based on sexuality at all, this is how you do it

same boat

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The Japanese understand the world.

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is this a pasta? It reads like one.

>using the world lugubrious
iit things that didnt happen

>tfw people think you're gay because you're single
i just try not to go outside

> not being gay in 2019

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Fake. Women are not that critical beyond "I didn't like it :/ "

I can tell you already havent been in a writing class in a uni, its literally all woman and their critiques are just complaints to cope with their incompetence of misunderstanding, op prob dident even write something bad if everyone else liked it, she must have noticed.

>t. MA in English

>biblical references
>shakespeare references
You're obviously an angl* and should therefore kill yourself

I have been rejected like that as well, OP. I realized that we often fall in love with women that don't give a shit about us because they are pretty. It is better to find a girl that loves you from the start and try to help her grow into something more beautiful. That is what I did. Her devotion is remarkable. Find a love worth dying for. Give a girl a chance. She may surprise you.

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pretty sure everyone does this though

Don’t talk to LARPing stalker trolls.

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Why are you a faggot? Cute whores do nothing for my heart, I understand it's simple carnal lust. On the other hand women that are on the same wavelength as me make me diamond hard even if at first sight they looked ugly and make my heart aflutter.
Unless you are such a bad person you are on the same wavelength as a vindictive whore.

IF he could have pulled it off that is. That is quite a fucking task, might have ended up with him getting disciplinary harassment action from the uni if he fucked it up or was ugly.

You home yet, OP?

Wow OP, you've sure exercised your "creative writing" skills here. Can't wait for you to post your 20 page epic poem that you really have actually written.

OP will not deliver.

op clearly wants it to become one
I don't think it's worth becoming a staple but I guess it can be worth derailing a cancerous thread with some time
also checked

I want theodor adorno to dissect this image

user, you're based as fuck and that girl is a cunt, especially if everyone else loved it

Alpha move scotty!

yup, browsing Yea Forums, relaxing. I spent 2-3hrs trying to post the small poem before making changes,adding/removing stuff, changing imagery, and changing the line breaks; it just turned into something that it was not a complete stranger to the original. If I post it its going to be changed to something that its not and edited in various ways to cope with my anxiety for disapproval and the fact that I have a unhealthy emotional value attached to it. It's best not to post shit if its not gonna be what you guys asked for, I rather be honest. Anyways feel free to throw shit at me if you expected anything, what can I say im a disappointment

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How's your relationship with your mother?

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Better to have tried and failed than to have not tried at all Op.

I still feel pained thinking about the girl in my chemistry classes who I never even asked out. Had I known she we was going to transfer colleges I would have mustered up enough for one attempt knowing that I’d never see her again if she rejected me. Never got her last name or number so I could never find her again...

No one has come close to her beauty. Not to say that her rubenesque body was particularly remarkable (although it suited her well in my eyes), but she had the most beautiful face I’ve ever seen. Even without makeup and covered in sweat (All the Bio labs were nice and cool, but I guess chemistry got the short end of the stick.) I couldn’t help but stare at her when I could hazard a glance. And such a gentle disposition, the sort who lacked that vindictive and spiteful spirit that modernity seems to breed...

stop it, get some help

I've never met a gay person that wasn't an NPC. I think gay people are sort of enslaved to their lust, and it kills their ability to think independently.

you're unironically based

Here you go, buddy

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What a fucking beta cuck lmao

Most likely possibility; she probably dejected the poem because it struck her at her deepest. If she was the only one who didn’t like the poem, it’s probably on her. Odds are, she’s been abused with respect to the traits you so admire, OP. Just keep being a man if you want to win her heart. Men don’t stare at ceiling tiles or feel sorry for themselves after they’ve given an honest effort. Don’t let a women level your virtue.

1. This never happened
2. This definitely never happened
3. The fact that OP still hasn't posted the poem proves this.
Why do derive pleasure from imagining yourselves in degrading scenarios. I really don't get it. You're really pathetic OP. Normally I don't comment but damn breh go to r9k with your cuck fetishes. Bitch ass nigga.

there are a ton of fake greentext on here but op's scenario can be easily very real, if you've ever been in a writing class with sjw's or a cute girl you like chances are this shit has happened;happened to me. Also people don't post "sad" green text they post degenerate shit like saying they are depressed,'confirmed' schizo, "I wEnT to a MEnTaL aSYlum fmGuys" or your average doomer shit about not doing shit in life, atleast this one is subtle with its moroseness.

>Even if it is fake its one of the better fakes imo

pls deliver oh pee

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>rubenesque body
>body like a reuben
>body like a corned beef sandwich
>body like a roast beef sandwich

Do better.

>post poem now user
>so we can laugh at you
>and save it on our hard drives
>and doxx you, potentially
>thing you are sad about will be used to mock you for the next few decades

>20 page epic poem

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You never really know someone, bro. Keep writing, but don't do this to yourself.

>be me
>17 at the time
>creative writing class in senior year
>one wednesday we had a little activity where we'd draw names from a hat and write a poem about the classmate
>didn't even need to rhyme, just needed to sound good
>got some rando girl, write it -- whatever
>when everyone finishes, teacher reads them out loud then says who it was written about
>gets to mine half-way through
I've known you since grade 3
Grade 3 I knew you were different
You didn't have many friends, but you had a few close ones
We never had a full conversation, but I know how smart you are
You laugh with your friends in class and I want to ask whats so funny
I don't and that's okay
You are cool
You work out, but you are not like the other guys
You work out because it is to better yourself -- other guys do it to show off
You've found something you enjoy and it has made you more confident
I have seen a huge change in you since grade 3
>shit warmed my heart like nothing else

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>everyone siding with OP instead of his based crush
You should let her put you in a chastity cage OP