How would it be possible to inform our descendants for the next 10...

How would it be possible to inform our descendants for the next 10,000 years about the storage locations and dangers of radioactive waste?

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stop worrying and love the bomb
people think it brings death and destruction, but it really brings hope and renewal

put skulls all over them, they are timeless symbols

>The whimsical skeletons and skulls for Day of the Dead are a playful symbol of life after death

Skulls alone could send the wrong message... a knife in the skull maybe. Or a 3 picture sequence of the skull exploding.

>3 picture sequence of a skull exploding

Knife is better. Sequential art has only been a thing for a pretty small section of history.

In 10,000 years we most likely would have gone through at least a few global nuclear holocausts, I don't see this as a problem.

>but it really brings hope and renewal
How can you place so much faith in man?

A given human culture can go in any direction especially in a destroyed world where conditions may be very different to the past. Our cultures today are an example of that. Skulls won't last, you could leave signs of skulls but who knows how they might interpret them, there's no measure that will 100% inform them that this place is dangerous. They might treat it as a shrine or respite, depending on the structure, for example.

That would be a genius sci fi concept. The altar of their god is rAdioactive waste that mutates them

There's an excellent documentary film on this exact topic, it's called Into Eternity

Breed glowing mutant catgirls to kill anyone who gets close.

Not really genius at all

Just put it 10km below the ground, anyone capable of going that deep will understand radioactivity.

Yeah how about we just send it all to Venus while we're at it right?

Years ago Ruskies got that deep. It's certainly viable and it's cheaper than what you are suggesting.

Yeah let's spend tens of trillions of dollars digging a gargantuan hole underground ya fuckin retard

Are you merely pretending? It's not nearly as expensive.

Maybe you guys would like this book

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I'm just hoping you're merely pretending to be a clueless moron

Make it part of public records and put up signs. Like we are already doing. If they degenerated so much that they can't figure it out themselves then who cares.

how do we know there is uranium in the ground now ? They will know the same way we do, and if they cant figure it out a few will die until they figure that this thing kills them like we did.

>humanity making it past this century


Pictures of two dicks touching each other.

if our descendants don't have a sense that can detect dangerous levels of radiation, then they don't deserve to survive. jesus, just glue a friggin' Geiger counter to the back of your head.

>but who knows how they might interpret them
Fun fact: hundreds of thousands of Iraqis died or suffered brain damage in 1971-72 after eating seed wheat that had been treated with mercury for fungicidal purposes because the skull and crossbones symbols all over the bags meant nothing to them.

It's really no biggie. We have around all sorts of toxic waste that WON'T decay over time and can't be detected as easily as very radioactive materials.

We should get back to plutonium pacemakers - these things will outlive you (half-live of 88 years) - you could fucking recycle them because they survive cremation. Lithium pacemakers last 10-15 years, and the batteries are then dumped, together with your smartphones and PV panels.

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