Literature that helps explain this phenomenon?

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America is the new shogun

nips are neutered pussies but arabs and north africans are men of action

the bell curve

le camp des saints

>As crime dries up
Fucking what my goddamn ass.

Yeah there's still a ton of crime in Japan. There may have just been one fatal shooting, but that doesn't say anything about all of the Japs getting their heads cut off by the yakuza.

Plenty of yakuzas in Europe in that case

Why are young swedes so violent?

>homogenous society
>culturally enriched society
There you go

is it really a crime, if it is based and legitimized by tradtions which are upheld by commoners?

Well yes it still a crime. It isnt legitimized by tradition, its 'legitimized' by fear and corruption.
All the pre-ww2 mafia figures are criminals as well, even if they were respected in their communities.

>if crime is tradition, is it crime?

The Koran

Japan is a nation with mostly homogeneous culture and a grand narrative that unites all.

Sweden is specifically aiming for the opposite.

Based retard who hasn't been to Japan.

Isn't Japanese society on the verge of collapse?

The Yakuza would be gone tomorrow if the average Japanese citizen had anything to say about it. I don't know really know enough about the topic to give an opinion on it, but my guess is that they have ties to every wealthy person in the country and it's just far too hard to get rid of them

Financially and reproductively, but not when it comes to social cohesion. Low crime rates, no riots, no muslim rape gangs.

Yes. Because it's crime.

If Japan is such a healthy society why is there so much depression, alienation and general not feeling fulfilled with life. Crime is nice not to have but it doesn't mean the world is perfect

it's hard not to think that all these well off countries took on all of the immigrants because of hubris and not actually because they care, and not it's biting them in the ass

You can say the same thing about the UK of US

Immigration isn't a problem. Stop going on /pol/ so much.

I wouldn’t worry about it

I blame anime.

yeah,no, you don't need to go pol to see the negative effect of mass immigration. Who wants his country to be filled with aliens that are either stuck in low skill jobs or defect to crime ?

Everyone everywhere is depressed, depression and misery are fundamental blocks of human condition. I'd rather wallow in my self-loathing in a safe, clean society, surrounded by videogames and anime, rather than a crime-torn rape-infested shithole, fearing that a tolerant muslim might burst through the door any second and fuck me to death.