What literature will teach me how to have "empathy"? I don't understand it. It seems like a hindrance...

What literature will teach me how to have "empathy"? I don't understand it. It seems like a hindrance, but others disagree.

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you don't want it, stay away

Okay then. Apparently it can't be taught anyway. I just don't know what people mean by it.

Sure I can understand that slapping someone will cause them suffering, but am I supposed to feel the slap too? It sounds silly.

fuck off edgelord but like my post first💢

Empathy? HA! May I remind you where you are, chum? Yea Forums.org!

I cant help but think empathy makes you weak.

No you are supposed to cause them surfering and feel sorry for them. You develop empathy when you see a reflection of yourself in the other person and their situation.

"empathy" can't be taught kid, it's like asking someone to describe love or anger, it's an inherent human trait, something caused by your mirror neurons. Either you're too dense to know it, or too narcissistic. Either way there's something seriously wrong with u, consider suicide.

It really depends. Having more empathy can lead to making better ties with other people and leading to better "survival" chances.
Of course if you are a little bitch about everything then you also couldnt do anything aswell. So the answer is still pretty left out in the open for me.

Is there anything more cucked than raising a daughter?

So I should only pity those that I see myself in? That makes more sense. I value those who are similar to myself.
Why should I feel sorry for those I cause to suffer? I decided to make them suffer, surely it is against myself to then feel bad about it?

I'm not dense, it's just difficult for me to grasp it -- something seems alien about it. I don't intend to sound like an edgelord.

It does you retard, stoicism is the ideal for a man, feelings are of the body and not the mind, and are therefore the way of women and goats.

>stoicism is the ideal for a man😂

Laughter is for the unkempt

Nobody values what you have to say, shut up


Haha, I made you hurt. I notice and enjoy that!

Is this empathy?

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Stoner by John Williams. Once you realize that even seemingly boring people have had their ups and downs in life, their passions and tragedies, etc., it becomes much easier to empathize with them.

Its not really about just giving value to those who are similar to you in a similar situation phisically. Its about trying to understand their view and situation. Someone who never had a girlfriend could feel empathy for someone crying because they have been cheated on since they can very well imagine that situation on their head happening to them.
>Why should I feel sorry for those I cause to suffer? I decided to make them suffer, surely it is against myself to then feel bad about it?
Im not telling you this is some imperative that you must obey. Empathy arises naturally and if it strikes when you are ready to punish someone then you'd naturally change your will to not punish them and instead forgive them. If you feel no empathy when you are about to strike, then do it as your will tells you to.
Im talking more about seeing other people suffer, not you punishing them. If you decided to punish someone then your will of punishing them already surpassed the feeling of empathy.
Empathy is not a moral and it naturally arises altering your desire, its yours, not some external shit from heaven.

oh boo hoo, fuck them

Sounds useless then

Its not about utility.
What makes something useful for you?
I could literally place happiness instead of empathy and you could literally say the same.
Its not something that you can displace or stop using. Empathy, aswell with all of your other emotions that control and bind your desires are not really tools, they are you and responces to what happens around.
You say they are useless because they could make you from stop striking someone but i would say that if you felt empathy then your objective would be to no longer strike him since that would be your new objective instead.
Im sorry to tell you but you really sound like you have autism (in a non-offensive way) or you are failing introspection and thinking of wrong examples in your head.

So before striking, I will envisage a consequence in which I shall suffer as a result of striking the person? e.g some social shaming or legal implication? and then therefore decide against the action?

>e.g some social shaming or legal implication?
Not really, although those things also have an impact on the person's choices since they could be unethical, and his desire to be well recognized to others could clash into the idea of punishment, but that story for another time.
It would be a feeling of not wanting to do it simply, you know that after doing such action you would feel bad for yourself, unhappy, and the emotional reward would be bad.
I will repeat it a milion times. It is not an imperative; something external that is going agaisnt you, its your pure will that changes naturally, without knowning. The same way anger and need for power changed your will to lead you to strike him, empathy could come in aswell and change you to not wanting to strike him.

Lets say you have a puppy and he bites you. You start to slaping him and beating him and there escalating the violence, but it would eventually come to a point where the suffering you are causing to the dog and hearing his cries would make you think that it was already enough and so you stop beating him.
Same thing applies to a person to person punishment, but the violence itself stops right at the begining.

okay then? society will respond in kind and crush you like an ant.

>Tries to explain empathy by evoking society imperatives and their punishments as the ultimate way for not doing something unethical.
That's one way of turning people into psychopaths. That is misleading and you are not really explaining to him the feeling of empathy.
Empathy is not doing something out of fear of the legal consequences.

if you're going to act like a cunt to other people, then will likely treat you like dirt in turn. what kind of fucking autistic response is that:
>oh boo hoo, fuck them
like, have you never struggled through something and wanted advice, or at least assurance?

anyway im pretty sure you're either retarded or trolling, so im not going to waste any more of my time with this

Except they won't. I am charismatic and can manipulate just fine.

I don't know if this is joker satire or if the joker was just a really well made archetype.

and eventually the charade will fall apart. the winds will change, your looks will fade, your grandiose plans will collapse, your misdeeds will be uncovered, your friends and family will abandon you, and you'll die lonely and miserable. all because you couldn't give two shits about how other people felt. your point?

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I doubt that will occur. Those who fail make mistakes that I shall not.

>mfw edgelord normalfags don't realize that they're normalfags

>I doubt that will occur. Those who fail make mistakes that I shall not.
yeah I'm sure you'll do just fine

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Your assurance means nothing to me. I am all I need I'm decision making.

Dependent Rational Animals. There you go, you're welcome.

>tfw my gf is a diagnosed psychopath and feels no empathy

Feels weird, man.

Based Reese

does she like you tho?

user you are blind to reality without empathy. Following only your own desires without thought is kinda niggerish, isnt it?

I don't like the term "empathy", because it's biologically charged (either you have it or you don't) and whoever lacks empathy is considered somewhat ill. 'Compassion' is what you're looking for, because it is spiritual and as all things spiritual it can be learned.

Yes, she says that I'm the only person she can feel love and empathy for and cried once when I was telling her a story about my life.
I suspect she's a really mild case.

I have Autism Spectrum Disorder. In addition to a diminished capacity for empathy I also have difficulty determining the motivations for people’s behavior and discerning sarcasm. But I can tell you’re what’s commonly known as a “larper”, having fun at the expense of real people with real disabilities. That’s not very nice or funny and most people will think less of you for it. I realize that Yea Forums is one of the younger boards and you’re most likely in high school or junior college, but it’s also one of the smarter boards and I know you know better.

not being able to live with the fact that women like having sex too



>stoicism is the ideal for a man, feelings are of the body and not the mind
t. someone clearly very well read in stoicism