How are you holding up, Yea Forums?

how are you holding up, Yea Forums?

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Well, since I just did my monthly check on Bloom to see if he's still alive

I dunno, I feel fine, I guess, but I have serious doubts about my abilities as a writer.

I just remembered that I was supposed to be doing Camp Nano this month and completely forgot to prepare. Could be worse, otherwise.

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Struggling day to day with my innumerable variable perversions and lusts dragging my mind and soul in to the boggy mire

pic related, it's my mind

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>20 yo
>thought I'd always stay a newfag
>probably the oldest guy in this thread

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about as well as his skin on his face

Not good. Being torn between doing random things for randomness or waiting for an inspiration in order to find meaning in life.


not too bad. been drowning myself in hopeless fantasies this weekend. it might just become what I do over the weekends, but I hope not because it felt real shitty going to work this morning. not shitty in a I-hate-my-job kind of way. it felt shitty because the hopelessness of my dreams kicked in hard.

Does anybody here have anything to be happy about?

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lots of good books

I'm getting paid to sit and read books all day. Unfortunately it's minimum wage, but I don't really have many expenses. No gf, and currently no friends. Happy about the book situation, though, and at least I'm making money. There's a guy who works on the same street as me, and he seems to read a lot too, though not the kind of stuff I do. We have been having a lot of interesting conversations, which is fun. I guess we're friends? I don't even know his name to be honest.

security guard?


waaaah waaaah im 20 aaaaaa

i wish i was 20 you stupid fucking bitch

At 43 years old I'd say I'm in pretty good shape.

im 28, ive been on Yea Forums since 2010. here's one of the first threads i made in 2011. i dont know if it's hilarious or if it's cringe:

terrible. I can see the early signs of psychosis caused by all the reading I've been doing. I alienated myself and can relate to nobody I know irl. It has ruined my relationships with my family. I won't stop reading because of an inferiority complex

All is grace.

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I'm sad, but that's because I don't have enough likes

If you take what you read seriously I believe reading can be very dangerous

>can see the early signs of psychosis caused by all the reading I've been doing
How can i achieve this?


Books and visions of myself dying horribly and suddenly. Might sound morbid to some, but I sigh in relief whenever I have one of these. Reminds me to stop taking things too seriously.

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Doin pretty bad mang

so what is the "score" based on? no way it's the number of likes, i didn't get this many

click 'perks' and it gives you a quick rundown
how did you miss it? are you retarded?

Amount of activity, essentially.🐰

My grandpa's parting gift to me was insuring I would only have to go to work two days this week, meaning I not only dodged helping out with an elementary school dance, but also a shitty fund raiser that all staff would have been required to work at on Friday.

Pretty good as far as finances and work but in the middle of a pretty chaotic relationship which is draining me. I love her but she's totally poisonous and all my friends have repeatedly told me so.

>how did you miss it?
i don't read

I really need to get money.

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i need to write more, but i hate everything i put to paper. just end up scrapping it and move onto something else. i have tens of thousands of first paragraphs that ill never do anything with

not good, stuck at dino and need to get skeleton :(

extremely poorly

is there a reason that I should keep going through this hell?

It's pretty bad, man. All of my hopes and dreams have been shattered and I must give up on them. I'll end up becoming an extremely sad and depressed lawyer, looking like an old man by age 40.

You couldn't use the sad emoji?🙁

You have food, you have websites, you are fine. You can read and write.

wanted to flex
now like my posts💯

My nephew learned how to say my name, so that’s pretty cool.

Because you don't know what tomorrow or next year is going to look like. Even if you lived a shit tier life from ages 1-45, it would all be supremely rewarding and meaningful beyond your wildest imagination if at 46 it were all to be okay

Not too good my dude, not too good. Everything I was told about declining mental health during grad school is true, but its too late to stop it, so I just drown myself even deeper in my work.

About as well as that step he's sitting on. I wish I could give way.

I am recognizing small bits of progress in my writing ability, and it's come about from sheer writing, over and over, on various topics. The cliche that the best thing to do to be a writer is to write is true. And so is the second best thing: to read. I'm on my ninth book of the year now.

>About to graduate
>Passion for my field is gone
>Applied to grad schools, turned in half the apps late out of some kinda self-sabotage
>Need to apply to more jobs, haven't heard back from any
>Friend since childhood hanged himself in November and things have felt off ever since
>Sleep poorly, feel like I avoid it but don't know why
>Wake up apathetic and lethargic
>Can only motivate myself to exercise and read, completely ignoring classes, may end up failing and needing to take another semester
I used to be so happy

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Not great desu. Work is draining and I don't even get a break when I come home. I've spent so much time studying for my next actuarial exam. I have a chance to have a good career. But I'd trade it all just to be a NEET again and read all day. Couple this with the fact I'm alone. Well, that's probably the main issue. Can't even get girls to respond on dating apps, which is likely my fault. Yet another nail in my coffin.

What are you reading

become christian❌

I'm pretty zoned out and alienated from everything most the time classes are going swimmingly at least but I can't tell if the courses are easy or if I'm putting in bare minimal effort. I came from a community college of which I BTFO'd everyone else grade wise so there's that at least. I need some fun in my life, I want to hurt something. Stolen food tastes so much better than food that's bought from a place, you know? I don't know why that is? I've been staring at a 30 page paper on the problem of evil I need to read and write a summary about by Thursday along with another 14 pager. It'll finish itself like it always does I suppose. I think my family loves me still thankfully but I don't love them. I think if the newspaper told them I was unlovable they would believe that over me. I don't mention anything I read in my time to them, they would be terrified.

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Bad. I have been trying to ignore the fact that I am stupid for a really long time, but I have been forced to admit its truth after going to college. I have nothing left, as my social life and religion have already failed. I've basically been self-destructing, taking as much DPH as I can without going crazy. I started reading norweigan wood tho, so thats cool.

You claimed to be a 12 year old

Once you get rid of the need to be smart or anything at all you're free to live for the sake of living.

How would you suggest I do that. Meditation?

we'll see

you are popular!!! You fucking retard!!!!!

this, but replace lawyer with bridge jumping statistic

I'd fucking do myself in right now if it weren't for the fear of giving my ex the satisfaction of thinking I'm doing it for her. I'll never stroke that frigid bitch's ego again in my life, and if it means bearing with this abominable existence for a while longer until the timing is right then so be it.

Only two perks out of my reach now🐸

I made it through the day and I was able to get some writing done, so I feel pretty good about that. I had a severe case of mental paralysis for a while now. The desire to write was there but the thoughts just wouldn't congeal. I think it's partially because I've been doing a bunch of research lately so most of the stuff I've been reading doesn't make my brain sing.

I'm happy that the beer I'm drinking doesn't taste like shit and I'm happy that I'll be sleeping in a comfy bed once I've finished this beer.

>only nine
I'm kidding, of course.

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Reading too much philosophy at once will usually do the trick. See


Fuck, I'm a 2L and I feel you, bro. This shit is soul crushing as fuck.

been seeing this girl and I think we're going to have sex any day now and I have only had sex a handful of times and I'm afraid she's not going to like me cus I won't know what I'm doing.

I also don't have a dick to write home about but my main concern is she's going to think I'm a loser that can't please her and leave me.

I'm in my late 20s, I feel like I should know how to have sex by now.

I want school to be over


Take peepee pill

better if I made skeleton

this is like a francis bacon sketch

starting to care less, a small part of me is worried about eventually not being able to care at all or not as much as i used to, but I'm apathetic towards that part. for the first time in my life i feel a part of me disagreeing with who i am

kek thats ruff

I keep waking up with bruises and bloody knuckles. I think I am assaulting homeless people and I don't know why but I can't stop.

books for this feel?

ive stoped masturbating and drinking and am not entirely sure why or how ive managed this

Eh I'm not happy, but things could be worse. That cheers me up a little.

This is your mind on reading.

I'm about to graduate college and have no idea what to do next

Holding up well. Got pic related in the mail today.🐸

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Nice drawing user, I love OCTs. How's your Greek?

My Greek's all right. I've been working hard. I love the OCTs as well, but I wish OUP did higher quality bindings. They're bound like the Biggles books I read growing up...

Doing great

Don’t do this You won’t feel great about anything

i swear these threads always get deleted after i post

im barely hanging in there lads. im sick of working in an office. i sit there for 8-9 hours a day and im exhausted. im sick of organizing and optimizing and researching and doing paperwork for other people.

i wanna build stone fences or something like that

im sick of this life! i have no time, no friends, no money and ive been nowhere and done nothing

my greatest adventure was living in another province for 2 years before going to uni and getting a shit do-nothing degree

>reddit spacing
urk, jannies please cleanse this filth

Willpower. Congrats.
Age will wear down your interest in masturbation regardless.
Substance abuse rewires your brain. Stay sober, man

That sounds tough, user. Working such long hours is very hard. I hope things improve.
come here and suck my dick newfag, I'll fuck you til you love me you faggot

Let us go forth and destroy capitalism together!

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>reddit spacing

im just typing lad. and it doesn't look like reddit spacing when im typing in the replybox

Nice! I'm starting Greek next semester, which I'm excited about. I've done the barest bit of self-study on my own, but it was hard going without a teacher or organized curriculum.
And I hear you on the binding, it's a real shame. I prefer the look of the older ones that were more in line with other OUP editions, but those suffer from the same issue.

thanks friend

i just wish shit wasn't so futile and unsatisfying

I just don't know anymore.

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My wife is pregnant with our first child and I finished reading a book today. A bit nervous about starting a new job in a couple weeks but overall life is good.

what book

Good job, user. I don't care what race or religion you are. You are fulfilling your duty as a man.

The Secret History, I wanted an easy and fun read. It was pretty enjoyable.

>our first child

nice, here's a tartt for you.

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Thanks, I really had to raise myself up to being a man and I can honestly say this site actually helped me.

She’s the best.

If anything happens try to find a way to withdraw for the semester using your friend's death as the reason why you've failed. I had a friend claim depression when he failed and it worked for him.

Rolled 4 (1d6)



I say "doing great", but I could be better. Work is a debtors prison that takes the majority of your life away.
I want out

>tfw no dino🙁

Funnily enough I had to do that last spring. I'd stopped going to classes for a few weeks, eventually stopped leaving my apartment or even eating for days at a time. Some anonymous friend reported to the school that they thought I was going to kill myself, and they brought me in to talk to the Dean of Students and I admitted that I probably was. They made me withdraw and go to a therapist before I could come back. It didn't really help.
My parents seemed confused about how to feel for a while and I think on some level assumed I was just being a little bitch, but then Carter hanged himself and I think they couldn't stop picturing the same happening to me.

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Much better now thanks!


I am not happy but not sad either. Just numb and bored. Might jump out when I get drunk enough next time or wait a bit longer and see what happens. Not gonna last much longer though. My alcoholism is taking its toll recently.

Add drinking a whisky bottle every 2 days and smoking a pack of cigarettes everyday while drinking 8 cups of coffee because I only sleep 4 hours per night and using weed to calm down in the weekend to that equation and thats me all right. I regret the fact that I went for an office job every single day but now that I have my own appartment I cannot quit otherwise I will not be able to pay my rent.

well im allright iguess cant feel shit but at least i have my memories to lagh @ tratoirs

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