Whom do you prefer?
H.P. Lovecraft vs Edgar Allan Poe
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Poe never wrote anything good, he's rightfully nearly forgotten by history.
Fairly certain that he's still taught in every english and literature class
t. harold bloom
I prefer the novels by H.P. Lovecraft but think his short stories are vastly inferior to the ones by Poe. Poe's poetry is also dope.
Yeah I remember reading Poe In grade 11 and 12, At least in Canada and the U.S he is taught. I don't really have a opinion on him but I remember the scene a heart was beating under the floor but it was just the main character going crazy while talking to the police. Anyone know the short story?
The Tell-Tale Heart
Telltale Heart. I remember reading that in middle school, then having a pop quiz on it during college when I had forgot to do homework reading. Thankfully the prof picked the most memorable poe short story.
The Purloined Letter and Arthur Gordon Pim are essential to western canon
t. Borges y Eco
Yeah, some Yea Forumstizens have made fun of me for enjoying his poetry, but I can't help it; not only is it extremely fun to recite, it also carries a phenomenal extract of the romantic spirit which I have never found anywhere else. Aside from his most famous ones, "Annie" stands as a favorite of mine.
This is a fine tribute: youtube.com
I completely agree user
Rob Chambers is superior to either.
The Tell-Tale Heart is one of the earliest examples of stream of consciousness in fiction, so that's pretty cool
also "The Purloined Letter" is one of the most inventive short stories of the last 200 years
also he had some interesting and weird aesthetic ideas about short fiction vs longform which is quite interesting
poe was hardly a master stylist but his poetry has the imaginative force and romantic intensity to makes him stand apart imo
The eldritch writting monster that is H.P LOVECRAFT.
Poe, and it's not even close
has anyone read pic related? I like Poe but frankly it looks like shit. Amiwrong?
dude his meter and rhyme scheme are so good
When, long ago, the gods created Earth
In Jove's fair image Man was shaped at birth.
The beasts for lesser parts were next designed;
Yet were they too remote from humankind.
To fill the gap, and join the rest to Man,
Th'Olympian host conceiv'd a clever plan.
A beast they wrought, in semi-human figure,
Filled it with vice, and called the thing a Nigger.
is this canon in the mythos?
They teach Poe in schools.
He is more talented and his prose and poetry are superior by far.
Lovecraft has more philosophical value and more important role in pop culture.
Poe by far
Lovecraft had some fun ideas, but his prose is dry, boring and just kinda bad
Poe was also much more versatile and just an objectively more talented writer
Lovecraft never wrote novels tho...
Is this a joke or do you consider At The Mountains of Madness long enough to be a novel ?
>Th'Olympian host conceiv'd a clever plan
>two uses of ' in a single verse
what a talentless hack lmao
I heard Land wrote some cosmic horror stories, anything good/worth the time in there ?
underwhelming prose
I don't have a problem with it conceptually, but he didn't need either of them. Poor execution.
What is it about these two that draws people to compare them?
Sounds like something I could read in a critique thread
Going by the word-count standard, At The Mountains of Madness IS a novel. (A novel is a book of more than 40k words, ATMoM has 41k lmao)
AtMoM is his only book long enough so I'm still right !
He never wrote NovelS, but just a single Novel.
He wrote The Golden Bug, so shut your whore mouth.
Leon Bloy and Shirley Jackson, they dispense with the supernatural gimmickry and give you true horror, familiar and real
Lmao fair enough
king in yellow is overrated af
Their fiction I like just about the same, but as a critic, Lovecraft is way better. Poe's idea that short stories are the best medium because you can read them in one sitting, is really stupid.