1 Like = 1 *schniff*

1 Like = 1 *schniff*

Attached: 21573_slavoj-zizek.jpg (2100x1361, 1.34M)

Nah, fuck that

1 Like = 1 Washing of the penis

Attached: images (2).jpg (254x198, 6K)


1 like = 1 cigarette smoked

like this post 100 times to give me lung cancer

Attached: IMG_6327.jpg (780x545, 99K)

jordanvsslavojdebate . com

> Dr. Jordan Peterson & Slavoj Žižek
Time: 07:30 PM
Date: Apr 19, 2019
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Like this post to die instantly.

How do you get likes

gotta be cool like me, check out all the likes i get for this cool post

1 like = 1 lobster

did you guys catch his latest stream?

Attached: zizek @ twitch.png (800x500, 237K)

do you think he has the uncontrollable schniffs because he's a brap poster in his free time?

almost there!


1 like = 1 amphetamine fueled psychosis

Attached: 198384.jpg (171x266, 12K)

I would prefer not to.

It ish not exactly a like. You know, when you "like" someone's post it ish not this grand gesture of "Oh, I really, really like this post" and sho on. What ish really going on, you know, behind the act of clicking "Like!" and sho on is this idea that "I dislike all those who did not post precisely this comment." It is only in the act of giving, how you say, (You) that you truly like a post, because that ish when you are truly engaged.

Attached: 12 Years a Slavoj.jpg (507x390, 74K)

1 like = 1 dragon dildo up my butt :3

1 like = 1 suicide attempt

Attached: dfw.jpg (330x412, 57K)

1 like = 1 eternal recurrence

Attached: Nietzsche.jpg (469x600, 35K)

2 likes = 1 dialectic

Attached: hegel wizard.jpg (342x525, 22K)

Scorelets will never gain my secrets

Nice, a thread for me to vent.
We all know that the point system is set against the white working man, who broke his back today while less productive others were able to accumulate massive points.

Also notice the point multipliers associated with certain flags. Middle eastern 1.2x multiplier, central and South American 1.8x multiplier, African 2.0x multiplier, Israeli 2.2x multiplier...

if you tell me the secret ill give you a like

I gave him a like for free.

Socrates and Plato were CAVEMEN

